DragonLight Online AudioBook (Audio Adaptation of Fantasy Novel)(New Main Roles Needed!)
Hawke's Howl for Katie

An adorable but deadly loli. Katie is the partner of Jack, though usually wanders off without him and is able to take care of them both on her own. She loves cake, maybe a little too much, and is obsessed with an NPC by the name of “Eli”. People constantly make fun of her height and the fact she looks like a child, though she has the power to shift into a large dragon. She wields two dual katanas and keeps ninja stars in her outfit. Age 20
(Angered, Annoyed) "I am not a loli!"
(Confused) "Spencer are you proposing to me with a fucking chicken nugget?"
(Calm, Happy) "I may be desperate and short, but Jack is a friend and he will stay that way. The day I say yes to him is the day the world ends... well I mean he's kind cute... just shut up Kira!"