Voltron: The Musical (Opening Number)

Voltron: The Musical (Opening Number)

Project Overview

***NOTE: This project is on hiatus. Auditions posted during this time will still be considered, but not offered feedback and responses may be delayed.***


This project is going to be an online fan musical of the show Voltron: Legendary Defenders. As to not waste anybody's time, I am only casting the opening number for now. After this project is complete, I will work through any kinks in the production process before officially casting the full musical. Those who are cast in this opening number will automatically be offered a callback for the casting of the full musical without having to go through an initial audition.

For this specific project, I will be casting ONLY for the opening number. This includes Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, Shiro, and a small chorus. I am also looking for artists (digital artists, storyboarders, animatic creators, and animators) and songwriters (composers, transcribers, and lyricists). You can find the information about how to apply in the links included in their individual casting call descriptions. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

The song itself is a mixture of original song and the show’s theme song, totaling approximately 6 minutes. It has many different sections in it, including unison up to six part harmony, so recognize that you will likely not always be on melody. If you are cast, I will provide clear scratch tapes and sheet music to help you learn your parts.


  • Discord Account
    This is where most of our communication will be done as well as where I will work with you on your parts. If you don't have one, you must be willing to make one. Relax, it's free and easy to use. I can walk you through the process if necessary.

  • Email Address
    A large majority of files will be shared through google drive and I need an additional way to contact you in case I haven't been able to reach you on discord. Don't worry, I will be the only person who has your email address and will not share it with anyone without your permission.

  • Commitment
    You aren't committing to anything by auditioning, but if you receive a callback and are cast, you should be planning on seeing this through completely. This should be a relatively short-term project once everyone is cast in September. I would anticipate it being completed by December, but you need to be committed to the project until it's finished. Part of commitment is that you are active on discord (a.k.a, if I private message you, you will be able to reply within a week) and that you tell me about any times you will be out of contact for longer than 5 days.

  • Be Respectful
    You need to be ready to work with other people and respect differing opinions. No hate will be tolerated.

  • Follow the Rules
    There will be a google document explaining the rules of this project which you will be expected to read and uphold. Most of it is just what I mentioned above, but by joining the project, you are agreeing to follow the rules.

  • Keep it SFW
    This project does not have an age limit and considering that VLD is in fact a kid's show, we want to keep the environment family-friendly. This will be explained more clearly in the rule document. Essentially for your audition, just keep it relatively clean. Nothing sexual or seductive and please limit graphic violence or drug reference. Minor cursing ("hell" and "damn") is allowed in your audition song of choice. If the song has harsher cursing (especially f-bomb), please either change the lyrics or sing a different song. Basically, if you wouldn't want your christian mother or your 8 year-old little sister listening to it on repeat, leave it out of your audition.


  • Character
    By this, I mean personality. While it does matter that you sounds relatively believable as the character’s voice, it is far more important that you match their energy.

  • Vocal Accuracy
    This song has a lot of harmony and good pitch is vital to the project's quality. If a song has notes you can't reach, either adjust the notes or sing a different song. DO NOT change the key mid-song so that you can reach the notes. I can work around range limitations. I cannot work with someone who can't stay in key.

  • Diction
    Your words should be easy to understand without causing your microphone to pop. This is especially crucial for chorus, who has a fairly fast part of the song where the words are important to be heard and understood.

  • Energy
    This show has vibrant characters and the song itself is fairly upbeat. You need to sound passionate and have a strong energy in your audition. Each character has a unique energy to them and it is your job to capture that energy in your audition. Please choose a song accordingly.

  • Audio Quality
    Your auditions should not have people or sounds in the background and pops/air noises should not be distracting. Do your best with what you can. Do not record at a time or place where you feel you cannot give your full volume or energy to the audition. When you audition, you should put full focus into it and not hold back.

  • Professionalism
    While small mistakes are okay in auditions, you should not have a 20 second explanation about how you just messed up or that you are sick. You can mention that stuff in a comment, but PLEASE limit your actual audition to audition material. Be sure to include ALL required parts of the audition. If it doesn't have "optional" next to it, it is required and I expect it to be included in your audition. Please do the audition in the order it is listed in.


