Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2: Infectious Devotion (MAIN CAST VOICE ACTORS)

Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2: Infectious Devotion (MAIN CAST VOICE ACTORS)

Project Overview

The sequel to the popular fangan: Danganronpa: Desperate Heart is here!

A whole new cast, a whole new killing game, and a whole new story set one year after the events of the first series. Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2: Infectious Devotion is a direct follow-up to the original, this time following Charlotte Berry and 14 unique Ultimate students as they participate in a deadly game of life or death, little do they know, a, earth-shattering plan has been taking place in the background, and it all links back to the first killing game...

What format does DR:DH2 take?
Just like the first series, DR:DH2 is a visual novel video series on YouTube in an episodic form. Each chapter consists of 10 episodes each between 12-20 minutes a piece, with 6 chapters in total, plus a Prologue. Upon the beginning of a chapter's airing, episodes are released 2 times a week both on Tuesdays and Fridays in a live premiere.

What Can You Expect From Us?
Regarding the output and speed of progress on this project, chapters usually take 3-4 months to develop, so if you are cast you can expect one script per chapter that you are in. Line submission periods range from 1-3 months long. The prologue for DR:DH2 is already written and upon casting you will receive your first script 1-2 days after the cast announcement.

Auditioning and What We Are Looking For

All of the artwork, writing, and editing is done by the sole developer of the project. However, voice actors are still required for the voices of the eccentric cast of characters. This casting call consists of 13 of the main Ultimate students, 3 especially important mystery characters, and 1 side character. Roles will have dedicated information giving you descriptions of each character's personality, role in the story, and voice range. Keep in mind the voice range specifications will not be strict; flexibility and creativity are encouraged. We want you to have fun with the characters. You also do not have to have seen the first fangan to audition, but it is recommended if you plan to watch this one.

Voice Actor RULES

We do request that you meet a few requirements in order to be eligible to be cast for this project:

Please do not audition if you are under the age of 16. Danganronpa itself is rated this age, and the fangan itself contains content that would be akin to the original series and therefore not suitable for anyone under this age. A very small number of characters may be labeled as 18+, this means that those aged 16 or 17 may not audition for those characters due to their nature.

Be able to meet deadlines. Do not audition if you feel as though you will be unable to meet deadlines ranging from 1-3 months. Excessive extensions and missed deadlines can lead to frustration so we would rather avoid situations like that.

Be aware of your audio quality. We expect a certain level of audio quality in auditions, if your audio isn't intelligible or you have substantial background noise, unfortunately, your audition cannot be considered. We do not expect crystal clear by any means but please be mindful.

File types are not restrictive. We do not mind which file type your auditions are submitted as, though MP3, WAV, or M4A are preferred.

Multiple takes are not mandatory. Feel free to do as many takes of each line as you like, or only one, as long as you do every line it is not essential that you do multiple versions.

Ensure you are an active Discord user. Staff operations and communications are done exclusively through Discord. This means you will need to add your Discord username to your audition notes and also ensure you check it somewhat frequently so you do not miss any lines or important notices.

Keep in the Loop

No auditions will be cast before the deadline ends. To keep up to date on all updates and information regarding casting, and both this and the previous fangan: We encourage you to join our public Discord server:

You can also visit our YouTube channel to catch up on the first series here: https://www.youtube.com/@danganronpadesperateheart

Danganronpa: Desperate Heart and Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2 are not affiliated with Spike Chunsoft and are fanmade projects.

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

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    We are no longer accepting auditions! Today I will be re-listening to every submission and deciding on our full cast. Again, announcing first in the Discord! Good luck to everyone, we had around 508 auditions total which is insane. It’s going to be super difficult to pick.


    There is just over one day left until auditions close!
    We will no longer be accepting auditions at midnight on March 5th.
    To be the first to know who got in, please join the Discord: https://discord.gg/xGcdNEV6

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tomochi Kukurin - Ultimate Cryptozoologist
Role assigned to: HajimeVA

Tomochi Kukurin (Pronounced Tom-oh-chee Koo-koo-rin) is known as the Ultimate Cryptozoologist.

