Space Boy: The Official Fandub Project
FlacoTaco21 for Director Peter Langley

Physical - Male, short, stout, elderly.
Personality - Mysterious, manipulative, sly, smooth, calm. Works with/personally knows The Wanderer. He puts on the facade of a friendly old man, but is very casual about death and cares little for human life without use to him. He can be very intense beneath the nice facade.
Voice - Low, narrow, old/creaky, brisk, cunning (baritone).
*(NOTE: Langley only talks briefly in Episodes 84, and 132-133 of Season 1. However, he is very crucial to the plot and becomes a more frequent character in Season 2.)*
Ep. 132 Panels 26-29 ("More or less. --> "Or cream.")
Ep. 133 Panels 8-14 ("That's not entirely true. --> "It'll soothe your throat.")
Auditioner's Choice (Pick your favorite moment that the character talks in, so long as it's not one already picked.)