[PAID] Video Game Voice Roles! (Classic style SHMUP game characters)
Michael Suggs for Paimon (male)

Paimon is a somewhat mysterious and potentially mischevious demon who tags along with the protagonist on his journey through Hell. He offers some exposition at times but also has his own history and agenda. Sort of similar to the role Mimir plays in the new God of War games.
- Conniving, witty, indignant, bitter.
- Not particularly comical, but he will occasionally crack a joke or two.
- He has no real respect for humans, but with Kyle he sees a path to achieve his own goals.
I imagine him with a well-spoken, maybe even trans atlantic style accent. But feel free to do different takes if you think you have a good idea for something else!
Your audio quality must be good. I don't really care what equipment you use, but if your audio is too quiet, full of backgroung noise, or bad in some other way, I simply can't consider your audition.
- english
- male senior
- transatlantic
- proper english
- video game
- all american accents
- Impatient
- amateur voice acting
Oh, I see. You did not come willfully. You must have been… brought.
Oh, you’re well known here. And to be honest we were expecting you… eventually. But why you’re here now is an increasingly intriguing mystery.
I've got some interesting upgrades for your ship... if you can afford them!