World of Warcraft: The Fall of Lordaeron

World of Warcraft: The Fall of Lordaeron

Project Overview

Running a recorded live play TTRPG set in the Warcraft universe during the events of Warcraft 3. I want voice actors to play major lore characters. I'll let those who will be needed know before each session and pay you beforehand, paid for each session the character appears in.

Please English for all submissions, don't submit reels from previous work please

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Latest Updates

  • Update #2

    I have gotten a considerable amount of wonderful audions. On the 1st im going to start widdling down my shortlists and being more selective on who will be added. And then after auditions close I will decide the chosen few to come on for now. Dont be worried though if you dont come on for one of these audions, these are just the roles that appear in chapter 1 of the campaign. There are tons more character who will eventually need voices such as Garrosh, Varian, Khadgar, the old gods, Ragnaros, and more.

  • Update #1

    Im so excited to get started on this project. Those selected will be playing various lore characters from the warcraft universe. The first round is focused on just character who appear in Warcraft 3 and its expansions.

    Those selected will be expected to both perform scripted lines and improv in response to the players. Payment will of course be provided before each session and voice actors will be notified several days in advance.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Wang Lee Chi Chi

Antonidas was a powerful mage of great influence and the leader of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran. A young prodigy, he had already written theses at the age of twelve. He quickly rose through the ranks of the magus order and became a leader of the nation. During the Second War, he pledged loyalty to the Alliance of Lordaeron on behalf of Dalaran, in the war against the orcs. Mentor to young Jaina Proudmoore, Antonidas would be killed during the Third War by the death knight Arthas when the undead Scourge invaded the city.

  • I told you before, I'm not interested in this nonsense!

  • It's a strong possibility. That's why I need you to travel there and investigate the matter. I've arranged for a special envoy to assist you.

  • We've prepared for your coming, Arthas. My brethren and I have erected auras that will destroy any Undead that pass through them.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Kyle Ouellette
  • Very well, then. Tere is a special tome you must find...the only remaining spellbook of Medivh, the Last Guardian. Only his lost incantations are powerful enough to bring me into your world.

  • Tremble, Mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!

  • The Legion has returned to consume this world, woman. And this time, your troublesome race will not stop us.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Kyle Ouellette
  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Gentlemen, meet Miss Jaina Proudmoore, special agent to the Kirin Tor, and one of the most talented sorceresses in the land.

  • Oh no. We're too late. These people have all been infected! They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the Undead!

  • I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to! Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cairne Bloodhoof*
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: KaffeinewKoffee
  • I am Cairne, chief of the Bloodhoof tauren. You greenskins fight with both savagery and valor. I am intrigued.

  • Our debt to you orcs can only be repaid with blood. We've come to help you reach the Oracle. However, those metal-clad pinkskins look like trouble.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Alex_Marcy
  • Who dares defile this ancient land? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and the night elves?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Alex_Marcy
  • You are late, Prince Kael'thas. I thought you elves prided yourselves on punctuality.

  • We will be leaving immediately. But, your people, will be staying here. Our scouts report that a second strike force maybe heading this way from the east.

  • They are inhuman and must be crushed like any other enemy! Be careful where you place your loyalties, blood elf, I will not tolerate treason in my ranks. Now, I must return to the front. You will remain here and wait for further orders.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Patrick Albert Reeves Alex_Marcy
  • Don't lecture me, pup! The wreches deserve death! Don't you feel it, Thrall? It's like the old the demons are near.

  • Damn Thrall for sending us away! He chooses to use his greatest warriors for manual labor? He'll be lost without me.

  • No, warrior. We must embrace it as never before! We must become the vessels of destruction that we were meant to be!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: NateBarham
  • is your voice! After all these ages spent in darkness, your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind.

  • I am free after then thousand years, yet still my own brother thinks I am a villain! I'll show him my true power! I'll show him that the demons have no hold over me!

  • Hear me now, you trembling mortals! I am your lord and master! Illidan reigns supreme!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: GravyKavi
  • Ley's hope not. Those crates bear the regional seal of Andorhal, the distributing center for the norther boroughs. If this grain can spread the plague, there's no telling how many villages might be affected.

  • I'm sorry i'm late. It's just as we feared. Archimonde and his doom guard are making their way towards the summit! He'll be here any moment!

  • Is talking all you demons do?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: NateBarham
  • Ishnu-alah, night elves. I am Prince Keal'thas. I must admit, I'm surprised to see your kind here.

  • You served the Kirin Tor well, Kassan, but the old order has passed away. My people and I are leaving this damned prison one way or another.

  • So be it. Lord Illidan, my fellow blood elves and I humbly pledge ourselves to your service.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: DerionVA
  • Yes. I ordered the cult of the Damned to distribute the plagued Grain. But the sole credit is not mine.

