Poundcake & Pals (Paid Casting for Animated Show)
Joseph David Spence for Bugsy

Bugsy - Support Role - Comedic Relief
Breed: FRENCH Bulldog
Collar: Large linked GOLD chain with a large "B" dangling. Flava Flave type clock necklace
Voice: Male, North Eastern USA, York Italian, Boston, New York, Jersey types accent, think Fonzie from Happy Days, My cousin Vinnie or north eastern swag. This is a comedic type role with fun play on word jokes.
- english
- male adult
- new york (brooklyn)
- bostonian
- jersey
- animation/character
- animation
- male young adult
- audacity
(Stressed) It's so much more humider in San Anotnio than back east! (Stressed) It's so hot outisde.... that I saw a fire hydrant chasing a dawwwg!
(Convincing) Im serious youuss guys, we gotta start runnin at night or somfin in stead! (Curious) Elf, arent you burning up in that coat??
(Very worried) David's gonna think I got fleas and gimme another bath.... (Cocky) I might have to get myself lost before I let that happen again!

We really like the pacing and stress at the bath comment. Great job.

Thank you very much!