Danganronpa: Lost In Distrust (Open Roles)
Tato for Hades Sotir (hay-deez so-tair)
Please include your Discord handle with your audition.
Has a low-range voice.
He long had an artistic talent, but he never found a medium that he liked to use. He always did art for other people, while dodging a price for his uncertain self. He worked best with pens, but all the paper and canvases he had tried to use refused to end on good terms with him- Until he found a way to give people what they wanted and always be able to take it with them. He became a tattoo artist and eventually started to use his own skin to carry tattoos with him. He is a boy who was terrible at talking with people but wanted to assist others in finding themselves. It could be his doom or his rise amongst the rest. Is he a good guy? Or does he have different intentions?
- english
- male young adult
(Detached) Hades Sotir- I’m in the tattoo business if that wasn’t already obvious.
(Incredulous and annoyed) I’m searching for a way out of this torture chamber. You took one look around on the first day and then resigned yourself! What’s wrong with you?!
(Flustered, dismissive) It was a one person thing! And… In this case, I’m willing to make an exception on statements.