Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2: Infectious Devotion (MAIN CAST VOICE ACTORS)
DunderVa for Emiliano Russi - Ultimate Rakugo Artist

We require you to be 18+ to audition for this character.
Emiliano Russi (pronounced Em-ee-lee-ah-no Roo-see) is known as the Ultimate Rakugo Artist.
Born and raised in Italy, Emiliano found no success in anything he did. He considers himself the disappointment of his family, and his twin brother - someone far more successful than him - only made him spiral even more. While he found temporary happiness in things he could smoke, he also moved to Japan where he found what he considered an "easy job" in Rakugo. Luckily, he has a vivid imagination which aids him in telling colourful and zany stories. Where does he get his ideas from? That's a company secret, but you can probably buy it from him. Just keep it discreet.
Voice Requirements
Emiliano Russi should have a medium-tone voice with a heavy rasp to it, akin to that of a smoker.
- male young adult
- male teen
(Finding it difficult to explain) "God, how do I explain this. Imagine like, one guy on a stage tellin' the audience a dramatic story. The Japanese love it, you do it anywhere else and they look at you like you're on drugs!"
(In denial but boastful) "Apparently I'm the Ultimate Rakugo Artist, crazy right? Like, I'm actually successful enough to be at the fuckin' top? Take that brother!"
(Pissed off) "You tellin' me we been here for a couple hours and no one tried the OTHER door? You lot gotta be shittin' me."