Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All (fan dub)
Carrick Inabnett for Frank Sahwit

A sleazy looking man who murders a young woman in "The First Turnabout" and then attempts to frame Larry Butz for the act.
Every word out of Sawhit's mouth should sound suspect or questionable and he should react with severe discomfort and slowly building frustration the longer the trial goes on.
"*gasp*... *gasp*... Dammit! ...Why me? I can't get caught... Not like this! I-I've gotta find someone to pin this on... Someone like... him! I'll make it look like HE did it!"(Giving false testimony in court)
"I was going door-to-door, selling subscriptions when I saw a man fleeing an apartment.
I thought he must be in a hurry because he left the door half-open behind him.
Thinking it strange, I looked inside the apartment.
Then I saw her lying there... A woman... not moving... dead!
I quailed in fright and found myself unable to go inside."(Exploding)
"I... I...! That... that day... I... I never! Look... I... the clock... I heard, no! I mean, I saw...Saw... nggg! Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Shutupshutupshutup! I hate you! I-it was him, I tell you! I saw him! H-he killed her and he should burn! Burn! Give him death!"