WCAnimated - Warriors: Into the Wild (Round 3)

Project Overview


Welcome! This is the third casting call for WCAnimated's animated web series based on the WARRIORS series by Erin Hunter. We are now casting six additional characters appearing in early episodes.

The series will follow Rusty, a seemingly ordinary housecat who leaves his comfortable life behind to join ThunderClan, a group of wild forest cats. But the forest is full of dangers and secrets, and Rusty himself is driven by a prophesied destiny that will change the Warrior Clans forever.


While our story is technically based in the British wilderness, we welcome any and all accents. If you use an accent besides your own, please provide TWO TAKES, one with the accent and one with your neutral voice.


This project is fan-made and is collaborated on by a team of volunteers. Expect a welcoming, exciting, and collaborative environment-- but also expect to receive criticism and extensive direction. We may be volunteers, but our team is made up of industry professionals and quality is a priority at Tlacuache Studios. We will set soft deadlines, but we vow to accommodate our cast and crew's personal schedules to a reasonable extent. This position is unpaid, although we will help actors to get adequate resources as best we can.

We meet and work through Discord. A discord account is mandatory to partake in the project.


  • This round of auditions will close December 30, 2023. We do not plan on extending this deadline. 

  • A discord account is mandatory to partake in the project.

  • As per Discord's terms of service, you must be at least 13 years old to audition. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Some roles will require you to provide at least two takes to audition. Take note of your role's description. If you use an accent besides your own, please provide TWO TAKES, one with the accent and one with your neutral voice.

  • You must follow us here on CCC. Otherwise we will not be able to contact you if you get the role.

  • You may audition for (and even be cast in) multiple roles.

  • We are looking for clear and quality audio. No fans, chatter, or other background noise please!

  • This is a fan project and therefore will work at a different pace than a traditional production. Many of the characters will feature in multiple episodes. Please ensure you are properly committed to the role and project.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SethHeart

The infamous leader of ShadowClan, Brokenstar is ruthless in his ambitions. From driving out other Clans to forcing kits to fight his battles, Brokenstar is a leader without mercy, who is unafraid to defy the Warrior Code in order to get his way.

Significance: Supporting

  • english
Voice description:
  • all accents
  • male adult
  • (Sinister) I have a feeling this arrangement will make Bluestar a bit more… Agreeable.

  • (Vicious, angry) I was a fool to let you leave ShadowClan alive!

  • (Commanding, diplomatic with underlying threat) Friends, I come to speak to you tonight about the needs of ShadowClan. Unlike the other Clans, ShadowClan has not lost kits and now has more mouths to feed than ever. Our kits are stronger than the other Clans’ and must be properly fed. The needs of ShadowClan are simple: I insist that you allow my warriors to hunt in your territories!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: LivSmith

Crookedstar is RiverClan’s leader, named for his distinctive crooked jaw. He is proud, commanding, and protective of his Clan, but does his best to avoid conflict with the other Clans when possible.

Significance: Minor

  • english
Voice description:
  • all accents
  • male adult
  • (Diplomatic) I feel that it is best for our Clan, for all the Clans. It is better to share our prey than to spill blood fighting over it.

  • (Scolding, pleading) Your loyalty should be with your own Clan! I thought I taught you that.

  • (Fierce) If you think you’re in any position to make demands of my Clan, you’re a fool!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Josie D Sumner

Darkstripe is a  warrior of ThunderClan and Tigerclaw’s closest friend. Grouchy, critical, and often resentful, Darkstripe doesn’t hide his scorn for others, especially Firepaw. Still, he’s a trusted member of ThunderClan, though whether his allegiance is to them or to Tigerclaw remains to be seen…

Significance: Minor

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all accents
  • (Aggressive) I knew that old fleabag was trouble!

  • (Excited, sinister) The Clan would be better off without a traitor like Ravenpaw.

  • (Disgusted, indignant) Traitors and kittypets! Is there no decent cat left in this Clan?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: theredgiant

A senior warrior of ShadowClan before he was forced to retire to the Elder’s den due to his severe asthma, Nightpelt was exiled along with the other elders by Brokenstar. Despite this, he is a natural leader, protective of his clanmates, and waiting anxiously for the opportunity to rid his Clan of Brokenstar once and for all.

Significance: Minor

  • english
Voice description:
  • all accents
  • male adult
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • neutral
  • (Determined, assuring) We’re not here to hurt you. We want your kits to be safe, and we want Brokenstar gone.

  • (Furious, defiant) Clawface, this has gone far enough!

  • (Grateful) Thank you. ShadowClan will not forget what you did for us today.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Alexandra Ricou

Frostfur is a well-mannered and kind queen of ThunderClan, fiercely protective of her kits and Clan alike. Compassionate and understanding, she is a soothing presence in the nursery and the Clan as a whole.

Significance: Minor

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • all accents
  • (Distressed, frantic) My kits— My kits are missing!

  • (Gentle scolding) Shh, quiet down. Your brother and sister are sleeping.

  • (Sincere, with sadness) I don’t blame you, Fireheart.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jason11818

Barley lives a (mostly) peaceful life beyond the Clans’ territories on a farm in the uplands. He’s friendly, easygoing, and honest, and never hesitates to offer help and refuge to any passing Clan cats who may need it. 

Significance: Minor

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all accents
  • (Friendly) Bluestar! I haven’t seen you for moons!

  • (Insistent, concerned) You’re hurt! You should rest a while!

  • (Fearful, pleading) I didn’t know! I came to help you, I swear!


Public Submissions

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