Kill/Cure: Beautiful Vice (RECAST)
Nathan Moore for Bizarrosaru
Note: For the roles of Kokorosaru and Bizarrosaru, we encourage interested voice actors to audition for both roles.
[Vice Counselor at Bitokukawa Academy]
Age: Child
Gender: Male/Female
Accent: North American
Voice Type: Medium-high to High pitch, evil, mischievous, terrifying, thunderous voice, speaks with a demanding cruelty, mascot-like, boyish
“Bizarrosaru is known for causing mischief and trouble whenever he appears. Unlike Kokorosaru, he likes to poke fun at his students and enjoys the chaos unfolding. Yet he also never breaks any rules he set up.”
- english
- female child
- male child
- north american
1) (Mysterious, dark, and vengeful. A mastermind speaking to an unknown listener behind the scenes.) “You deserve to die. You are a shallow, impotent little creature, incapable of humility or introspection. Your life is defined by superficial relationships and uninspired dreams, all of which will slowly wither away under your own self-importance.”
2) (Angry at being mistaken for Kokorosaru, his counterpart.) “Koko!? KOKO!? Don't you DARE mistake me for that insufferable, saccharine, spineless, uninspired excuse for a mascot!”
3) (Note: “Kichichichichichi” is Bizarrosaru’s laughter. Gleeful and cruel while forcing the class into a killing game.) “Kichichichichichi... I can't wait to see who will die first! Should we start taking bets? My money's on the one who deserves it! HIHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
Wait.... uploaded under the wrong monkey. Will correct.