Wings of Fire: Moon Rising

Wings of Fire: Moon Rising

Project Overview

This is a sort of narration/ audio book for the Wings of Fire book; Moon Rising.. I hope that you potential voice actors enjoy doing your auditions!

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  • Deadline 3

    We still need quite a few roles to be filled. Even actors. We could use some more behind-the-scenes people to volunteer.
Music Composer
Music Composer
Background music person

We could have a bit of background music for, you know, the background and beginning on chapters.

  • Say something you think would fit

Role assigned to: ThatGrumpyDeer

We need someone to Produce this so It can be shared with others.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Extra (Girls)

Extra for all the other parts. (This one is for girls.)

  • Say anything you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: WildKadachi

She's a very happy and eager to please Rainwing. Seriously. if Kinkajou is sad, it's really  bad. She's typically a very optimistic dragon. She has very small holes in one of her wings from a queen tournament. She's very high energy, so we need a high energy person the voice act for her.

  • (Extremely excited. SUPER high energy) "Have you explored at all yet? There's the most amazing library -- not that I can read yet, but oh my gosh, I'm working on it really hard. And an art cave! It's full of all these colors of paint, like, like, like a couple or Rainwings just EMOTED all over it! You guys, we should make amazing paintings and then decorate our cave with them. WOULDN'T THAT BE AMAZING?"

  • (Explaining to Moon about Tamarin. First and last sentences for Tamarin, rest for Moon) "Have you figured everything out yet? She had the rainforest memorized, but of course this is a whole new place, so Queen Glory arranged for her to come early and spend a few days walking the tunnels. I bet you know Jade mountain better than anyone else now."

  • (Very relieved and happy in her mind) "Alive! Friends! Heros! Averting tragedy and saving the day!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Soulia Sora

She's a Nightwing with the lost powers of Mind-reading and future sight. She didn't grow up at the volcanoe like the other nightwings, so she's slightly shunned because of that. But, once you get to know her, she's very sweet and caring and would do anything to let other dragons prevail over her.

  • (In her head reassuring herself) "Not a vision. Not a prophecy. Not the future. Please, it can't be the future."

  • (in her head talking to Darkstalker) "This is going to sound weird, but I kind of want to give you a hug right now.

  • (To Qibli, slightly confused) "But I won't be able to hear her thoughts, how will we learn anything from her?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

She's a sandwing-nightwing hybrid. Her mother is Queen thorn and her father is Stonemover. She doesn't have that poisonous barbed tail like other Sandwings do, not to mention that she has very vibrant yellow scales. She's typically a happy-go-lucky dragon and is an absolute cinnamon roll. She tries to see the best in people.

  • (Cooing over scavengers /humans) "Fatespeaker told me you brought a pet. Is that it? Aw, I met a couple just about that size once."

  • (curious about the scavenger pet) "Maybe he's depressed. Webs was like that for  a while after the Summer Palace attack. He didn't get out of bed for months."

  • (Hopeful and slightly amused) "Was that a prophecy? Did you see us changing the world? Like, five eggs to hatch on brightest night, five dragons born to teach history and art and get everyone to calm down and be nice to each other?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Izzy_du

She's Queen Coral's daughter and was recently reunited with her mother. She had killed her father without knowing it (Wings of Fire #1). She can be slightly aggressive but also very protective at times.

  • (reassuring to her little sister) "Maybe next year, Auklet."

  • (Annoyed in her mind.) "Oh great."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

She's one of Tsunami's younger sisters. She's an animus (*cough cough* Artificial *cough cough*)She's become slightly bratty and has a bodyguard while she's there.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: WildKadachi

She's an Icewing and is the niece of Queen Glacier. She's snooty and is secretly working for Queen Scarlet. She is working for her so that she can get her older brother, Hailstorm, back.

  • (Questioning) "About that Skywing, the one who burns everything she touches. Have there been other dragons like that in history? Aren't they terribly dangerous? I mean, even frost-breath doesn't work on her. So how have tribes dealt with dragons like that in the past? Is there a way to kill her?"

  • (In her mind talking with Queen Scarlet) "No, it was ... an eventful day. We've had a few deaths, but not the ones you want."

  • (In her mind talking to herself) "Why are they STILL GOING ON ABOUT THIS? Two dragons died, so what? I've killed nine times that in almost every battle I've been in. We don't need to HEAR about it ENDLESSLY. They should just find the dragon who did it and give them a slow, horrible death. Perhaps by making them listen to Starflight talk for the next hundred years."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Extra (Boys)

Extra for all the other parts. (This one is for boys.)

  • Say anything you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

He's a Mudwing who mainly thinks with his stomach. He's very kind and caring and doesn't really like violence, though he will resort to it if there is no other option. He would much rather deal with situations  by talking them over a meal of a cow.

  • (Trying to break up a fight) "It's only the first day, folks. Nothing to be so grumpy about already. You're probably both just hungry. Carnelian, take a deep breath and see me later. Pike, walk with me."

