

Voice Actor, Music Fanatic, and Dork to the max.

Joined Sep 2015 69 Following71 Followers
About RikuVAnueva

Hey, Hi, Hello, and Welcome to me!

My name's Siddhartha Villanueva, but some people probably know me as Riku
(PFP by
@imperialnyx on Twitter)

Voice actor since 2015. Lovely experience with ups and downs as life brings.

I've taken some classes at Bang Zoom! Entertainment and taken constant steps to improve, so you know I'm giving it my best as well as my all; my biggest goal in all this is to someday do voice work full time and make as many people feel comfort through my performance of a character they love.

Whether you need a gravelly, no-nonsense Shōnen style character, a charismatically nonchalant young business head, a fatherly and good-natured adult, or some kind of strange vocal chimera of the three: I'm most likely your guy!

My natural voice is pretty Medium-Low by default, so casting for Young Adult characters, regardless of their energies, is pretty much my expertise! If I had to put a pinpoint where my vocal stronghold is, I'd have to say it's in my gentler, soft Shoujo-style tone, though I also shine pretty bright when I've gotta perform energetic hellions! 

cause that's not ALL I'm capable of! 

Since my voice hits a pretty great creamy center of tone and vocals, I'm more than capable of going from deep and villainous voices, to practically feral young lads that scream and love large explosions, so don't wait cause this 0% interest offer is NOT TIME LIMITED!

Screaming is not a problem for me by the way; If you ever need a power up on par with that of Dragon Ball related stuff, I've done nothing but scream in my room for years,.......so yeah, I can scream really well for your project
You got a big hearty laugher? LAY 'EM ON ME! 
You need someone to cry and hit emotional beats? You got it, just don't be surprised when I need a minute!

Twitter: @RikuVAnueva
Discord: PRIVATE, but will be shared upon request by project 

If you've got any questions or comments, just let me know either in the DMs here or on my Twitter! 
Hope you have a wonderful (rest of) your day!

Bang Zoom Entertainment - 2019

ADR Workshop

Instructed by Tony Oliver
Demos & Samples
Siddhartha Villanueva - Character Demo - 2020

2020 Demo Reel - Siddhartha Villanueva


Typically, my rate is as listed:
- $.25 per word
- $3 per line
- $200 per hour

What RikuVAnueva is looking for

I'm looking to work in Visual Novels, Videogames, Animation, and Audio Dramas!

I hope to expand my voice work and improve as I go while also entertaining a general audience and allowing them comfort to some degree through the work I'm involved in.

I joined CCC years ago because my friend told me it was a better BTVA. That is not a joke, that is 1000% the origin story.

  • @first-step-cinematics

    rikensenpaiva worked on our visual novel project, Twice Reborn. Great voice and clarity. Loved his performance.