Aethereal Archives: The Hub World (Pilot)
Blessed With Being a Ray for Voice Actor: Damien "Omega" Hartvigsen
General Info
Name: Damien Hartvigsen
Nickname: "Omega"
Gender: Male
Race: Chompa
Age: [left to interpretation for now, appears 14]
Height: 5'1
Weight: 114
Hair: Messy, long fringes
Skin: Caucasian, light tan
Distinguishing marks: n/a
Eyes: prominent, red with gold flecks
Clothing: black shirt with a red stripe across the torso, brown cargo pants, gray shoes with white soles and black laces, otherwise wearing the same adventuring outfit as Owen.
Temperament: abnormally anxious (puts in effort to hide it more often than not), edgy, introverted unless comfortable, prone to anxiety attacks
Moral/ethical beliefs: Damien isn't afraid to take lives recklessly. He has a collection of souls that he uses in combat or to play with on his off time. He is afraid of losing his life, but easily strips it away from others. In fearing death, he became an embodiment of death itself.
Religious beliefs: Damien hates religion and their abundant followers. He places his faith in absolute uncertainty, and doesn't believe that even his kind will ever figure out all the answers to things above or below them on a spiritual spectrum. He's an extreme agnostic.
Hobbies: Collecting souls, hunting and killing an assortment of supernatural creatures, video games, dancing
Likes: hanging out with his brother and Owen, eating flesh (any kind, cooked or otherwise), feeling in control of any given situation
Fears: dying, his sense of self control wavering, karma
An absolute powerhouse; strongest Chompa in terms of raw power output, and uses bullet hell tactics before getting serious with opponents to overwhelm them
Has multiple transformations that he utilizes for combat
Ruthless and uncaring, just like reality itself
Painless attacks. He can't detect them until it's too late.
Doesn't register constructive criticism in a healthy manner
Has a dualistic relationship with his Drive; it's a constant struggle for control over his body and mind
Extreme anxiety gets the better of him more often than not. It hinders him significantly in most settings
Long term goals:
Attain perfect synergy with his Drive
Overcome his chronic anxiety
Prove himself as a warrior and find inner peace
Voice Description
Raspy, young, raucous, sort of like a younger Baby from Dragon Ball GT
Voice Lines/Quotes:
[Sinister]"Sure, I'm always anxious. That doesn't mean I'm afraid to kill you."
[Sincere, diabolical] "Death is a human construct. Let me tell you, I'm far from human."
[Passionate, killer instinct] "Life implies suffering. I'm just the messenger."
[Anxious] "Don't tell me anything that can be resolved with the word 'just' in the sentence. This shit is more than 'just' getting over myself or 'just' calming down!"
[Scared, sensitive] "No, I mean it. I seriously don't know how I would be if I was left back home, if that could even be considered 'home'. You've always been there for me, Tait. The others are just icing on the cake."
[Angry, sneering, injured] "You think that this pain is gonna stop me?! You can't even begin to wrap your head around what it turns me into!"
History and background details
Damien and his twin brother Tait were born in an underground government facility that focused heavily on the development and research of the Improbability Drive. Specifically, the scientists were developing and improving on earlier models and their influence of Aether, a foundational essence that is the building blocks of this segment of reality. Damien has an extremely dominant Dæthereal ratio, and Tait has an extreme Læthereal one. The two went through rigorous and subtle experimentation that was keen on studying what made them tick in either extreme on an emotional, psychological, and physical spectrum. He loves his brother, who helped him cope and remain neutral in his insanity and extreme anxiety, but eventually, the struggle became too much for him to bear.
Damien was diagnosed with an extreme and unwavering anxiety disorder, and to try and bring his Dæther to the forefront for more precise study on it, he was conditioned to live a life full of anxiety-inducing circumstances. The more anxious he was, the more his fungal Drive would surmount control over his body and mind, which allowed the scientists to study this dark version of Aether in depth, albeit despite the interventions of a particular scientist, who was like a father to them. Damien was always afraid of losing control and was constantly battling to remain his human self, but this only fanned the flames for his Drive to take over.
When push came to shove, Damien lost control completely and transformed into a Goliath beast that soon broke free of his confinement. He'd wreak havoc on a small town until Tait was sent out to try and subdue him, but he couldn't do it on his own despite their deep bond and relationship.
It seemed that Damien was gone for good, but when Primus, Gunnar, Cain and Owen arrived to intervene, they succeeded in bringing him back from the subconscious of the Drive before taking them both to confront the leader of this organization, the one who started it all. Unfortunately, he had vanished before they could do so, and thus set out with seemingly good intel from his colleagues to a prehistoric timeline in yet another far off universe.
Damien would prove to be quite the handful for the group, even with the interventions that Tait provided him. He would kill recklessly, collect souls to toy with, and made it clear that he didn't want to be amongst them. However, as weeks became months, he grew a fondness for the emotional support that the group provided him, despite all of his major faults, including guilt, uncertainty, an irrational fear of death, and his iconic anxiety. By the time they arrived in the prehistoric timeline, he was more capable of maintaining control of himself more often than ever before, and no longer subjected to the old lifestyle of constant high alertness and chronic fear, he became quite the fighter when they needed him to be. Like a caged dog, he'd form a mutual bond with his Drive to fulfill both of their needs via serious combat and self preservation.
By the time they created and moved to their new home universe, Damien was taken under the wings of the Chompas as a warrior, so as to train how to control himself and his Drive with much more direct discipline and endurance. Eventually, he'd prove to be the strongest in terms of power output and even adopted a trait of pain-induced amplification, meaning the more he could tolerate pain from his opponents, the stronger he'd become. Training with Tait and Owen specifically, he found a new fondness of the combative arts and would be put through the ringer time and time again to evolve and adapt beyond his expectations. Now, he explores, trains, and learns what he can tolerate regarding the way of being a true Chompa, albeit with stubborn resistance along the way. While his anxiety is still high and occasionally detrimental, he has made unfathomable progress in controlling himself and his Drive.
- english
- male child
- Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners
- Baby from DragonBall GT
- young
- Raucous
- raspy
[Passionate, killer instinct] "Life implies suffering. I'm just the messenger."
[Anxious] "Don't tell me anything that can be resolved with the word 'just' in the sentence. This shit is more than 'just' getting over myself or 'just' calming down!"
[Angry, sneering, injured] "You think that this pain is gonna stop me?! You can't even begin to wrap your head around what it turns me into!"