Mysterious Sonder (Sims 2 Psychological Mystery Series) - Recast and New Characters
Heather Nichols for Therapist

VOICE RANGE: Medium- Low
VOICE TYPE: Deep and rich/ Unsettling/ Mysterious
ACCENT: RP British or North American
TRAITS: Blunt/ Severe/ Earnest/ Workaholic/ Disconcerting/ Intimidating/ Intuitive/
LINE COUNT: Approx. 52
DESCRIPTION: Matilda doesn't possess the usual qualities of a therapist. With a blunt attitude and unsettling demeanour, those in her company are often intimidated by her. She has sharp intuition; quick to detect when her patient is withholding information. With an inability to establish trust effectively however, her therapy sessions tend to resemble that of an interrogation, leaving her patients stressed and suspicious. She has a tendency to phrase her sentences in an overly logical, mechanical fashion and disregards small talk as meaningless and ineffective.
She will require a carefully delivered, mysterious, slightly robotic manner of speech. She will need to sound severe and unsettling but not menacing. She first appears in episode 5.
Edit: I've heard quite a few auditions that don't sound mysterious enough, or sound too much like an ordinary therapist. Don't be afraid to slow right down. Think rich and mysterious, maybe even hypnotic. The mysterious delivery is very important. :)
(Serious) Hello. My name is Matilda and I will be your therapist for the duration of your treatment. Your name is Lucy. Am I correct? (Lucy answers with a yes) Lucy. I've been expecting you. In order for this session to be successful, I will need you to cooperate with me and answer all of my questions accurately and honestly.
[Matilda guides her patient]
Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a four year old child. Focus on those feelings of dread that arise when you think about the past. Keep focusing on them.
(Severe) Lucy. You seem very defensive and tense in these sessions. Your therapy will not be effective if you analyse every little thing that I ask you. I need you to focus on the session and refrain from asking these irrelevant questions.