

Equipment: Fduce sl40 XlR Mode Mic, Audacity, Interface: Focusrite Scarlett Solo Gen 3

Joined Feb 2023 54 Following52 Followers
About GrandArtist

Hi!  I am 23 years old and an aspiring voice actor/voice director. Currently Working on projects such as The MHA manga and Seven Deadly Sins manga Fandub With GalaxyVa. Editor 

  • @galaxyva

    Rhiry is an incredible person to have on projects. He edits, voice acts, and is a co-director of mine on a bunch of projects. He works very hard and doesn't give up, even when he thinks things don't sound 100% or goofy. He is very friendly as well and able to work around his busy schedule to get the things done that need to be done. 

  • @narlington

    Ryan's remarkable aptitude for voice acting and directing is matched only by his kindness towards others. His talent, creativity and professionalism shines through in any project he participates in. He is truly a credit to any production he is part of, and I cannot hold him in high enough regard.

  • @MelodySign

    I have been working alongside GrandArtist for several months now, and I can say with full convinced that he is an extremely hard worker and thinks of the team before himself. First meeting as new voice actors, he gave me advice when it came to my voices and a slight push into some different roles I would have never tried if it wasn't for him. Even if GrandArtist is a director, he never lets that role take over his head. He always thinks about his voice actors and editors. With him being so open-minding and dedicated, he always wants to help any of his peers or anyone for that matter.

    Away from voice acting, he started becoming a video editor. With a lot of confusion at the start, he learned more advanced editing skills very fast and was always asking me questions if he needed assistance with anything. I hope that my editing has inspired him to grow more because I believe he is really going places with all the work he has put into editing so far. I know that he too can be amazing as long as he keeps trying.

    Overall, GrandArtist has been an overwhelming pleasure to work with because of his determination, understanding, great communication skills, and the friendship we have grown. I wouldn't want anyone else besides GrandArist to work besides because he will get the job done and have many laughs on that road too. 

  • @Sanguine_walls

    I worked with him on a Dragon Ball Super Heroes manga dub project and he was phenomenal! gave me solid advice to help me become a better VA! lovely guy!

  • @mikayla-chapman

    Rhiry cast me in one of his productions, and I must say that he was one of the most friendly directors I’ve ever worked for. He is very knowledgeable, and he happens to be a talented voice actor as well. His editing skills are also absolutely amazing. He manages his projects well, and he gives really good voice acting advice. In addition, his Discord servers for the VAs are so warm and welcoming! I loved working with him, and I hope to work with him again on future projects!
