Danganronpa V3: Remnants AU Comic Dub Casting Call
pompk / sugartealeafs for Jataro Kemuri

Jataro Kemuri is a character in Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls, and his title is the Lil’ Ultimate Art. He is quiet, shy, and scatterbrained with a curiosity and fascination for dark and disturbing things. Jataro is recognized by himself and others for being hated, and he seems fine with that. He often blames himself for things he never did, as well as repeatedly apologizing and putting himself down; especially when it comes to his appearance. He believes that his face is ugly and he panics if anyone wants to see it, claiming that seeing his face would make people's eyeballs explode, hence why he wears a mask over his face at all times. Jataro's thoughts are disorganized and off-topic, some being innocent and some not, and he often has difficulties following conversations. He is shown to have some sort of mental or emotional instability, which becomes evident when he lapses into his episodes of rambling. He describes these ramblings as "yawns", things that come out of his mouth involuntarily and nobody can understand them, not even him. He calls them just "killing of time" and a "distraction from the horrors around you". Jataro's presence is often largely ignored, though he states later to Komaru and Toko that being ignored is something that he doesn't like. Despite the constant self-deprecation, Jataro is self-described as being a cheerful kid (though he admits that he may not understand what "cheerful" means), helpful to friends, and willing to comply with whatever they ask of him while remaining relatively upbeat. It's revealed that Jataro's acceptance of hate is a coping mechanism he developed against the constant abuse in his home life. He believes that it's easier to be hated because it leaves him free to do what he wants without worrying about pleasing people.
I think the creepiness in his way of speaking in the ENG is fitting, but I do prefer the more "innocent" and higher-pitched voice from the JPN is also something I wanna aim for, so I definitely am looking for a nice blend between the two for his voice!
Voices for Reference (ENG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAJyxlktV3A
Voices for Reference (JPN): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbea9ObuRas
- english
- male child
- male teen
- neutral
- nonbinary
- androgynous
(Sound a bit panicked at first, but as he realizes what he says near the end, sound a bit more calmer and in deep thought.) "Ahhh, oh no! This is such a bother... What if my good image is soiled by this? What if people avoid me all the time, and I can split them like Moses? ...Oh. That actually sounds pretty good..."
(One of his scared rambles when asked/pressured to take off his mask. Try to sound he's on the verge on some sort of panic attack as if he's trying to shrink away and escape the situation he's in.) "N-No, you can't see! Anything but that! If you see my face, your eyeballs are gonna rot off! It's the truth! They're really gonna burn right off! I-If they don't, then... Then why did she force me to wear this mask? Why was I forced to wear this stuffy mask every single day!? I'm just that horrible... I'm just so ugly and hated... More than anyone else on Earth. I bet my head just got really twisted cuz the doctor pulled too hard when I was born... And then, my skin pores got all crushed, and my hair got ripped, and my face got pulled... And my ears are just barely sticking to my face, like meatloaf thrown up onto a wall... And my lips are inside-out, and my gums are dry and rotten and brown... And my nose is just a shriveled little lump of meat... It must be horrible! That's why she was ashamed to show me to people! "You don't look like other kids." That must be what she was talking about... If you see such an awful face, your eyeballs are gonna get crushed and you'll faint!"
(Jataro's introduction. Sound upbeat and cheerful, but also a bit dazed if there's a line where he seems like he's dozing off and says something out of the blue.) "Ah—wait... can I practice my introduction beforehand? You know how when you stare into moving bicycle spokes, you get all scared? Like, for some reason, you imagine how painful it would be to put your hand in...Oh, um, my name is Jataro Kemuri. And bird skin isn't yummy no matter how you cook it. I was really good at arts and crafts, so they called me Li'l Ultimate Art. If it's arts and crafts, leave it to me. I can remove nails, and varnish, and things...I do the Priest thing for the Warriors of Hope...Oh, and also, I wonder if aliens exist."