
Project Overview
Rivenverse is an (upcoming) visual novel that is inspired by multiple series, with the main ones being ones such as; Genshin Impact, Final Space, and Gwain Saga. It's set thousands of years after the annihilation of humanity, based in the new, 'elemental' society created by the Gods, and ruled by the twelve Maintainers. This society happened to be built over what previously was the remains of Earth. Unfortunately, there cannot be life without a threat, as a new organization under the name of Fatali Stellae had formed and was participating in quite a number of suspicious activities, though they still hide all of this under the lie that they are a business of sorts. Luckily enough, some people know the truth behind the situation and plan to bring the organization's true intentions to light.
A Kickstarter is planned in the middle of development, and if you get cast, please do not ask when you will receive lines; it varies on which character you have! Certain characters only have a select few appearances, though some may appear all the time! You receiving lines also varies on whenever we have the available money, as well. We will update you on certain situations we feel you should note!
( The Kickstarter should be scheduled to start sometime when we finish/complete the majority of the prologue to chapter 2. Releasing a demo along with the Kickstarter. )
For those who wish to stay updated on progress, here is an invite to our community server. We sometimes host events here and also plan to start doing more interactive things. So if you want to chat or stay updated on the art, coding, and other aspects of Rivenverse, this is a good place to be!
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A rather mysterious cafe worker, he seems to be all over the place, but always looks different....Either he can quickly change his clothes and hairstyle, or something else is going on behind the scenes.
Astrophel is often described as timid and shy, and he often easily proves this, despite denying these characteristics every time someone mentions them. Though one very noticeable thing is that Astrophel is very enthusiastic about helping people, the only downside is that he somehow helps from the sidelines, or helps, but never says it was him; for example; he once helped a small indie group fund an entire, highly expensive venue within the Mortal Realm, but to this day, no one knows that it was actually him - as he put his name under a completely new alias.
- english
- english
“SORRY! U-Uh, I’m Astrophel- Uhm, we’re really busy today, w-what did you all want to order? I can all give you a free drink each as well if you want- E-Everyone keeps ordering the new thing I put on the menu, I-I regret it-”
"I tell people that I find it difficult to understand human emotion, but they always say that I act more than human..? I...U-Um. It doesn't make sense. Do they get what I'm even saying?"
“Hmm…Well, drink-wise, we don’t do much food and Aster is in charge of the bakery. We refuse to give kids any coffee or tea, or alcohol…There are only three things on the kid's menu and that’s, e-erm…Fruit juice, hot chocolate, and water. The fruit juice has variety so if you want to list a fruit, g-go ahead, I’ll see if we have it…! Other than that, I can get your orders ready in a minute…”

A very fiery (and obnoxiously loud) person who belongs to the land of Sigmis. He's often found accompanying one of the scholars, Rite. There are constant rumors about him, mainly questioning whether he was 'that one guard who resigned', or the name he's most commonly called, 'Hey, isn't that Lord Pyronis' old friend?'.....Oh, and don't forget the warlord comments.
- english
- english
(Stunned/Shocked, he's figuring out what to say while speaking.) “AH! PEOPLE…! Do you just want a conversation? Coooolio….. Don’t mind Rité, she’s a little too busy with studying. I did take her here so she could have a break, but she’s STILL studying. I don’t mind a conversation, honestly, it’s better than listening to PENCILS SCRATCHING OFF OF PAPER.”
(Irritated) “Okay! Whatever…But mark my words if I see you on the street, we’ll be fighting! This is a kid-friendly area so I can’t exactly fight…” (Nervous chuckle)
(Very judgemental tone of voice) "Yeeesh, and they said my fashion sense is weird. If you think you look...*cough cough* ''drop dead gorgeous'', then you really do prove my point of when I say beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, eh?"

