Zero Angel's War of the Ages: The Throne of Ao (Seeking Supporting and Minor Roles)
Richard Gibson for Mirem Talworth
(Johnny Depp Type) [Go for a take with an English and America accent]
The current leader of the town of Delanstand and descendent of the legendary Delan. Fiancé of Hilde Aspal.
(Wanting to wrap up the fight)
“Hold warrior. I don’t think I can afford to let this fight continue. I can see from your gaze that you don’t recognize the weapon. This is a dwarven pistol. With but a click of my finger it will put a hole in your head,”(Apologetic that the MC feels he is the villain)
“I’m not the man you think I am. I am Lord Mirem Talworth, direct descendant of Delan Talworth, and leader of Delanstand, there is no question about that. But what I do today, the steps I have taken the last few years—these are things I do for my people.”(Calmy trying to resolve the misunderstanding)
“Listen, Valistair. I am doing everything I can to save my people, but it’s not me they’re in danger from. If I had not brokered a deal with the Slaughterer the entire region would have been overrun by now.”