This casting is a two-part process, the first on here and callbacks which I will message details to you directly. Each month (when the original deadline expires) I will go through the current auditions and send out callbacks before pushing the deadline back. The final deadline will be at the end of August, with callbacks due in September, so it is beneficial to get your auditions in before the original deadline in July. That way, you have an extra month to work on your callback material rather than if you wait for the August callback list. These details and any new information will be posted in this project’s Updates, so be sure to follow this project to stay caught up.

Good luck with your auditions and feel free to message me with any questions!


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Latest Updates

  • Final Update!!!

    Alrighty, it's been a wild ride but the original casting process is now over! All re-submission deadlines are past and callbacks have been finalized! For those who have recieved callbacks, I will be sending you all updates via email from now on so if you've gotten a callback but haven't given me your email, please do so asap. Remember to use [at] and [dot] if you send it in a private message. Be on a lookout for an update email in this coming week. For anyone who may be stressing about scratch tracks and deadlines, these will both be addressed in the upcoming email. I know it can be hard, but please trust that I will make sure you have the materials and time you need to reasonably complete your callbacks. Remember, you are always allowed to email me if you have any concerns. Thank you so much for all the work everyone has put into this process! It's been an honor to see such incredible talent interested in taking part in this project and I know our callbackees will really make this project shine. For anyone who is interested in getting more information as the project progresses, follow @ voltron_the_musical_official on instagram or tumblr. Any support is greatly appreciated! Remember, even if you weren't given a callback (or were), we have other jobs open, including artists, social media managers/promoters, audio and visual engineers, and songwriters. If you or someone you know is interested in any of these, please shoot me an email at romrellr@gmail.com. I hope you all have a wonderful day! -Sakarrie <3
  • VERY IMPORTANT!!! - Deadlines and Updates

    Hello everyone! It's crazy to think I put together this casting call over 3 months ago. At that time, I had no idea what to expect and you all have blown me away with your talent. That being said, this casting call is about to end. I mentioned in last round's update that I wasn't sure we would get enough auditions for this to be our last round, but with the recent flood of them, I'm happy to say that we have enough auditions and talented voices receiving callbacks that this will be the final round. That being said, there are some VERY big changes in deadlines. The first and most basic is that I've extended this round's deadline to the 30th. This is a pretty hard deadline, so it's important that you get all re-auditions in by that date. First auditions that are submitted past the 29th will not be eligible for re-audition. Message me if you have any concerns with that. September 30th was originally when most of the callbacks were going to be due. With my own health problems causing problems with recording the scratch tracks, I've realized this has placed too much pressure on everyone for it being myself who is holding things back. There are also people who are just receiving their callbacks this week and I'd like for the callbacks to all be due around the same time. With that in mind, September 30th is no longer the final deadline, but is a MANDATORY CHECK-IN deadline for those who have been given callbacks. This will be in the form of a basic survey, just checking where you are at in the process and how you are feeling on time. I will not be judging you for where you're at and your answers will not impact your chances at getting cast, so please answer honestly. That being said, you will have a span of 5 days to complete the survey. After that I will send a final email in an attempt to contact you and if you don't respond to that, I'm afraid I'll have to cut you from callbacks. This survey is REQUIRED for anyone with a callback, so be sure that you fill it out. Since September 30th is no longer the main deadline for callbacks, there is a new one. THIS DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 12TH FOR ALL CALLBACKEES. I will be updating the callback materials to have this information correct. For those of you waiting on things, thank you for your patience. With the many auditions that have been submitted in the last couple of weeks, things are piling up. Here is the current run-down of what's being worked on: Scratch Tracks: Because my voice has been unreliable, I have asked someone else to record the scratches. They have been super accommodating and I'm sure they'll do a great job. These will done within a couple of weeks at latest, which, while will still cut slightly into your extended time, you can be working on your feedback and specific callback assignment song during that time. Again, you can email me with concerns at any time. Audition Feedback for Re-Audition: Several of you are waiting on feedback in order to re-audition. I know that you guys have a very short time-frame, so I'm giving your feedback some priority. Just as in the past rounds, if you don't get your feedback within 7 days til the deadline (aka, by tomorrow), you will get an extension. This will extend your deadline to the 7th day with your feedback. I.e, if you get it on Wednesday the 25, you'd get until the 1st of September. If you get it on the 29th, you'd get until the 5th. Remember, these re-auditions should focus on fixing what the feedback commented on, so if I said something was good, you don't need to spend too much time on it in your re-audition. Those I currently have on my list for re-audition feedback are: Akida Kittenbetrippen William Songbird (2x) Audition Feedback for Callback: Others of you have already been told you got a callback but don't have feedback yet. My intent is to switch between working on your feedback and personalized callback materials so that once I give you your callback stuff, you will be able to receive your feedback within a few days and begin working on your callback. Please understand that if you have multiple callbacks, I will be focusing on getting you one of them and then working on someone else's before returning to get you your second. This is so that everyone can be working on their callbacks even if I'm not done with all of their feedback or materials. Those I have on my list currently are: Tangora (2x) MKH RobotRock35 (2x) KNines William Songbird (2x) Callbacks: Like I mentioned, some of you are also waiting on callback materials. I will be working on these anytime I need a break from feedback and will hopefully be getting them to you all fairly soon. The list I have for that is: MKH RobotRock35 (2x) KNines William Songbird (2x) For anyone who still plans to audition or request feedback, you will be added to the bottom of these lists based on when you respond. Please do so soon as a courtesy to both me and your fellow actors. If for some reason, you think you should be on one of these lists, it's very possible I missed you. Feel free to comment on this page or PM me and I will add you. Keep in mind that feedback generally takes 3-7 hours for me to complete. I've been trying to cut that down, but it is a huge energy- and time-absorber, so please be patient with your materials. I will not let my delay impact you negatively, the reason for this extension in the first place. Thank you for reading all of this information. Remember, my email and DMs are open and I'm happy to help you wherever I can. I've very excited to where this project is heading! Thank you all for sharing your talent. (: -Sakarrie
  • Brief Personal Hiatus - IMPORTANT