  • (Very happy and excited) "Peril! You came!"

  • (very worried) "By all the moons, how did  that happen? Are you alright?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Nikko Abanilla

He's a Sandwing from the Scorpions den in the the Sandwing territory. He was sold to the Thorn (Now queen thorn) when he was little and is extremely devoted to her.  He's very eager to please. He's also very quick minded. As Moon said, "I've never seen someone who thinks so fast."

  • (Trying desperately to calm down his clawmate, Winter) "Hey, calm down, all right? No one is getting sliced up or frozen and snapped apart, what is wrong with you? Did you even try just asking nicely?"

    (To Moon) "Hey. I'm the idiot clawmate, although most dragons call me Qibli. My intimidating acquaintance here is Winter. What's your name?"

  • (Fierce loyalty toward Queen Thorn) "Queen Thorn is the best queen the Sandwings have ever had. If you think you could do better, maybe you should challenge her for the throne."

  • (To Moon trying to explain himself.) 'If you heard that, don't listen to it. I like Turtle. I don't mean to be mean. He can't be the person who did this, right? Peril, maybe. Onyx ... I don't know anything about her. I don't think she was in the Scorpion Den, or I'd at least have heard or her."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

He's a Nightwing. He lost his sight when the volcano that the Nightwings previously lived on erupted and smoke and ash got into his eyes. He works as the librarian at Jade Mountain Academy. He's protective of his students (as a teacher or librarian should be).

  • (Explaining) "When you borrow a scroll, you bring it up here to me here. Each one has a unique carved stamp on the end, like these do. I'll stamp your name scroll with that end to show that you checked it out, and then when you bring it back, we stamp your card over the first image to show that it's been returned. Does that make sense?"

  • (Absolutely terrified in his mind) "Queen Scarlet, she's come for us!"

  • (terrified and trying to reason with Icicle.) "I promise, you won't have done anything wrong, Icicle. You can still go home now, but if you kill me, Queen Glacier might not take you back."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

He's one of Tsunami's younger brothers. Tsunami has thirty-one brothers, including him. He's very shy and doesn't really stand out all that much. He's the kind of dragons you would pass over in a crowd without even realizing it.

  • (Matter a factly) "There are about thirty of us."

  • (Realization dawning on him) "Three moons, it was a vision, wasn't it? You can see the future."

  • (Explaining and trying to help) "You should wash your shoulder. I'd take you to the infirmary, but I imagine Clay is busy with Tamarin right now

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Nikko Abanilla

He's an Icewing with the common powers of frostbreath. He's a prince from the Icewing kingdom, so he's slightly spoiled and snobbish.  He, unlike other icewings, is very curious about Scavengers, aka. Humans. He's easily angered so Qibli likes poking fun at him. However, he's really sweet once you get to know him and over the fact that he has a tendancy to threaten other dragons a lot.

  • (Angry) "You have ten seconds to give me back my scavenger, before I slice your face off"

  • (Still angry) "That is MY scavenger. My idiot clawmate let it out, but it is MINE and I did not bring it all the way here to see it eaten by a lying, smoke-breathing Nightwing. I could freeze you one part at a time - first you horns, then snap them off. Then your tail - freeze it and snap it off. then your claws, and your wings ... Should I go on?"

  • (Confused) "Queen Scarlet? Icicle, what are you doing?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

He's a very ancient animus Nightwing that was locked away thousands of years ago. He has now awakened and really wants to get out. Unfortunately for him, he's crushed by a bunch of rocks and dirt. He has future sight/prophecy powers as well as Mind reading. So Moon can talk to him without anyone realizing it. He is ... extremely scary and cunning.

  • (Talking to Moon in a dream) "Don't wish to be ordinary, Moonwatcher."

  • (Reminising in old times in moons mind) "She saw them, too. Clearsight had the gift of prophecy, as strong as mine. She knew those futures existed ... but she also saw the ones where I turned evil, destroying instead of protecting. She didn't believe me that I could avoid those paths. In the end, I guess she didn't believe in me at all. I wonder what happened to her."

  • (In moons mind) "I know some things. But everything I could tell you leads to futures that end badly, for you and for me. For instance, I cansee clearly that if I tell you right now who has been speaking with the fallen Skywing queen, you will seek out that dragon, and you will end up dead. Which would be unfortunate, both because I quite like you, and because then I might have to wait another thousand years to be rescued."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Stitches17

Just a narrator to, you know, narrate.

  • "Moon didn't think she ought to smile, given the wave of outrage coming off of the Skywing."

  • "She kind of wanted to keep talking to Darkstalker, which would be hard to do in a cave full of dragons all thinking at the top of  their brains."

  • "Two gongs sounded. They started toward the Great Hall, staying well behind the other dragons so no one could overhear them. Keeping her voice low, Moon explained about the Dragon-flame cactus and the seed pods, watching his brain spiral out into all the possibilities that meant. She also told them about Queen Scarlet and the dreamvisitor conversations,"


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