The sequel to the popular fangan: Danganronpa: Desperate Heart is here!
A whole new cast, a whole new killing game, and a whole new story set one year after the events of the first series. Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2: Infectious Devotion is a direct follow-up to the original, this time following Charlotte Berry and 14 unique Ultimate students as they participate in a deadly game of life or death, little do they know, a, earth-shattering plan has been taking place in the background, and it all links back to the first killing game...
What format does DR:DH2 take?
Just like the first series, DR:DH2 is a visual novel video series on YouTube in an episodic form. Each chapter consists of 10 episodes each between 12-20 minutes a piece, with 6 chapters in total, plus a Prologue. Upon the beginning of a chapter's airing, episodes are released 2 times a week both on Tuesdays and Fridays in a live premiere.
What Can You Expect From Us?
Regarding the output and speed of progress on this project, chapters usually take 3-4 months to develop, so if you are cast you can expect one script per chapter that you are in. Line submission periods range from 1-3 months long. The prologue for DR:DH2 is already written and upon casting you will receive your first script 1-2 days after the cast announcement.
Auditioning and What We Are Looking For
All of the artwork, writing, and editing is done by the sole developer of the project. However, voice actors are still required for the voices of the eccentric cast of characters. This casting call consists of 13 of the main Ultimate students, 3 especially important mystery characters, and 1 side character. Roles will have dedicated information giving you descriptions of each character's personality, role in the story, and voice range. Keep in mind the voice range specifications will not be strict; flexibility and creativity are encouraged. We want you to have fun with the characters. You also do not have to have seen the first fangan to audition, but it is recommended if you plan to watch this one.
Voice Actor RULES
We do request that you meet a few requirements in order to be eligible to be cast for this project:
Please do not audition if you are under the age of 16. Danganronpa itself is rated this age, and the fangan itself contains content that would be akin to the original series and therefore not suitable for anyone under this age. A very small number of characters may be labeled as 18+, this means that those aged 16 or 17 may not audition for those characters due to their nature.
Be able to meet deadlines. Do not audition if you feel as though you will be unable to meet deadlines ranging from 1-3 months. Excessive extensions and missed deadlines can lead to frustration so we would rather avoid situations like that.
Be aware of your audio quality. We expect a certain level of audio quality in auditions, if your audio isn't intelligible or you have substantial background noise, unfortunately, your audition cannot be considered. We do not expect crystal clear by any means but please be mindful.
File types are not restrictive. We do not mind which file type your auditions are submitted as, though MP3, WAV, or M4A are preferred.
Multiple takes are not mandatory. Feel free to do as many takes of each line as you like, or only one, as long as you do every line it is not essential that you do multiple versions.
Ensure you are an active Discord user. Staff operations and communications are done exclusively through Discord. This means you will need to add your Discord username to your audition notes and also ensure you check it somewhat frequently so you do not miss any lines or important notices.
Keep in the Loop
No auditions will be cast before the deadline ends. To keep up to date on all updates and information regarding casting, and both this and the previous fangan: We encourage you to join our public Discord server:
You can also visit our YouTube channel to catch up on the first series here:
Danganronpa: Desperate Heart and Danganronpa: Desperate Heart 2 are not affiliated with Spike Chunsoft and are fanmade projects.