    Hello everyone! I'm afraid that between college starting last week, getting sick, and all the work with this project, I've been getting a little behind. Between university classes and my physical stamina struggling, I've decided the most effective and healthy course of action would be to take a week off to heal and get adjusted to classes before back in. You are welcome to message me during this time, but I may respond slower than normal. I may, of course, decide to work on things during this week, but the idea is to remove the pressure on it all. Don't worry, for those of you waiting on things from me to get working on auditions or callbacks, you will also have your deadlines extended a week as to make sure this does not hinder your time frame. Below, in no specific order, is a list of the things I believe I need to do after my week is over. If for any reason, you think I've missed something for you, please let me know asap. -Tangora998's Feedback -Akida's Feedback -Mkh's Callback Materials -Scratch Tracks Again, please let me know if for some reason I missed anyone. Also, for those of you waiting on the scratch tracks, please vote on this poll: https://linkto.run/p/72ARX0AS Thank you for understanding! I will be extending the audition deadline by a week and same with callback deadlines. Let me know if there's any problems! -Sakarrie
  • Callbacks and Round Three Info

    Hey guys! It's that time! Just as a reminder, this round is much more competitive for Pidge callbacks since we already have given a fair few out. That means that decisions have to be brutal, so don't think that if you don't get a callback you aren't talented. CALLBACKS: Without further ado, our new callbackees are... Chloescmv for Pidge Tangora998 for Lance, Keith, and Chorus Hdoubleu for Lance and Keith Congrats!!!! You should be receiving your callbacks within a weekish, though give me a day or two of leeway, as each callback assignment is personalized and takes time. This week would be a good time to look over feedback, as it will be crucial to improve on the points I commented on for the casting process. If you haven't received feedback from me, I would HIGHLY recommend asking for it. It can be a real game-changer at this level and would give you specific guidance with what I want in your callback. You must accept or reject your callback within a couple of weeks or you will be forfeiting your callback. I need people who are reliable and active for this project, so please let me know as soon as possible. You can accept or reject your callback by leaving a comment on the project including your email and a brief message of if you are accepting or not. If you want feedback, you can ask there too. Please include your email regardless of whether or not I already have it. Do this as soon as possible, as I won't be sending out your callback materials if you haven't accepted. I hope all of you choose to accept but if real life reasons come up, I understand. Just PM me first if its for time reasons. We may be able to work something up. (: FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T RECEIVED A CALLBACK: Again, not getting a callback doesn't mean you don't have talent. In fact, a couple of you were pretty close, I just needed to see something before I could give you a callback. Remember, if you received feedback (or decide to request it) and haven't re-auditioned, you can still re-audition and be considered for the 3rd round of callbacks. Especially since some of you were close to getting callbacks, I would definitely recommend using your re-audition to improve on the things I say in the feedback. I think it could make a difference for some of you. A word of caution, though, this round (the 3rd) will be very different from the last two, so be sure to read the info about it below. ROUND THREE INFORMATION: Alrighty! Casting's officially gone on for two months and is entering into it's (probably) last round! As I've mentioned, though, this round is going to be very different. Due to there being so many Pidge callbackees already, she is going to be cast most-likely at the end of September. This doesn't give much time for those who audition and get a callback this round, so you'll be told within a few days of your audition whether or not you got a callback. Unfortunately, this will be a very cut-throat round and, while you get immediate news on callbacks, you