NEW Blush Blush - Looking for Anime Game Actors
Richard Gibson for Ace

Ace is a sweet and socially awkward jock who has a thing for baseball. A BIG thing for baseball. We want him to channel pure himbo energy, and be comfortable delivering puns. Large vocal range is preferred as during this character’s arc he is a bat and then a human. Bat voice (Gullible line) can be squeakier, and human voice (other 2) should be deep.
- english
- Sporty
- male young adult
- warm
- Himbo
- kind
“Can you help me with something? The guys on the team told me that if you say 'gullible' slowly, it sounds like 'oranges', but I just don't hear it! Guuuuullible... Gulliiiiiiiiiblllllllle..."
“How on earth did I get so lucky as to meet you? I mean, I was wearing my lucky socks the day I messaged you. And the day I met you in person. And today.”
“Angel, I have an important question for you. Will you... be the president of my fang club? Heh heh.”