

I am looking for anything and everything! I want to try my hand on all things VA. Long-term, short-term, videogames, audio dramas, Lets try them all! And lets try them all together! Allow me to be the voice your looking for!

Joined Aug 2021 2 Following0 Followers
About Ellington

Howdy, my name is Ellington. I have recently have gotten back into the swing of continuing to try out voice acting! All my auditions are public so if you want you you found me and like some of the voices I do but its not quite right, please browse my recent auditions!

  • Need me there live with the script writer, producer, director, or other voice actors?

    That isn't much of a problem for me! Only thing I need to work around is my job but naturally I have days off and ill gladly take the time to listen in or be there to preform digitally in front of you!

  • Like what you heard from the public auditions?

    If you are looking for a voice for something and you liked the way I sounded in my auditions. Please give me a shout on my messages here at CCC, or shoot me a message on discord as I have it listed on my profile! If your worried about requests and pricing please look at the "pricing" area in my profile! I bet you'll LOVE what you find!

  • Worried I wont accept your discord friend request to chat?

Dont hesitate to send me a friend request so you can talk about your project to me if your interested! I accept all invites!


A lot of jobs (if not all jobs) I will gladly do for free. As of now I am currently working to build up my repertoire and gain more experience! 

What Ellington is looking for

Anything that can put my voice to the test. Game characters, extras, narrators, voices for animated characters (both human and non), podcasts, so on and so forth! I am willing to try my hand at anything!

  • @thecoolchubster

    Great voice work! Lines were high quality and was done very quickly!