also will get immediate news on if you didn't meet a baseline requirement. In the last rounds, I've given feedback to those who didn't meet baseline requirements, but for this round I won't unless if you fix it. If your pitch, audio, or any other factor isn't good enough to consider giving a callback, you will be told so in my first response. You are completely welcome to re-audition, fixing the part that disqualified you, but you won't get the full feedback if you aren't eligible for a callback. If you are able to fix the factor that kept you from being eligible, you can still request full feedback and have a regular re-audition, just not until after I let you know that you are eligible again. Also, be sure to audition soon to make sure you're considered. The deadline is Sept. 18th and the sooner you get it in, the sooner you can get your callbacks to work on. I know this is super complicated-sounding, but if you don't understand anything, just let me know (DM or email - romrellr@gmail.com) and I'd be happy to clarify. (: That's all for now! This project is beginning to come together and I'm super excited to see what else all of you bring to the table! -Sakarrie (:
  • Re-Auditions

    Hello! Just a quick update this time. (: Everyone who has requested feedback (and given me an email) should have it now! If for any reason, you haven't gotten it, please send me an email at romrellr@gmail.com or PM me through here. A reminder that the deadline for this round is the 19th and all re-auditions must be posted by then! If you'd like feedback for this round, you must let me know by the 17th, but you should definitely request it earlier so you have time to consider re-auditioning. Like I've mentioned, this round of callbacks is going to be a lot more competitive since some callbacks have already been sent out from last round. I highly recommend re-auditioning if you think you can improve. That's all for now! Good luck everyone! -Sakarrie (:
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lance Mcclain

Lance is a fun-loving guy who hides his insecurities behind bravado and immaturity. When he applies himself, he is actually quite smart, but he seems to feel more comfortable as the class clown type.

While I can work around range, I would peg Lance as a tenor, so don't sing a super low song. It's super important to capture his exuberant energy while having some moments that show a bit more depth, as that's how it is in the opening number of the musical. 

If you are struggling to find a song to sing, I find that Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, Heathers, and Wicked have some good audition songs. Don't forget to look at the less common ones! I honestly think "Crossing a Bridge" is a far better audition song than the much more popular "Journey to the Past".

Do a song that feels comfortable for your voice. You are allowed to sing the song acapella and transpose it to fit your range better, but remember pitch matters. If you can't stay on key without a backtrack, don't sing it acapella.

Please leave a comment on your audition with your range (Ex: "My comfortable range is G3-E5. On a good day, I can sing E3-A5." Here's a helpful chart to help you get the note names correct: https://sublimelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Full-piano-keyboard-correlated-with-musical-notes.jpg ) along any questions you may have. Remember that I am happy to provide feedback if you would like!

  • Line 1: "All right, team, I've got my eye on the targets. I'll cover you from up he- Hey! Keith! I had that guy!"

    Line 2: "Are you kidding me?!? We got taken down by a bunch of people in tree suits!"

  • Sing at least a verse and a chorus of a musical theatre song that shows off your voice.

  • Optional: Sing another musical theatre (Disney works too for this one) song that contrasts or shows a different skill set than your first song. Ie, a different speed, different range, different mood, etc. Please don't send in two super slow ballads that sound the exact same.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pidge Gunderson (Katie Holt)

Pidge is a super intelligent young teen who's confidence can often come off as prideful. She feels more comfortable with technology than with humans and doesn't hold back in sharing her opinions. Her main drive is finding her family and protecting those she cares about.

