Hallownest Vocalized | Bringing English VAs to Hollow Knight
Nossorgs for 77) Fungal Wastes Lore Tablets
This role will be cast to multiple people. I'm looking for low to high ranges of pitch for this voice, but mainly your voice should give off a vibe similar to Mr. Mushroom's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YzgOqhmv3U
The voice itself is very monotone, low, airy, and nasally. I'd suggest plugging your nose when recording. If you'd like, you can experiment with doing takes where you try pronouncing the g's and sh's similar to Mr. Mushroom. I'm not exactly sure the best way for someone to speak in a "shroomish" accent, so if I like your interpretation you'll get a spot in this role.
This border bounds the twisting, scratching things. Their dead sire, once of honoured caste. Their sealed mother, but the common beast. No peace with them we make.
Warily shall we accept the will of the Wyrm. Its prescience shields us. Fate and Future we shall entwine.
Pity those bugs. Minds locked. Thoughts trapped in solitude. Faint shadow of an idea are the words that attempt its utterance.