A young and mysterious lady from Rizawa, she comes from a rich family and seems to take a lot of pride in her appearance. It is also rumored that she learned how to use her abilities to their fullest potential from Leraje, back in her childhood.
- english
- english
(Calm/Relaxed) “Good afternoon, all of you. Are we all feeling well..? As you can tell, we’ve bought quite a lot of decor, the prices were low, so I and Database thought it would be best to put our money together and use the sales to our advantage~”
(Mocking) “Mm, speaking of water, you’re also one with a strange order, but really, I think we should all look at Database for ordering off of the kids menu.” (Slight pause, pondering.) "Oh! Yes, and for having the confidence to even ASK for the kids menu, that’s also something, hmmm?"
"I look familiar to you? You jest, surely! I'm a very unique individual, you would never recognize me because I'm familiar to someone else..."

Qutazan is an overly confident man who finds himself to be alone most of the time. He enjoys things like reading and gardening. Qutazan is also the founder of the Hei/Sen and is a very important figure within his kingdom's population.
- english
- english
"There's a reason I never trust people who are wise....- And that is because I think two wise people cannot get along with each other, their ideas are always likely to contradict."
"Solomon? That is the child I found within the Spatium, he went missing around 10 years ago, unfortunately, I haven't had a single update on what he's even up to, or if he's alive."
"If you see Gabriel...Please don't bother trying to hold a conversation with him. He's likely going to pull you into some prank which will probably embarrass you for the rest of your life. I honestly don't know if he does this intentionally or not anymore..."

A young lady a part of an old, forgotten family which used to be royalty within Fulminare. She lives within one of the richest areas and tries to find all sorts of ways to get her family remembered, with these ways sometimes including hostility and violence...Synthia is described to be very malevolent and cruel, but she does have a few hobbies and likes collecting random mushrooms, along with making new flavors of tea. A lot of people also say that she could be speaking happily one minute, before soon snapping and using every insult she knows against you.
- english
- german
"I don't know what happened to the rest of the Manitari family, but I know I will restore the name, at least~...I'm very good at collecting information, so if I get enough tactics memorized..."
(Scoff, Insulted) "What do you MEAN the tea is bad? It's a mushroom flavor! HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE MUSHROOM-FLAVOURED TEA, YOU INHUMAN RODENT-"
"I will bring upon your end, outsider! You will be made an example of so I can show just how powerful I am!-......" (Mumbling) "Oh- I forgot how much the ink gets in my way...."

Hades, one of the Original Gods within the Eleuther. He's rather lazy and tries his best to avoid work; though he is exceptionally good at his tasks once he actually does them... They aren't very fond of the other Gods and really only gets along with Genesis, but that's most likely only because they skip work together and don't rat eachother out. He is very sarcastic and has a rather dark sense of humor.
- english
“Bien au contraire... Your hair looks a little messy today, doesn't it?”
“Ooh, you recognised me. Yes, yes. I am indeed the God of Justice — I don't know why they granted me that title instead of something else but, ehhh, it's cool eitherway.”
“Why I didn't create a Maintainer? Now, you don't actually know that, do you? Maybe I did, maybe I didn't...That's a thing for you to find out.”

Anastasia and Fos' younger sister, she stays within the Divine Residence in the land of Fernis; Fulminaire.
Bunt is extremely calm and gentle, taking interest in making sure everything is intact and okay, along with taking care of all nature; she's quite fond of herbal tea, and is very good at making all sorts of blends and mixes. (She sometimes may or may not speak to Synthia and give her tips.)
- english
(Welcoming, calm) “Of course, I suppose you also have time for tea, if that's okay? Also considering that you even like tea… I-It's, herbal. ”
“Vasaliás is the Maintainer of Tenebris, and the former Overseer of Graymoor before Ba'al replaced him. I was made aware a while ago by Fos, she alerted me that he had joined the ranks of Fatali Stellae—...” (Sigh) “I always knew that man never meant good.”
“Thorn....? Oh! My personal guard, she's... I like her, a lot. I want to talk to her in private sometime but I don't know if she likes me back— Huh? Oh I'm so sorry— I shouldn't be speaking to you in such an informal manner... Please, forget about this! A-And don't tell Thorn!”