His specialty comes in the study of cryptids. Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Mothman, actively believing and pursuing these beings has caused him to become well-known for his exploits in the discovery of creatures of urban legend. However, he's a bit of an outcast among his peers and therefore struggles to maintain lasting friendships with other people. Tomochi tries his hardest to convince those around him that he has in fact come into contact with many cryptids in an effort to seem cool, and he is always on the hunt for the chance to possibly get with.... a girl.

Voice Requirements

Tomochi should have a medium-tone voice with an element of rasp and vocal fry.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • (Cocky, slightly flustered) "I'm sure you don't know what that means, do ya? Well, obviously I'll explain it, it's a tough concept to grasp really and most people don't believe me."

  • (Argumentative, trying hard to be convincing) "N-no, they're r-real alright! I've SEEN them. All of em. I've had so many encounters, it's crazy! Me and Bigfoot, practically colleagues, y'know!"

  • (Accusatory) "Oh, ohhh, I know you! You're the snowglobe yeti! I'm right, aren't I? See everyone, I WAS right!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bahmin Sankaran - Ultimate Astral Projectionist
Role assigned to: Trina

Bahmin Sankaran (pronounced Bar-min San-kah-ran) is known as the Ultimate Astral Projectionist.

Contact with the spirit realm is also a key component to the talent of Bahmin. With her Astral Projection, through an out-of-body experience, she can cross the mortal plane into the world of the deceased to both see and interact with those of the dead. However, she views these encounters not as an enlightenment but as a burden. She feels her unwilling presence while sleeping aggravates the spirits and this has crept into how she feels around real people, meaning she sometimes needs reassurance that those around her do in fact, want her there.

Voice Requirements

Bahmin should have a medium-high tone voice and should sound somewhat consistently timid.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • indian
  • (Composing herself) "I'm kind of... the complete opposite. I can leave this realm and enter theirs. A-again, sounds crazy, a-and I know you don't believe me.."

  • (Contemplation) "No matter how cute you are... Nothing can convince me to kill anybody... The lost seem so lonely, I wouldn't want to add to that population.."

  • (Terrified) "Divine punishment has come for me... I'M SORRY FOR TRESSPASSING INTO YOUR DOMAIN..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emiliano Russi - Ultimate Rakugo Artist
Role assigned to: Viper Byte

We require you to be 18+ to audition for this character.

Emiliano Russi (pronounced Em-ee-lee-ah-no Roo-see) is known as the Ultimate Rakugo Artist.

Born and raised in Italy, Emiliano found no success in anything he did. He considers himself the disappointment of his family, and his twin brother - someone far more successful than him - only made him spiral even more. While he found temporary happiness in things he could smoke, he also moved to Japan where he found what he considered an "easy job" in Rakugo. Luckily, he has a vivid imagination which aids him in telling colourful and zany stories. Where does he get his ideas from? That's a company secret, but you can probably buy it from him. Just keep it discreet.

Voice Requirements

Emiliano Russi should have a medium-tone voice with a heavy rasp to it, akin to that of a smoker.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • (Finding it difficult to explain) "God, how do I explain this. Imagine like, one guy on a stage tellin' the audience a dramatic story. The Japanese love it, you do it anywhere else and they look at you like you're on drugs!"

  • (In denial but boastful) "Apparently I'm the Ultimate Rakugo Artist, crazy right? Like, I'm actually successful enough to be at the fuckin' top? Take that brother!"

  • (Pissed off) "You tellin' me we been here for a couple hours and no one tried the OTHER door? You lot gotta be shittin' me."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yukie Mariya - Ultimate Derby Skater
Role assigned to: Iz Minano

Yukie Mariya (pronounced Yoo-kee Mah-ree-ah) is known as the Ultimate Derby Skater.

