XOXO Droplets – Comedy Dating Sim (More roles added!)

Project Overview
Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to try out for our silly project! There were just tons of amazing takes on the characters. We have come to a conclusion, though. All the roles have been filled now.
We're looking to add partial voicing to our nearly finished commercial dating sim project. A free version with less content is also gonna be available. In the game you manage school reputation points by doing various activities, work part time to earn money, spend that money on useful items/accessories to decorate the main character with, use an in-game phone to contact people and arrange meet-ups at several different locations, play mini-games, and more. The script only needs editing at this point, we've had a successful Kickstarter, and it has been greenlit on Steam.
The voiced lines will consist of stock phrases/sounds and about sentences from specific events. We're hosting auditions on Behind The Voice Actors and through email submissions as well. No need to resubmit if you've sent it in elsewhere.
The casting call started on June 3rd 2017 with three roles and a deadline of June 17th. On June 14th an additional nine roles were added. To accommodate that we pushed the deadline back by one week until June 21st. However, roles for the original three characters (Bae, Jeremy, and Pran) may have actors chosen as early as June 17th. The later deadline is mostly just for the nine newer roles.
The roles of Pran and Jeremy were cast on June 17th. We are highly considering some actors for the role of Bae . Though feel free to audition for him. Things haven't been set in stone yet.
Title: XOXO Droplets
Genre: Comedy, simulation, GxB, slice-of-life, romance-ish
Rating: T (for swearing and some crude humor)
Release Frame: July 2017
Protagonist: $50, 500 words or less
Lead Role: $40, 400 words or less
Minor Role: $10, 100 words or less
Paid Through: Paypal
Line Content: PG rated dialog at worst (the T rated stuff isn't voiced)
Age Requirement: 18+ (just a preference that everyone is overage)
Deadline for Finished Lines: July 8th
XOXO Droplets is a massive dating sim about a
humorously jerky young lady and her mission to woo one of six uniquely,
but equally, obnoxious guys. Three of the starring jerks already have VAs. This casting call is to find actors for the remaining three main guys. We'll be looking for VAs for the protagonist and side characters soon.
The story begins when our nameable protagonist finally transfers into
the boarding school of her dreams at the start of her junior year in
high school. It would be perfect if it wasn't for that little catch
attached to her enrollment: her parents will only let her keep attending
the school if she doesn't make everyone there hate her, like she always
Do your best to show just enough interest in the other losers around to
appease the folks while still having time to chase after the guys in the MC's afterschool group, which just so happens to
be a group for chronically unfriendable people.
More info and images can be found on the game's webpage. Or you can give the game's demo a look.
Cast List-
Everett Gray: DJ Horn
Nate Lawson: Belsheber Rusape
Shiloh Fields: Brendan Blaber
Bae Pyoun: Griffin PuatuJeremy King: Calvin Joyal
Pran Taylor: P.M. Seymour
JB (Nameable Protagonist): Dee Margret Turner
Alicia Rosales: Anairis Quinones
Missy Smith: Elsie Lovelock
Kam Sung: TonyOnorific
Adrian Wulu: Kyotosomo
Cala Gerges: Dani Chambers
Nurse Lynn: Michael Kovach
Romeo Franco: Rowan Cross
Trent Duncan: Joseph Ryan
Feel free to leave a comment or send us a private message if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!
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Latest Updates
Hey everyone, We’ve added 9 new roles to the casting call! 4 female and 5 more male. Except for one of the female roles, these are smaller positions than the main guys who were already listed in the call. We hope you’ll give it a go regardless. The deadline on the post has been pushed back until June 21st to accommodate these new positions. However the roles of Bae Pyoun, Jeremy King, and Pran Taylor may be filled as early as July 17th, the original deadline. The later date is mostly just for the nine new roles.

Bae is a smug, unflappable, ever amused egotist. Nearly every single thing he says is either sarcastic or has a patronizing bent to it or both. It's common for him to drag words out. He's got a chipper, sing-songy, dandy way of speaking. Maybe even a little bit effeminate or foppish. He can be very witty, but he's obnoxious about it, never smooth or suave. He wants people to know he thinks less of them. Bae doesn't refer to anyone by name, instead he uses cutesy nicknames.
"Yes, of course. Clearly this walkway is incredibly small and there is no way anyone could get past us with all this room that’s not right there." (Amused, highly sarcastic)
"It’s impolite to answer a question with another question, sunshine.” (Amused, distinctly patronizing, trying to egg on the person into getting angry)
"Have I upset you? I'm very sooorry." (amused, patronizing/belittling, and sarcastic)

Jeremy is a miserable, constantly sighing, smart-ass defeatist. He's got a pretty average voice, though has an inflection like he's having a bad day, everyday. Quiet, mopey, never enthused, occasionally whiny. The only time he sounds the least bit upbeat is when he's making snide little comments, usually at some other person's expense. On very rare occasions he gets angrily worked up. He's a germaphone and it's always related to that.
"*sigh* It’s not like there’s a point in putting up a fight.” (generally mopey)
“See what I did there?” (snide, smug, slightly upbeat. Someone used that phrase on him earlier and now he's throwing it back at them after he screwed up their plan)
"Not saying you're sorry about it is just as useful and takes less time." (mopey, dismissive, rude)

