Havoc Fox - Final Casting
Richard Gibson for Leaux
The other of the two commanders of the robot invasion. Leaux is a "brother" robot to Lyan, operating alongside him on the battlefield. Much like Lyan, Leaux's true personality hides behind his outward, commanding demeanor. Leaux is more grounded and less emotional than his brother, though this left him more prone to manipulation and indoctrination. Leaux has a slightly deeper, more mature voice than Lyan, though his voice is still on the higher end. A deadpan voice would be preferred, though any accent is acceptable.
(Firm, focused) "Left flank secure! Hostiles incoming! Danger close!"
(Ordering, confident) “Fall back! All units converge on the Grand Cathedral’s second level.”
(hostile, concerned): “What are you doing? You know we don’t take kindly to traitors!”