WONDERCORD is an upcoming animated series created by a group of independent passionate talents ranging from artists, voice actors, writers, musicians, and more!
WONDERCORD is a show that revolves around twelve characters from a small town exploring an alternate world in a chat app used to bring local players together. The characters are divided into two teams to compete in a race to gather the most batteries. The team that succeeds in collecting the most batteries wins one million dollars. Things start to get more complicated when plans from the greedy mayor to expand the town threatens the livelihoods of the group, tension amongst the team stirs up drama, and as more secrets of WONDERCORD are discovered, they find it may be far more dangerous than they anticipated.
It is important to mention that, should you be selected for this role, that you can be active on Discord and contribute a bit more than just recording voice lines for your character. WONDERCORD is a passion project for independent creators, and we will be expecting your dedication to this character and this project.