Partners in Time
Richard Gibson for Max

Max is an average 18 year old boy who just recently graduated highschool. He’s very curious, and likes to get to the bottom of things. He enjoys reading mystery stories but particularly likes supernatural or fantasy stories. He uses books as an escape from his boring reality of working part time at a Laundromat.
Voice reference:
Jason Ritter - Dipper,Gravity falls.
(frustrated, talking over the phone.) “What?? Rory you know I can’t work the night shift! I’m busy tomorrow, besides I’ve never worked graveyard hours before. Urg- fine, but you owe me big time, you got that? I’m talkin like, your entire Arachno man and Ghost bat series, including the special edition comic!”
(Alone in the eerily quiet Laundromat.)“Man… this place is more dead than-.... You know even though I’m alone I probably shouldn’t make a kind of metaphor like that.”
(Looking at the futuristic hologram coming out of the watch on Fredricks wrist) “So, this watch, it does whatever you tell it? Can it make phonecalls? Use GPS? Oh! Can you browse the internet?”