Girls just wanna have fun, and Yukie takes that to heart. Almost too literally, however, as that means any important information or.. the ability to hold a conversation goes out the window. To Yukie, everyone is her friend, yet nobody knows anything about her on a personal level. Tell her your life story, not only will she have forgotten it soon after but she'll have stopped listening almost immediately and stared at you blankly like a chameleon, waiting for you to finish. It's not her fault, she just doesn't have... any... attention span.

Voice Requirements

Yukie should have a medium-high tone voice that is very slow and airy.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (Airheaded) "Oh my goodness, you are SO right! I'm such a forget-me-not, don't even get me started! I'm literally like, so out of it today!"

  • (Unaware of the situation) "I mean, like, it's not bad though, yeah? I have skate practise at 3. Or um, maybe it was 4. Or 5... Sometime today! Or, tomorrow?"

  • (Clumsily) "You see, I tend to write important things to remember on my arm! But then I wear long-sleeved clothes and then.. I forget what I was supposed to remember haha!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rentomu Aikosuke - Ultimate Spirit Medium
Role assigned to: Ellacrium

Rentomu Aikosuke (pronounced Ren-toe-moo Eye-coe-skay) is known as the Ultimate Spirit Medium.

Spirituality is an incredibly important essence for Rentomu. Being a spirit medium, he has been gifted with an ability that transcends the mortal realm to bring forth the souls of the deceased to speak through him. Learning this talent from his mentor, he looks to his experiences with both disdain and gratitude. Due to having contact with those past due, he has become very down-to-earth and carries a positive mindset. While he doesn't like to use his talent frequently, if the moment calls, he will showcase the transmission. 

Voice Requirements

Rentomu should have a medium-low tone voice and should be softly-spoken.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • (Uncertain, but assuring) "While it is true that I am quite capable to do so, I wish not to burden the dead with a glimpse of life. However, if time calls for me to step up, I shall gladly lend my body for the sake of the truth."

  • (Burdened) "There is not much that can be done. Whoever the corpse belongs to... Their soul will have already passed through, onto the other side. They are at peace."

  • (Determined to win) "You can't escape this dynamic defending duo, little guy... Are magatama-based assaults against the rules, heh...?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nezumi - Ultimate Theme Park Mascot
Role assigned to: Aurora Ave-L.

Nezumi (pronounced Neh-zoo-mee) is known as the Ultimate Theme Park Mascot.

Nezumi Park's very own mascot themselves, the titular mouse train conductor, Nezumi! One free photograph with them is included with every SpeedSkip entry ticket, so buy one for the whole family! Nezumi is the face of a chain of theme parks across the world, and due to the massive success of the brand, was given the title of Ultimate Theme Park Mascot! They're upbeat, corny, and very approachable! The person inside? That doesn't matter, it's probably horrifying. It may be extremely hot under thick layers of mouse, but it's the price you have to pay to protect children's eyes from the horrors beneath.

Voice Requirements

Nezumi should have a high tone voice and have a typical "cartoon character" type voice. Imagine a higher-pitched Barney the Dinosaur. 

For the last line, please use a different voice, that of a quiet young child with a lower tone.

Voice description:
  • child
  • androgynous
  • female child
  • female teen
  • male child
  • male teen
  • (With great enthusiasm) "Nezumi is no character, my friend. Nezumi is an icon, the mouse that's nestled nice and cosy into the designated mouse hole in children's hearts..."

  • (Desperate to cover up) "N-NO! I'M THE REAL DEAL! If there were to be a person inside, WHICH THERE ISN'T, they'd probably be the scariest monster... ever! Just, the absolute worst!"

  • (Second voice, see requirements) "I warned you. A-and you better not start screaming, because I'll only tell you I told you so!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sanjiru Yasuhiro - Ultimate Comic Book Artist
Role assigned to: Genesis Greenwood

Sanjiru Yasuhiro (pronounced Sahn-jee-roo Yass-oo-hee-roh) is known as the Ultimate Comic Book Artist.