Database hails from the Spatium, now roaming the lands in the Eleuther — It's unknown what he's truly after. He carries around a puppet on his shoulder which seems to be alive, and he has a hobby for collecting little things, or he can just be considered a hoarder of literally any clean item he finds... He's like a crow...
- english
- english
“My goal? To become a well-known adventurer! And gourmet~ I'll probably end up winning lots of competitions, heheheh....And, no, it's not cheating! Food doesn't effect me, how could I be cheating if I can't control it? Jeeeez...”
(Annoyed) “Hey, at least I didn’t order tea with, like, a lot of milk in it- why would you have a lot of milk in your tea?? Isn’t that strange?? Wouldn’t that taste gross??”
“OKAY, isn’t THAT a weird combination, tall guy?? Well, I won’t question it…A-Anyway, do you guys have a kids menu?”

Anastasia is the Acting Maintainer of Aeternitas, she was created as an extra Maintainer for Luna in case anything happened to her. A scenario that she never hoped to happen, but unfortunately did. As Luna made her sudden disappearance one day, Anastasia had no other choice but to take her friend's role on her behalf.
Anastasia herself is a very stubborn and awfully quiet person, she holds quite a lot of grief and sorrow behind her ominous mannerisms, and she is often found in an isolated or secluded area which is usually Luna's palace.
- english
(Rather sorrowful/upset) "I don't do a good job at this role of 'Acting Maintainer', do I?...Do you think it's why Gabriel left, too? I feel like him, I, and all these extras, were just made out of scrap materials, we aren't as strong as the others..." (Sigh)
"Revive someone else? I...I'd have to recall my years of study with Apollyon, which would be rather tedious, but then, you'd have to try to sustain the corpse and keep it fresh- It's just too difficult, I'm sorry."
(Stern) "Please don't interfere with this conversation, Solomon. I wish to speak to this man in person, to see what he did with my friend.."
Another member of the Hei, and also Gabriels 'right-hand-man-when-it-comes-to-jokes-man' (A nickname started by a random person, but everyone seems to call him it now). Unlike Gabriel, Semihazah cannot take barely anything seriously and very rarely gets what directions/demands he is given, Qutazan always comments that he could be better if he focused, but he just...never listens.
- english
- greek
(Confused, trying to follow along with a conversation about some rather strange combat methods.) "Hmmm~ What methods are you two speaking of? It sounds a little strange..." (Chuckle) "-You know I can always recommend different...more normal-sounding ones, right?"
"Bah, nonsense! Don't try to play dumb, I think everyone in this courtyard just saw how miserable that attempt was-..............." (Pause) "Oh? Is that not ''a motivating speech I was meant to say?''..."
"Have you seen that Leraje guy? His techniques are...well, they're very good, I just don't know where to start with compliments."
Rite is a researcher from one of the less-popular nations, she studies medicine and remedies, but also researches chemicals in her free time - She used to have the help of Tamarix, though due to him being banned from being in several places, working alongside Rite was a little too risky, causing him to leave (Though out of pity, he gave her at least a years worth of supplies so she wouldn't have to spend so much money).
She is very enthusiastic about work, but will pull a rather odd expression when it comes to helping people - it is often debated if she just doubts her skill, or just doesn't want to help (despite bragging about it all the time).
- english
- female teen
- indian
"Don't mind Vorti, please. He just decided to follow me around one day, he said that someone named Jinyun didn't want him around because they had both ripped each other out of their dream careers...I- I let him stay with me as long as I don't get that fate too, hehe...."
"I'm studying medicine! It interests me a lot, and it's also a bonus because I can help people when I'm older...And my friends, of course! I'll charge them no money at all...And my enemies can have double the price!-" (Cough cough) "...That IS allowed, right?"

Bai is a florist from Aonani, though she moved to Fulminare with her parents when she was a child. She does try to make a business out of her passion, though unfortunately, despite the many customers she has, Bai always ends up eating the flowers and plants she tends to, and she has recently made attempts to make artificial flowers as well to make up for these accidents.
- english
- chinese
"Has a man wearing yellow and black ever approached you? Y..Yes? Did he perhaps tell you that ''If a tree waves at you, never wave back because it's a demon''? No....? Why do I always get told the weird stuff...."
(Cheerful) "My job as a florist is going really well recently!~ I've only eaten 3 flowers this month and it's the 21st!~ Everyone will be happy when they see the decorations~~~"
(Gasp) "Oooh, look at that leaf! The pattern is so beautiful!"
Public Submissions