Gravity Falls: Scary-oke Full Fandub
Steve Maguire for Grunkle Stan
A gravelly, deep voice. A professional con artist, Stan Pines has made his living off of a fake tourist trap he has manufactured in Gravity Falls. Despite his hard and grumpy exterior, Stan has great love for his family and a devotion to protecting them at all costs.
We’re here to celebrate the defeat of that little skunk, Lil Gideon. Please, please. Boo harder!
Welcome to the Mystery Shack, gentlemen; what can I get you? Keychains? Snow globes? These rare photos of American presidents?
Ha ha, I’m sorry agents. Kid has an overactive imagination, and like, a sweating problem.
Those agents could ruin everything. Darn kid. He has no idea what he’s messing with. He’s stubborn; that’s his problem. Sorta like me, I suppose.
You two! Attic! Now! All right you undead jerks, you ready to die twice??
I’m not an idiot, Dipper. Of course this town is weird. And the one thing I know about that weirdness is that it’s dangerous. I’ve been lying about it to try to keep you away from it! To try to protect you from it!