Overwatch: Hero Dubs
Sally Basler for Echo
Echo is an evolutionary robot programmed with a rapidly adapting artificial intelligence, versatile enough to fill multiple battlefield combat roles, able to reconfigure herself on the fly (quite literally) to adapt to new situations. For the first time, Echo is seeing action as a full-fledged team member. But as she is exposed to new people, new ideas, and new situations without her creator to guide her, no one knows how she might evolve in the future Much of Echo's personality is based on Doctor Mina Liao, her creator. As she continues to adapt, free from the confines of a lab, those around her will decide whether Echo will remain an echo of her creator, or become her own person.
Personality synchronization: 100%. Good to be back.
Nothing to worry about, unless there's something to worry about, as Dr. Liao always said.
Focus on the objective. Minimize errors. Adapt to changing battlefield conditions. And good luck.