The adopted son of one of the world's richest men, and a big fan of the original Tanaka-Mecha-Samurai comic book series, Sanjiru was able to get a job drawing for the same series he'd loved as a kid fairly easily. Introducing new characters and plot lines, he gets to shape the world he grew up with. Unfortunately, Sanjiru can't do that forever, his sickly condition means sometimes he finds it difficult to work on new pages; some days being restricted to a hospital bed. Despite everything, he still manages to think up wild new foes for his favourite Samurai to conquer.

Voice Requirements

Sanjiru should have medium tone voice and should speak slowly and quietly, as if silently suffering.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • (Sickly, and slow) "I'm good, I'm... good. *sniff* Just a cold is all, I'll get over it. Sorry, I shouldn't bore you with.. *cough* that..."

  • (Eager to discuss interests) "W-well, yes.. The Tanaka-Mecha-Samurai soon became a popular global hero. I was brought on recently, I started working on Issue 1530.."

  • (Out of breath) "This is... not good on my heart... Can we take a.. time-out? Just uh.. five minutes? And maybe.. a drink. Please."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Matilda Cobbles - Ultimate Stay-at-Home Mom
Role assigned to: MewMewChann

Matilda Cobbles (pronounced Mat-ill-dah Cob-bulls) is known as the Ultimate Stay-at-Home Mom.

The concept of being talented at being a "Stay-at-Home Mom" is to be debated, but students don't get to choose how they're labelled and Matilda is still trying to figure out how her title affects her. She is, in fact, a mother to one "child", but surely the entire title leans on the "child's" happiness and safety? Matilda still does her very best to take care of the "child" and show those around her that her title means something. She tries her best to be respectful to those around her, but her nervousness can sometimes lead to others being slightly offput.

Voice Requirements

Matilda should have a medium tone voice and should sound both kindhearted and nervous.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • (Fumbling over own words) "We all forget things, I almost forgot to feed- Oh sugar, did I feed her today? I don't even know what day it is... Or where I am??"

  • (Covering up) "N-no! No, no! It's not what it looks like! I'm a good mother, I promise! Please, I need this, else my status as an Ultimate is obsolete!"

  • (Complaining) "Killing game? Well, that's most games nowadays, they're all so violent! Violence is just not something we should be promoting to the youth of today!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Oto Aoki - Ultimate Mech Engineer
Role assigned to: Sir_Flamigator

Oto Aoki (pronounced Oh-toe Eye-oh-kee) is known as the Ultimate Mech Engineer.

Oto's childish nature leads him to use his talent solely for the purpose of making his own life easier. To avoid the laborious effort of "walking" he built his own personal chair with legs, complete with soda dispenser and pizza oven. He's been scouted to construct militia weaponry but he'd much rather stay at home watching cartoons on his Cinemech-2001. Unfortunately, this had an effect on his mental capacity and he certainly isn't the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to... basic math.  But his mechanical know-how gets him by perfectly fine.

Voice Requirements

Oto should have a medium-high tone voice, that of a young boy. We encourage fem-sounding VAs to audition for Oto as well.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male child
  • child
  • (Letting praise get to his head) "Made it in one day! Ain't it sweet? Still ironing out the kinks but I call it my Oto-Mover-3000! Why walk when I can get the Oto-Mover-3000 to do it for me, y'know!"

  • (Trying hard to be cool) "I shouldn't be here with you all! I deserve better! Ultimate students get special treatment, right? RIGHT? Top of the class get let out early, that's just.. the law!"

  • (Impatient) "But it's soooo boring! How about you listen, we go play, and you report back on what he said! Deal? Deal, amazing. Now, where are the balls?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anthea Medus - Ultimate Mythologist
Role assigned to: teganmorrisvo

We require you to be aged 18+ to audition for this character. 

Anthea Medus (pronounced An-tay-ah May-dus) is known as the Ultimate Mythologist.

