Warcraft III Mod | Gnoll Campaign | Chapter 1: Shipwrecked on Yeenador | Reopened Roles

Project Overview

We are looking for voice actors for the first chapter of our Warcraft III Mod, the Gnoll Campaign. There are 10 male roles available now. All others have been cast.

Audition lines are at the end of each character description.

Description of the mod

The Gnoll Campaign is a story-driven single-player custom campaign for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. It is sequel to the Dwarf Campaign.



Lines for each role

Each role can have:

1. Dialogue lines
2. Sound set lines

Not all roles have dialogue lines and not all roles have sound set lines.

You can find all the dialogue lines in the following document:

Gnoll Campaign Dialogue Reference

You can find all the sound set lines in the following document:

Gnoll Campaign Sound Sets

Audio samples

We’ve gathered a few audio samples from the original Warcraft III game and the Dwarf Campaign:

Gnoll Campaign Audio Samples

These can help you get the auditions sound correct.

Audio format

You can send the auditions and final lines in any of the following formats:
- WAV: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz
- MP3 Mono: Bit rate at least 80 Kbps
- MP3 Stereo/Joint: Bit rate at least 160 Kbps

Notice on auditions with heavy effects created with an audio editing software

If you plan to send an audition, to which you have added heavy effects using an audio editing software, please send two versions of your audition:

1. One without any software created effects
2. Second with software created effects

This is because we need to evaluate your acting skills based on the version that has no software created effects. This rule does not apply if you create the "effects" with your voice or to any editing that you apply to your voice files to make them sound professional, such as noise reduction. This rule applies only when the original voice file and the modified voice file sound substantially different, e.g. due to voice distortion effects.

Evaluation of auditions

A jury will evaluate the sent auditions based on the following criteria:

  1. 1. Suitability of the voice for the role (right age, etc.)
    2. Voice acting skills (how well you can act the character in question)
    3. Technical quality (your microphone quality, etc.)

  2. 4. Reading skills (you read the audition lines right and pronounce the words right)

If your audition does not pass all four evaluation criteria, it will be rejected.

The evaluation of auditions will take up to 2 weeks after each deadline.

Audition process

We will do the casting in rounds, each of which takes about 1 month. Each of the rounds has a deadline, after which we evaluate all sent auditions. If we find a suitable actor for a role, that role will be cast to the actor in question and closed for any further auditions. However, if all sent auditions for a particular role do not meet our voice acting standard, that role will stay open for further rounds until a suitable voice actor is found.

We will not do early castings under any circumstances. We will strictly respect the deadlines of each round. This means that you can count on that we receive your audition for evaluation if you send it before the deadline.

After all the roles have been filled and after we have received all lines from the voice actors, we will evaluate the project as a whole. That is, how all voices work together. At this stage, it can happen that we find that some particular voice does not fit together with all other voices and we need to recast that role. In this case, the original voice actor still gets to keep the money we paid him or her for his or her work.

Payment method

We will pay through PayPal. The recipient is responsible for all taxes and tax-like costs in his or her country.

Contact information

voiceacting at hyvanmielenpelit.fi

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mezil-kree, Troll Cuisinier
Paid: Flat Rate 25 USD
cast offsite

Race & gender:         Jungle troll male

Voice:                          Adult male with Trollish (Jamaican) accent

Occupation:               Master chef

Location:                    Usually in the Skullflower village on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 Neutral Evil

Favorite color:           Bone white

Quote:                         “What would you like? I know a sauce that goes very well with gnolls.”

Personality:                Bossy and irritable

Background:              Skullflower village’s famous cook, who can turn a surprising variety of things into delicious traditional trollish cuisine. Also in charge of the living arrangements for the tribe’s guests.

Scenes:                        8-4

Number of lines:      17 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 17 lines

  • “Hey, man! You need to pay the guests' bill before they can check out!”