While I can work around range, I would peg Pidge as an alto, so don't sing a super super high song. Pidge has a youthful energy and generally has that "love of life" feel to her. While you're welcome to choose any song, I would suggest that just a ballad may not give me the information I need for her. I'd recommend doing an additional, faster song too if you choose a ballad as your first song.

If you are struggling to find a song to sing, I find that Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, Heathers, and Wicked have some good audition songs. Don't forget to look at the less common ones! I honestly think "Crossing a Bridge" is a far better audition song than the much more popular "Journey to the Past".

Do a song that feels comfortable for your voice. You are allowed to sing the song acapella and transpose it to fit your range better, but remember pitch matters. If you can't stay on key without a backtrack, don't sing it acapella.

Please leave a comment on your audition with your range (Ex: "My comfortable range is G3-E5. On a good day, I can sing E3-A5." Here's a helpful chart to help you get the note names correct: https://sublimelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Full-piano-keyboard-correlated-with-musical-notes.jpg ) along any questions you may have. Remember that I am happy to provide feedback if you would like!

  • Line 1: "Why doesn't anyone ever send a distress signal coming from a cool place? I hate the outdoors! Nothing but sunburn and poison oak."

    Line 2:  "Now, I'll just reset the controls... and it's working for us! I'm going to call you 'Rover.' Follow me!"

  • Sing at least a verse and a chorus of a musical theatre song that shows off your voice.

  • Optional: Sing another musical theatre (Disney works too for this one) song that contrasts or shows a different skill set than your first song. Ie, a different speed, different range, different mood, etc. Please don't send in two super slow ballads that sound the exact same.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hunk Garrett

Hunk is the sweetheart of the team, often observing and thinking things through more than most of the others. That being said, he isn't actually shy at all once you know him. In fact, when he knows what he's doing, he often takes charge and guides the others towards success. He definitely is a team player, though.

While I can work around range, I would peg Hunk as a baritone. Due to the nature of the song, though, he probably will sing some in the tenor range as well. If you have a wide range, I would love to hear that in your song choice. His energy is a little less... forward than others, if that makes any sense. While he generally does have confidence in himself, he usually holds back a little. Honestly, just sing it in a way that feels right for Hunk in your opinion. 

If you are struggling to find a song to sing, I find that Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, Heathers, and Wicked have some good audition songs. Don't forget to look at the less common ones! I honestly think "Crossing a Bridge" is a far better audition song than the much more popular "Journey to the Past".

Do a song that feels comfortable for your voice. You are allowed to sing the song acapella and transpose it to fit your range better, but remember pitch matters. If you can't stay on key without a backtrack, don't sing it acapella.

Please leave a comment on your audition with your range (Ex: "My comfortable range is G3-E5. On a good day, I can sing E3-A5." Here's a helpful chart to help you get the note names correct: https://sublimelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Full-piano-keyboard-correlated-with-musical-notes.jpg ) along any questions you may have. Remember that I am happy to provide feedback if you would like!

  • Line 1: "I just want you to know that I realized when we were in Voltron, we're brothers, man. You know? Like, we're totally connected. No secrets, no barriers, no nothing. Brothers all the way. I love you guys."

    Line 2: "Oh yeah, sure, just drop me off in an alien planet. That's cool, man. It's only occupied by mean purple aliens that want to kill me, but whatever. Just ignore them and go "connect" with a big, yellow, mechanical cat. Easy-peasy. Yeah. That all makes a TON of sense to me."

  • Sing at least a verse and a chorus of a musical theatre song that shows off your voice.

  • Optional: Sing another musical theatre (Disney works too for this one) song that contrasts or shows a different skill set than your first song. Ie, a different speed, different range, different mood, etc. Please don't send in two super slow ballads that sound the exact same.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keith Kogane

Keith is a very strong-willed character who often acts off of instinct rather than logic. Having not been around many people, he can come off as a bit cold, but he really just wants to belong.

While I can work around range, I would peg Keith as a Tenor. I'm flexible with that though so if you're an interested baritone, don't let that hold you back! Like I said before, Keith is often impulsive and therefore, his energy is very focused. He always has a goal in mind and his determination is almost palpable. Don't choose a song that goes against that. (Ie, Dancing Through Life from Wicked (maybe save that for Lance?))