Just like the snakes that bear residence on her head, Anthea is a sly woman, able to slip through the smallest of cracks.  Her seductive nature is rooted in her love of the lore and history behind the gods and mythos of ancient time and much like Eros the carnal love she seeks in those around her can lead to her actions making those around her uncomfortable. Though perhaps unsettling others is her goal, in order to lower their guard and strike like a viper. Once she selects her prey, she'll leech on and constrict until they fall into submission and she can have her meal.

Voice Requirements

Anthea should have a medium-low tone voice with an air of seduction and sultry.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • (Sly and seductive) "Don't rush me, sweetheart. The serpents like it slow... and gentle. You may call me Anthea Medus. My Ultimate talent is Mythology."

  • (Teasing) "Not to worry, I'm very good with boundaries. You tell me where my toes can't tread and I'll stay clear away. For the most part, anyways."

  • (Overcome with joy) "How mysterious indeed... And yet, how beautiful the lakes of the Blood Nile run..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gunma Onigiri - Ultimate Sumo Wrestler
Role assigned to: LmaoD4C

Gunma Onigiri (pronounced Gun-mah Oh-nee-gee-ree) is known as the Ultimate Sumo Wrestler.

The world-famous sumo wrestler Gunma Onigiri has already achieved everything he wanted from life. Holding the longest consecutive win streak in sumo history at such a young age, there really is nowhere more for his career to go. Gunma is content with that though, and now prioritises passing on his knowledge and skill set to others. If he can train up future champions, and have someone he can be consistently proud of, that makes his life complete.

Voice Requirements

Gunma should have a low-tone voice and should be able to be both authoritative and gentle.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • (Motivational) "I only want people to succeed. I've already gotten to the highest point in any sumo career, there's nothing more I want than to pass on my knowledge to someone else."

  • (Rambling, slightly peeved) "Not to worry, no discrimination here. Not to go into the politics of it all, but there really is a lot to discuss on whether or not the titling of our youth should even be allowed!"

  • (Mentoring) "Strongest posture in sumo right here, you see? Don't break the squat, your composure here is essential to keeping balance. O-oh, try not to fall, there we go."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nadine Beloiseau - Ultimate Ballerina
Role assigned to: Anya

Nadine Beloiseau (pronounced Nah-deen Bell-wah-so) is known as the Ultimate Ballerina.

The world of ballet is a difficult one to be happy in. Its soft strokes and meaningful dashes act as a paintbrush to the canvas of the stage. Nadine's form and figure are that of a swan, elegant and graceful, but shackled by the nature of the pond. Her personal health comes second to the desired look of the ballerina, but Nadine is used to it. She strives to be unaffected by the woes that crash through her mind, but she can crack easily with even a hint of light in the dark. Like a moth to a flame, she wants to traverse to a glow, but worries said glow could kill her.

Voice Requirements

Nadine should have a medium-low tone voice and should not have a monotone voice, but should still be slightly distant but able to open up.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • french
  • (Embarrassed, composing herself) "N-now let's not go that far... I'm honoured, truly I am, but you really do not have to act as though I am some super celebrity..."

  • (Uptight) "I keep myself to a strict diet. I do appreciate the concern, but... I ensure you. Everything is as healthy as it needs to be. Please do not question me further."

  • (Condescending) "Little Miss Sunshine. How are you going to get out of this one? I can't imagine a "can-do" attitude can fill your stomach, no?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vivian Eriksen - Ultimate Phantom of the Opera
Role assigned to: Dominic U

Vivian Eriksen (pronounced Viv-ee-an Erik-sen) is known as the Ultimate Phantom of the Opera.

Vivian has set the standard when it comes to casting for one specific theatrical production. It's an unwritten rule that if he is not cast as the namesake lead in "Phantom of the Opera" it simply isn't going to be that magnificent of a performance, and that has become apparent in the ticket sales. Due to his name being branded in the show's programme, Vivian has more-or-less transformed his identity into that of the Phantom, and is quite vain as a result. Nobody can even come close in a battle of operatic or haunting remedies.

