Space Boy: The Official Fandub Project
FlacoTaco21 for Amy's Dad

Physical - Male, large build, broad-shouldered and big-armed, hairy, middle-aged.
Personality - "Sweet and full of gentle warmth", cuddly, kindhearted, humorous (think big teddy bear). A little clueless at times.
Voice - Low and gruff, but not a harsh gruff (bass). Think of the voice you'd give a big, cuddly bear.
Ep. 7 Panels 39-37 ("Well, I wouldn't say that. --> At least the rocks here haven't changes much in thirty years. *heheh*")
Ep. 90 Panels 35-42 ("Now, why don't we go downstairs and eat some hot soup? --> "WHAT?!")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)