David Oliveira for Vortigernus

A very fiery (and obnoxiously loud) person who belongs to the land of Sigmis. He's often found accompanying one of the scholars, Rite. There are constant rumors about him, mainly questioning whether he was 'that one guard who resigned', or the name he's most commonly called, 'Hey, isn't that Lord Pyronis' old friend?'.....Oh, and don't forget the warlord comments.
- english
- english
(Stunned/Shocked, he's figuring out what to say while speaking.) “AH! PEOPLE…! Do you just want a conversation? Coooolio….. Don’t mind Rité, she’s a little too busy with studying. I did take her here so she could have a break, but she’s STILL studying. I don’t mind a conversation, honestly, it’s better than listening to PENCILS SCRATCHING OFF OF PAPER.”
(Irritated) “Okay! Whatever…But mark my words if I see you on the street, we’ll be fighting! This is a kid-friendly area so I can’t exactly fight…” (Nervous chuckle)
(Very judgemental tone of voice) "Yeeesh, and they said my fashion sense is weird. If you think you look...*cough cough* ''drop dead gorgeous'', then you really do prove my point of when I say beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, eh?"