Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] (Main Roster)
Devin_DK for Kei Asuma / Chaos

Voice Range: Mid Range Pitch
Voice Clip Example: https://youtu.be/AWgDLwEd_E8?t=5
Chaos is the brains behind Amnesia's activities and its de-facto second in command as its operations officer. He was recruited into Amnesia shortly after his transformation into an in-birth when Gordeau invited him. While frequently called a shut-in and an over-thinking brainiac, Chaos has helped Amnesia tremendously with his insight. With Roger's death however, Chaos temporarily diverts his attention to helping Gordeau track down Wagner, the Crimson Knight of Licht Kreis, while also doubling down in helping Hilda achieve her goals of becoming a re-birth. Before joining Amnesia, he was somewhat infamous for being a stubborn, yet incredibly powerful fighter who relied on pure strength, under the nickname of "Bloody Chaos". While generally friendly and proactive to his allies, he has a habit of looking down upon those he considers less intelligent than he is.
He appears to have a cool, calm and calculating attitude under normal circumstances. Being a general tactician, he tends to overanalyze even the simplest of situations and doesn't view himself as a strong warrior, and as such, hopes he doesn't run any enemies that'll pose a threat to him in battle. Despite this, he shown to be quite fearless, noted by Carmine and shown by Chaos when he confronted Merkava alone.
He tends to worry about Gordeau and his rather headstrong outlook to the point that Gordeau tends to tease him about it. Chaos also tends to be very superstitious, holds himself in extremely high regard and talks down to others, acting out on his own agenda without regard from anyone else (other than Gordeau and Hilda, of course).
Despite working for Amnesia, after Gordeau defects from the organization, Chaos secretly assists Gordeau from the shadows. It was said in his profile that Chaos was once a trouble-making delinquent, who used only brute force to fight, until he redeemed himself and eventually resorts to intelligent-tactical combat.
“Well now, my opponent is an Executor of Licht Kreis, huh? And, that way you carry yourself, though you’re still so young. You must be highly ranked…”
“That strategy employed earlier. A giant melee with several participants… I thought it was a clever strategy with reason behind it. Did you come up with it?”
"My sight, the road in front of me suddenly twisted in form. It’s not that the road itself was bending, but my vision of it was. The traffic lights blinks red, like the hazard lights at railroad crossings. It seemed like the entire town had red paint splattered and spread all over it. I shouldn’t be hearing anything, but there’s something ringing within my brain. Some sort of resonance? A headache? This strange noise would not stop. Just what is it…? My eyes and ears overwhelmed, my mouth drying like sand, blood rushes unpleasantly through my body from my heart beating so hard, it felt like it would burst. Various and sudden abnormalities covered my body. The chills worsened, and my movement slowed. I didn’t even have the strength to stay standing."