Hildibrand Adventures (FFXIV)
pokejedservo for Grand Ser #1 (Orland)

There's not much to tell about Grand Ser's. sadly... Orland is a senile old man... That's all there is to it.
[This line is suppose to be shouted out as epic introduction] Slayer of thousands, thousands of wyrms, the silver spear which hath pierced the very heavens! Ooooooorland!
[after blasted off to the skies] Gods, how I missed this! The air streaming past, the blood pumping, the taste of copper on my lips, the slight dizziness... [small pause, remembering his passed beloved] It was on a day like this that we met, wasn't it? And when we soared into those azure skies we never truly came back down...
[still going further up seeing his beloved descended from heavens ready to take him on the embrace, surprised] Do mine eyes deceive? Pigsney of my heart, descended from Halone's halls to guide me to Her bosom!?