  • “I'm Mezil-kree the cuisinier. What would you like? I know a sauce that goes very well with gnolls.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Corrupted Tree of Spirits
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: YetiWilson

Race & gender:         Ancient (demigod-like tree) male

Voice:                          Elderly male with entlike effects (see samples)

Occupation:               Eater of souls

Location:                    In the corrupted forest on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 Chaotic Evil (formerly True Neutral)

Favorite color:           Dark purple

Quote:                         “All of a sudden, I feel much less evil now.”

Personality:                Twisted and bitter

Background:              Once a protector of the druidic grove of Arecales and a guide for spirits of nature, this mighty ancient was corrupted by the fel energies that tainted the grove and now hungers for the souls of uncorrupted beings. However, he and the rest of the grove can still be cured by appropriate magical means.

Scenes:                        4-3

Number of lines:      2 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 2 lines

  • “Welcome to my grove! I haven't seen such pure souls in these blighted woods in a long time. Please come and nourish my withered roots!”

  • Huh. All of a sudden, I feel much less evil now.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yog’Ommog, High Priest of Yeb'beh
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: YetiWilson

Race & gender:         Gnoll male

Voice:                          Middle-aged male with canine effects

Occupation:               High priest of Yeb’beh

Location:                    Usually in the Crimson Labyrinth beneath Yeenador

Alignment:                 Neutral Evil

Favorite color:           Brown

Quote:                         “Yes, my lord!”

Personality:                Obedient and brutal

Background:              Yeenadorian gnoll warlock chosen as high priest of the abomination Yeb’beh due to his exceptional talent and slavish obedience to the Flindlord Yee’Togarr. Manages the Flindlord’s minions together with Darithya, high priestess of Nugg.

Scenes:                        12

Number of lines:      2 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 2 lines

  • “Yes, my lord!”

  • "Yeb-beh! Zeph! Ni! Yeb-beh! Vex! Dol! Bless us with your endless spawn! As a foulness shall we greet them!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
cast offsite

Race & gender:         Gnoll male

Voice:                          Adult or young adult male with canine effects, slightly comical (see sound set lines)

Occupation:               Basic gnoll worker

Location:                    Currently on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 True Neutral

Favorite color:           Grey

Quote:                         “Snarl!”

Personality:                Simple and loyal

Background:              Member of one of the gnoll tribes supporting Bark Sharpnose’s claim to the Gnollish throne (mainly Sharpnose, Blackpaw, and Moonsnout). Has volunteered or been volunteered to join Bark's expedition to the lost kingdom of Yeenador.

Scenes:                        3, 6, 11

Number of lines:        7 dialogue lines + 18 sound set lines = Total of 25 lines

  • “I get a weird feeling around this brazier. Maybe the supreme warden should take a look at it.”

  • “Can’t I have a nap instead?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Generic Male Troll
Paid: Flat Rate 10 USD
cast offsite

Race & gender:         Troll male

Voice:                          Adult or young adult male with Trollish (Jamaican) accent

Occupation:               Basic troll worker or warrior

Location:                    Skullflower village and environs on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 True Neutral

Favorite color:           Bone white

Quote:                         “Who you want me kill?”

Personality:                Violent and laid-back

Background:              Member of the Skullflower tribe of Jungle Trolls.

Scenes:                        11, 12-2

Number of lines:      3 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 3 lines

  • “Finally, the Crimson Labyrinth is open to us again! I cannot wait until we can restart the ceremonies to appease Nugg and Yeb-beh and celebrate in their glory once again!”

  • "I have this strange piece of paper that we picked up earlier. Maybe that's what the gnoll supreme warden is looking for."

  • "I also have a strange piece of paper."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Voice 1
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: JetFalco

Race & gender:         Half-demon half-gnoll male

Voice:                          Adult male with voice distortion (and possibly demonic and canine effects)

Occupation:               Leader of a mysterious cabal

Location:                    Presumably somewhere on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 Neutral Evil

Favorite color:           Dark Red

Quote:                         “For Yee’Naghu!”

