Rise of Lazalis: A Starcraft II Project

Rise of Lazalis: A Starcraft II Project

Project Overview

I'm looking to get voluntary voice actors for a personal passion project, a custom campaign made in Starcraft II. It is preferred you do 2 takes per line, to ensure quality and help eliminate the need for asking for redos. Currently, the lines you will be reading if chosen for the position are quick one-liners for unit interactions.

For the most part, the specifications for what each voice should sound like are very loose, so all are encouraged to take a shot!

(Note: Ms. Lazalis, along with the one-liners, also has a two-paragraph speech)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Miss Lazalis
Role assigned to: Vyxenah

A determined moralist, Ms. Lazalis seeks to create a coup for the same government she works for, looking to takeover leadership and instill enlightenment ideals and end decades of wrongful oppression. She speaks strongly and confident (but not cocky), and her voice would preferably not be high-pitched.

  • Spirit doesn't mean shit when you bring a gun to a mortar fight. Lieutenant, get our Factories up and running, immediately.

  • Hope is a tool; one that shines through the darkest of days and darkest of nights. But tools can only get you so far.

  • Our future is only as bright as we fight for it to be! If you love that flag, then you will fight to protect it!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lt. Eskara
Role assigned to: Emily K.

Young and idealistic, Lieutenant Eskara was nothing more than an academically gifted student before joining Ms. Lazalis, completely devoting herself to her beliefs and doing anything she can to further their goals. Her voice would preferably not be deep.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • general american
  • No war is decided before it's fought! We have a chance, no matter how small of one it might be.

  • Is this really the best way, madam? I mean, these are civilians we're talking about...

  • There's no going back anymore! We will win here, or we will die here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Geovitz

A renowned military commander eventually defecting to the side of Ms. Lazalis, bringing valuable military expertise and an army more loyal to him than their dictators. He speaks with a light German accent, and his voice is preferably very masculine and not high-pitched.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • standard german
  • Nothing irks me more than a traitor, but...Maybe you folk aren't traitors after all.

  • The loyalty of me and my forces belong to no one but you, Miss. I promise you that.

  • With all due respect, lieutenant, I have been an officer longer than you have been alive!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unit: Pioneer

Pioneers are disciplined and fiercely loyal infantry who are equipped to handle nearly anything, being a hybrid of a soldier and an engineer. He speaks confidently and with a light german accent.

A voice akin to the Sturmpioneer (https://youtu.be/-hlvsLbCQmc?si=trDsJA9dPyKCSXtj&t=824) would be ideal.

  • english
Voice description:
  • videogame
  • male adult
  • german
  • video game
  • As ready as I'll ever be. \\\\ I will do what is necessary.

  • I will clear the path. \\\\ Of course, with haste.

  • We will win this war, or die trying! \\\\ Remember what you're fighting for!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unit: Frontiersman
Role assigned to: JadedPencil

Formed from groups of forcibly unemployed farmers, Frontiersmen are hardy assassins who specialize in guerilla warfare tactics. Their voice should be quiet and have a moderate southern accent. Ideally, they would sound fairly old. They speak relaxed and some degree of monotone.

Voice description:
  • american (southern)
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • Let me at them. // Can't give up now.

  • You can count on me. // Guess this is it then.

  • Keep me at a distance. // Heheh, with pleasure.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unit: Militia
Role assigned to: TurkeyPanini Noodle

Loyal, voluntary fighters, Militia are formed from average Joe's willing to fight for what they believe in. They can have any voice of any gender and age, and most likely several voice actors will be chosen.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • I won't let you down, ma'am. // Orders are orders, let's get going.

  • Remember what you're fighting for! // Fire, and don't ask questions!

  • Woah, this thing's heavy. // Are you sure I'm qualified to use this?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unit: Bypasser
Role assigned to: Gwensalir

Skilled technicians, hackers, and software engineers, Bypassers are few in number, but provide invaluable technological and disruption assets to the army. They would preferably sound young.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • C'mon, c'mon, I'm ready. // Just tell me what you want, I got it.

  • Time to get moving. // You'd better keep me safe.

  • A pistol isn't gonna do much! // Have you lost your mind!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unit: Operator
cast offsite
  • *Say something you think would fit*


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