Pran is a stoic, stubborn, hateful rebel. He speaks in a low, slow, deadpan way. It's very uncommon for any type of feeling to be conveyed through his voice. Usually it only happens when his low self-esteem shows; he’ll sound kinda sad. He pauses while speaking and trails off into nothing somewhat regularly.
"I don't care." (flat, slow, emotionless)
"You shouldn’t be. I’m not any good...” (Kinda sad)
"Humans are terrible creatures." (The tiniest bit hostile)

The MC of XOXO Droplets. She’s a confident, self-centered instigator. She’s insistent on everything going her way and getting what she wants. But her unrelenting optimism and charisma make her difficult to hate. Her voice sounds pleasant; it’s easy to listen to. Her way of speaking is emotive and has a lot of attitude. It’s medium or somewhat low pitched. It doesn’t sound especially girly.
I just love how things always work out for me.” (Casual, pleased)“Haha,
you’re such a nut.” (Amused in somewhat of a teasing way)“Lesson
learned.” (Flat, a bit annoyed and defeated)

Alicia is an easygoing, inquisitive, inoffensively sarcastic kinda girl. She finds the antics of the unfriendable group quite a joy to watch, at least from afar. She generally goes with the flow, making jokes along the way. Her voice is laidback and friendly. It’s not uncommon for her to take on an exaggerated tone when commenting on something she finds ridiculous. It’s never malicious, however. Her voice is more medium tone and not overly effeminate.
great, how about you?” (Friendly, casual)“Oh,
thank you very much.” (Lighthearted sarcastic, lower tone than normal)“It
was a lot harder than it should’ve been.” (Tired, a bit frustrated)

Missy is a socially savvy yet incredibly vapid cheerleader. She’s confident, outgoing, and chatty. Though she’ll only give the time of day to those she deems worthy. Missy gets a big kick out of watching other people’s drama. Her voice is on the higher end of pitch, distinctly girly, and may or may not have a bit of a valley girl edge to it.
You pretty much had the invite from the start.” (Upbeat, casual)“Heheh,
alright. I had a suuuper weekend.” (Bubbly, glad she gets a chance to talk
about herself)“What
a way to liven up a dull afternoon in pleasantville.” (Under her breath, a bit

Kam is a guy who works at the local arcade. He’s a sunshiny sweetheart who only ever has nice things to say. He just wants to get along with everybody. He’s also as dumb as a brick with a grossly limited vocabulary. He’s got a dopey, friendly, oblivious way of speaking. He starts to drag words out when he gets confused, which is a pretty common occurrence for Kam. He's also sort of a skater-boy.
like that when work is over I don’t have to walk to the arcade, it’s already
here.” (Happy, dopey)“Whoa,
you’re real good.” (Upbeat, genuinely impressed at something not impressive)“Whaaat?”
(Confused, in a good mood despite that)

Adrian is a young man who works part-time at a local accessory store. He’s a kind, soft-spoken, extremely socially awkward fellow. He doesn’t know how to read a tone at all and takes things far too literally. Adrian has a quiet way of speaking that’s either clearly unsure or faking confidence. His voice isn’t very mature yet.
Thank you for coming.” (Professional, somewhat friendly)“Yes,
I understand.” (He doesn’t understand. Flat, trying to be firm)“Um,
okay. I’ll… keep that in mind.” (Unsure, nervous)

Cala is an elementary school student. Despite her young age, she runs a small business with some help from her older brother. She is, apparently, psychic and has the ability to change your luck, for the right price. There’s a very good chance it’s a total hoax. Cala is girly, cutesy, and fully capable of handling herself if someone thinks they can push her around. Her voice is energetic, youthful, and high pitched.
fix up your luck if you give me a buck, and a few more.” (Optimistic, cheery)“I
don’t think I wanna be your friend.” (Unenthused)“Then
we’re even.” (Smug, a bit aggressive)

Lynn (he goes by his surname) is the patient, gentle, and ever-understanding school nurse. He’s also the supervisor for the afterschool group of unfriendable jerks. He can seem like a pushover, though he just knows when a fight isn’t worth it. He’ll, very politely, put anyone back in line if they’ve gone too far. His voice is smooth, calming, and somewhat effeminate. As he has to constantly break up fights between group members, he tries to be as disarming as possible.
I hope everything is alright.” (Friendly, light concern)“Please
don’t give up on our little group already.” (Soft, encouraging)“Does
everyone understand?” (Upbeat, firm)

Romeo is a college student who also works at a little bookstore. He’s exuberant and overly forward. He also likes speaking in a faux old-fashion style. He’s below average at that. There aren’t many old timey words he actually knows. It’s not his intention, but Romeo pretty regularly scares people off with his behavior. His voice is deep, masculine, and usually full of confidence. He's a loud guy, but it shouldn't be unpleasantly so.
is a joy to make your acquaintance!” (Enthusiastic, overly friendly)“’Tis
not a thing.” (Flattered, confident)“Ah,
you are too much for me.” (Lower key than usual, he’s a little embarrassed)

Trent is a full grown adult working as the manager of a department store. He never really steps out of his professional persona. He’s positive and eager to help, though it’s very clearly a ‘working voice’. It doesn’t ever pass as being truly casual. His voice is mature and he puts in extra effort to sound interested. It isn’t loud or overbearing, just kind of unnaturally pleasant.
you for the feedback.” (Service industry style friendliness, he’s happy because
he’s required to be)“Rock
on with your socks on.” (Service industry style friendliness, he’s happy
because he’s required to be)“Was
I boring you? Sorry about that.” (Slightly more amused than usual)
Public Submissions