Personality:                Tyrannical and suspicious

Background:              Leader of the Flindlords, a secretive group of powerful beings who rule over the gnolls of the island of Yeenador and are known as the Sons of Yee’Naghu. Rarely appearing in person, they usually communicate via magical glyphs that transmit their voice.

Scenes:                        13            

Number of lines:      2 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 2 lines

  • “Have you heard about Yee’Togarr?”

  • "Indeed. This matter requires our immediate attention. The meeting is finished. For Yee'Naghu!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Voice 2
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Zamoody

Race & gender:         Half-demon half-gnoll male

Voice:                          Adult male with voice distortion (and possibly demonic and canine effects)

Occupation:               Member of a mysterious cabal

Location:                    Presumably somewhere on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 Neutral Evil

Favorite color:           Dark Red

Quote:                         “For Yee’Naghu!”

Personality:                Cunning and cruel

Background:              One of the Flindlords, a secretive group of powerful beings who rule over the gnolls of the island of Yeenador and are known as the Sons of Yee’Naghu. Rarely appearing in person, they usually communicate via magical glyphs that transmit their voice.

Scenes:                        13

Number of lines:      2 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 2 lines

  • “Yes, I knew that his overconfidence would eventually be his undoing. Yee'Naghu has already sent a replacement for him. One more capable of the task.”

  • "For Yee'Naghu!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Voice 3
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
cast offsite

Race & gender:         Half-demon half-gnoll male

Voice:                          Adult male with voice distortion (and possibly demonic and canine effects)

Occupation:               Member of a mysterious cabal

Location:                    Presumably somewhere on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 Neutral Evil

Favorite color:           Dark Red

Quote:                         “For Yee’Naghu!”

Personality:                Driven and uncaring

Background:              One of the Flindlords, a secretive group of powerful beings who rule over the gnolls of the island of Yeenador and are known as the Sons of Yee’Naghu. Rarely appearing in person, they usually communicate via magical glyphs that transmit their voice.

Scenes:                        13

Number of lines:      3 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 3 lines

  • “That all is but a minor inconvenience. Let us get to the more important matter at hand.”

  • "The wizard's powers are growing. He has already been of much more use to us than before."

  • "For Yee'Naghu!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Voice 4
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: Shaka Azule Raheem

Race & gender:         Half-demon half-gnoll male

Voice:                          Adult male with voice distortion (and possibly demonic and canine effects)

Occupation:               Member of a mysterious cabal

Location:                    Presumably somewhere on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 Neutral Evil

Favorite color:           Dark Red

Quote:                         “For Yee’Naghu!”

Personality:                Fanatical and merciless

Background:              One of the Flindlords, a secretive group of powerful beings who rule over the gnolls of the island of Yeenador and are known as the Sons of Yee’Naghu. Rarely appearing in person, they usually communicate via magical glyphs that transmit their voice.

Scenes:                        13

Number of lines:      2 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 2 lines

  • “Indeed. The Flail is back on the island, just as Nutt'h told us.”

  • "For Yee'Naghu!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Voice 5
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
cast offsite

Race & gender:         Half-demon half-gnoll male

Voice:                          Adult male with voice distortion (and possibly demonic and canine effects)

Occupation:               Member of a mysterious cabal

Location:                    Presumably somewhere on the island of Yeenador

Alignment:                 Neutral Evil

Favorite color:           Dark Red

Quote:                         “For Yee’Naghu!”

Personality:                Methodical and brutal

Background:              One of the Flindlords, a secretive group of powerful beings who rule over the gnolls of the island of Yeenador and are known as the Sons of Yee’Naghu. Rarely appearing in person, they usually communicate via magical glyphs that transmit their voice.

Scenes:                        13

Number of lines:      2 dialogue lines + 0 sound set lines = Total of 2 lines

  • “Brothers, I have just been notified that the Flailbearer has been located. Yee'Naghu will be pleased with this development.”

  • "For Yee'Naghu!"


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