Voice Requirements

Vivian should have a medium tone voice and should sound overly dramatic as if acting.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • (Pleased) "Ah, a woman of culture. Perhaps you are versed in the fine art of dramatic theatre? In that case, sing once again with me, our strange duet."

  • (Full of himself) "I play the Phantom in almost every theatrical rendition of the masterpiece. Amateur or professional, without me it is not a true re-enactment of the performance,.

  • (Tragically) "To end the lineage here... No, I cannot- I will not let that happen. Vivian Eriksen will not die easily, let that be known!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mystery S
Role assigned to: Znarftarf

We require you to aged 18+ to audition for this character.

Mystery S is one of three very important side characters.

I cannot say too much regarding the role in which these mystery characters play however they will appear in almost every chapter and will have a significant amount of voice lines.

Voice Requirements

Mystery S should have a low tone voice and a mafia-boss style accent. The mystery roles have no preference in regard to voice gender and anyone can go for them.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • mafia
  • (Explanatory) "Here are the forms youse signed proclaimin' you wanna stay here indefinitely. Couldn't get ya parents to sign it for uh.. reasons. But your signatures are there, clear as day."

  • (Impatient) "Are youse done? Stop jerkin' off and start listenin'! This is a game of life and death! This will aid in Big Boss's master plan! Fuahahaha!

  • (Pissed off) "If ya don't line up, single file, and listen to what I have to tell ya.. I WILL NOT HESITATE TO RID ONE OF YOUSE OF THE ABILITY TO EVEN PLAY THIS BLASTED GAME!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mystery F
Role assigned to: Cable

Mystery F is one of three very important side characters.

I cannot say too much regarding the role in which these mystery characters play however they will appear in almost every chapter and will have a significant amount of voice lines.

Voice Requirements

Mystery F should have a very high tone voice and a typical "anime girl" styleThe mystery roles have no preference in regard to voice gender and anyone can go for them.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • female child
  • (Verge of tears) "Ow! Don't kick me, meanie! My pain tolerance is like, really, really, really, REALLY low! My head... spinny, spinny!"

  • (Overenthusiastic) "Oh! Are we sharing weaknesses!? I have so many, where to start! I'm glad we could sit down and talk to each other like this!!"

  • (Nervous) "Onee-san... I don't think Big Boss wanted that. I trust you as much as I love you though! And I love you SOOO much! I'd kiss you if I had lips!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mystery Z
Role assigned to: wickedalfieboy

Mystery Z s one of three very important side characters.

I cannot say too much regarding the role in which these mystery characters play however they will appear in almost every chapter and will have a significant amount of voice lines.

Voice Requirements

Mystery Z should have a medium-high tone voice and should have an aura of childlike enthusiasmThe mystery roles have no preference in regard to voice gender and anyone can go for them.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male teen
  • female teen
  • (Frustrated) "This is all your fault! Boss is gonna be so mad at us- YOU. Mad at you, this is your fault after all. Remember to say that to him, your fault, got that?"

  • (Full of joy) "Oh you won't remember signing this extremely crucial and life-altering contract! We wiped your memories after all and I was not supposed to say that-"

  • (Somewhat concerned) "Murder is not on our to-do list, Boss! We were strictly told to keep everyone safe until this all passes! So no killing shall take place! Hooray!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Noah Manghir

"Delta" is a minor character appearing in Chapter 1.

He uses the guise of the codename "Delta" to mask his identity. Delta is a member of a small group of individuals on a mission for vengeance. He's the scout for the group and loves a good infiltration. He was also in a band.

Voice Requirements

Delta should have a medium-high tone voice that of a rebellious teen.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Protesting) "So many people lost their fuckin' life to you. Every terrible world event has stemmed back to this JOKE of an organisation!"

  • "EVEN OUR GOVERNMENT ONLY WANTS TO KEEP THE GIFTED ONES ALIVE. So we're gonna take their toys away ourselves."


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