Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Manga Dubs
Winston1Miller for Ganon
Voice Actor
Role assigned to:
Ganon appears in the Oracle of Ages manga.
Ganon is known as the King of Evil. He is incompletely resurrected by Twinrova, and is a raging, mindless beast that wants nothing but to destroy all and kill all. He is ultimately defeated by Link, Sir Raven, Ralph, and Queen Ambi’s army.
Ganon is a large monster, and during this time is unintelligent yet powerful. I want him to sound like all he wants is to cause destruction, and not the cunning manipulativeness of his past self in previous games. I would like for their to be a roughness to his voice.
Any accent is welcome. Low range.
Kill all... Smash all...
Destroy... Kill all!
*Improvise since there's not much variety in lines*
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