  • I serve the dreadlord Mal'Ganis. He commands the Scourge that will cleanse this land and establish a paradise of eternal darkness!

  • Naive fool. My death will make little difference in the long run, for, now, the scourging of this land...begins.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lady Vashj*
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Nancy O'Fallon
  • We were Azshara's chosen, the Highborne...banished beneath the cruel seas when the Well of Eternity imploded around us!

  • We are on our own now, good prince. I am called Lady Vashj. My brethren and I come in peace, to offer you our aid.

  • You stand at a dangerous crossroads. You can either stay here and be slaughtered by human hands...or choose a darker freedom.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Nancy O'Fallon
  • These tracks are fresh, but they split off in opposite directions. Illidan must be getting help from someone.

  • Illidan has grown powerful of that, there is no doubt. He consumed the energies of the skull of Gul'dan. Now he is neither night elf nor demon, but something more.

  • Perhaps, though there are few powers left in the world capable of raising islands from the deeps. Regardless, it's a mystery we'll have to solve later. We'd best head inland and set up a base camp. Once we're situated, we'll pick up Illidan's trail.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Tim Winters
  • The horn has sounded, and I have come as promised! I smell the stench of decay and corruption in our land. That angers me greatly.

  • In the Dream, I felt our land being corrupted, just as if it were my own body. You were right to awaken me.

  • Ten thousand years ago we night elves defeated the Burning Legion. Though the rest of the world was shattered, we were left free to live out our immortal lives in peace, bound to the world tree. We are its protectors, and through it we were granted immortality and power over nature. Now, at last, it is time we gave that power back.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Tim Winters
  • I've been waiting for you, young prince. I am Mal'Ganis.

  • The Dark Lord said you would come. This is where your journey ends, boy. Trapped and freezing at the roof of the world, with only death to sing the tale of your doom.

  • So, you've taken up Frostmourne at the expense of your comrades' lives, just as the Dark Lord said you would. You're stronger than I thought.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Jack Fisher, VA
  • Do not mock me, dreadlord. I am aware of the orcs' failure. When I find them, I will discipline them myself!

  • Ashenvale forest. After ten thousand years, I still recognize this cursed place! This is the vale of our ancient enemy, the night elves' demigod, Cenarius.

  • Stupid, pitiful creature. I am the rage in your heart. I am the fury of your thoughts. I alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world, and by the endless void, you shall!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Kyle Ouellette
  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • I know many things, young warchief, about you and your people. My identity at this time is unimportant. What is important is that you rally your people and leave these shores immediately.

  • The Invasion of the Burning Legion has begun! Lordaeron has already fallen, and now the demons come to invade Kalimdor! Only together, united against the shadow, will you be able to save this world from the flame.

  • Destiny is at hand, young sorceress. THe time to choose has come. For the fate of all who live, humanity must join forces with the Horde...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Muradin Bronzebeard*
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Kyle Ouellette
  • Damn boy. I never imagined that you'd be the one to come to our rescue!

  • You lied to your men and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you. What's happening to you Arthas? Is vengeance all that's important to you?

  • Hold, lad. There's an inscription on the dias. It's a warning. It says "whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit." Oh, I should've known. The blade is cursed! Let's get the hell out of here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Nancy O'Fallon
  • You are not welcome here. I am Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon. I advise you turn back now.

  • Finish it! I deserve...a clean death.

  • I lived as a slave long enough, dreadlord. I won't relinquish my freedom by shackling myself to you fools!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: D2onAir
  • You'll have no more sacrifices today, witch! Go back to the depths where you belong!

  • Yes, boredom and the beating sun have put us all on edge. But we must push on! All will be made clear once we meet the Oracle.

  • Hellscream is like a brother to me, Cairne. But he and his clan have fallen under the demons' influence. If I can't save him, then my people might be damned for all time.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Thankless
  • Calm yourself, Prince Arthas. I am Tichondrius. Like Mal'Ganis, I am a dreadlord, but I am not your enemy. In truth, I've come to congratulate you.

  • The Lich King's young death knight has been performing well...almost too well. I begin to wonder if Ner'Zhul has ulterior motives for his new...champion.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Sara Dunham
  • I sense something dark stirring within the forests, Shandris. It feels as if it's heading this way.

  • My heart rejoices to see you again, my love. But I would not have awakened you unless the need was urgent.

  • They are mongrels and nothing more! They are responsible for Cenarius' death! I will be damned before I stand with them!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: NateBarham
  • Welcome, Prince Arthas. The men and I are honored by your presence.

  • Remember, Arthas, we are Paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the orcs.

  • Damn that boy! I've got to inform King Terenas. Don't be too hard on yourself, girl. You had nothing to do with this...slaughter.


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