Twin Dragons Comic Dub [Wave 2]
beepva for Kaya Romero [Lead]

Kaya is the fraternal twin of Kai. She likes singing, music and video games. Not a ‘sportsy’ type like her brother. She can be a little hyper when excited or when she had too much chocolate. Chocolate is her favorite food ever! She’s easy going, has her head up in the clouds at times. It may not always look like it, but she adores her brother to bits, and refers to him as her big bro, even though they’re twins.
She is a 14 year old dragon hybrid, and through the webcomic she will turn 15.
- english
- female child
- all english accents
- female teen
- 14 years old
- Thoughtful
[exhausted/annoyed. This isnt the first time this has happened]The town's priest started exorcizing me. [exasperated] Again!
[Overjoyed] HELL YEAH! We're moving! No more exorcizes! Lets celebrate with chocolate milk!
[Mischievous; Your brother suggested since you are moving to prank the neighborhood You are making suggestions] Throw Eggs and toilet paper? Wrap their gardens in plastic? Set all the alarm clocks at 2:30AM?

Thanks for the audition and the quick correction! I enjoy the energy that you brought, the different tones, and pacing changes! If I had to pick something to nit pick it would have to be that it sounds like you over noise reduced which might have caused you to lose some of the tones in your voice! Other then that really good job!

i didn't noise reduce, but that is a common issue with my mic's muffler, actually! (thankfully i can easily take it off pff) :0 you have good ears haha XD thank you so much!! i had a lot of fun doing these :>