Mysterious Sonder (Sims 2 Psychological Mystery Series) - Recast and New Characters
Derek Urichich for Nerdy English Student
I need an enthusiastic voice for an English student who is keen to impress the teacher. The delivery can have a comical edge, but keep it within the bounds of reality. Your audition will cover the role.
He appears in episode 20.
[Neil is asked to read a passage from Death of a Salesman]
[Keen to impress] *Cough cough* Certainly miss. [reading the text] At the back of the kitchen there is a draped entrance, which leads to the living room. To the right of the kitchen, on a level raised two feet, is a bedroom furnished only with a brass bedstead and a straight chair. On a shelf over the bed a silver athletic trophy stands. A window opens onto the apartment house at the side.
Thank you so much for all your auditions! Love the way you delivered this, haha!
Thank you, I appreciate the comment!