If you are struggling to find a song to sing, I find that Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, Heathers, and Wicked have some good audition songs. Don't forget to look at the less common ones! I honestly think "Crossing a Bridge" is a far better audition song than the much more popular "Journey to the Past".

Do a song that feels comfortable for your voice. You are allowed to sing the song acapella and transpose it to fit your range better, but remember pitch matters. If you can't stay on key without a backtrack, don't sing it acapella.

Please leave a comment on your audition with your range (Ex: "My comfortable range is G3-E5. On a good day, I can sing E3-A5." Here's a helpful chart to help you get the note names correct: https://sublimelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Full-piano-keyboard-correlated-with-musical-notes.jpg ) along any questions you may have. Remember that I am happy to provide feedback if you would like!

  • Line 1:  "I can't explain it, really. After getting booted from the Garrison, I was kinda lost and... felt myself drawn out to this place. It's like something... some energy, was telling me to search."

    Line 2:  "It's me. Keith. Your buddy. It's me! Keeeeeeiiiiith, your—I. AM. YOUR. PALADIN! [Knocks against Red's particle barrier.] I'm bonding with you! Hey! Come on! We're connected!"

  • Sing at least a verse and a chorus of a musical theatre song that shows off your voice.

  • Optional: Sing another musical theatre (Disney works too for this one) song that contrasts or shows a different skill set than your first song. Ie, a different speed, different range, different mood, etc. Please don't send in two super slow ballads that sound the exact same.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shiro (Takashi Shirogane)

Shiro is another strong character. While he seems perfectly content to not be the center of attention, he is a natural leader and often spouts inspiration to his team during battle... and honestly outside battle too. He has a hard past and seems to try to ignore it when possible.

While I can work around range, I would peg Shiro as a baritone. Like Hunk, though, he probably will sing some in the tenor range (and/or potentially bass range) as well. If you have a wide range, I would love to hear that in your song choice. I think that Shiro's energy is the hardest to decide. Because this song has him in a "mission" mindset, I would say to pick a strong song for him. That being said, I'm really not set on anything and would encourage you to do what feels right to you.

If you are struggling to find a song to sing, I find that Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, Heathers, and Wicked have some good audition songs. Don't forget to look at the less common ones! I honestly think "Crossing a Bridge" is a far better audition song than the much more popular "Journey to the Past".

Do a song that feels comfortable for your voice. You are allowed to sing the song acapella and transpose it to fit your range better, but remember pitch matters. If you can't stay on key without a backtrack, don't sing it acapella.

Please leave a comment on your audition with your range (Ex: "My comfortable range is G3-E5. On a good day, I can sing E3-A5." Here's a helpful chart to help you get the note names correct: https://sublimelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Full-piano-keyboard-correlated-with-musical-notes.jpg ) along any questions you may have. Remember that I am happy to provide feedback if you would like!

  • Line 1: "It takes more than a glowing alien wound, a fall from the upper-atmosphere, and crashing into a hard-pan surface at what I'm guessing is about 25 meters per second squared to get rid of me. How are you?"

    Line 2: "No! We can do this. We have to believe in ourselves. We can't give up. We are the universe's only hope. Everyone is relying on us. We can't fail! We won't fail! If we work together, we'll win together!"

  • Sing at least a verse and a chorus of a musical theatre song that shows off your voice.

  • Optional: Sing another musical theatre (Disney works too for this one) song that contrasts or shows a different skill set than your first song. Ie, a different speed, different range, different mood, etc. Please don't send in two super slow ballads that sound the exact same.


The chorus has the power to make or break a song and this project is no exception. Between the unison sections and the harmony sections, pitch is crucial. The chorus will most-likely be fairly small, depending on many factors, so you may be the only person on your part. All voice types are welcome but I want a variety of vocal parts (SATB). Since I don't have any specific characters or energy I'm looking for, you should pick songs that feel like they really show off your individual skill set. 

If you are struggling to find a song to sing, I find that Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, Heathers, and Wicked have some good audition songs. Don't forget to look at the less common ones! I honestly think "Crossing a Bridge" is a far better audition song than the much more popular "Journey to the Past".

Do a song that feels comfortable for your voice. You are allowed to sing the song acapella and transpose it to fit your range better, but remember pitch matters. If you can't stay on key without a backtrack, don't sing it acapella.

Remember that I am glad to provide feedback and you are welcome to resubmit your audition! If you would like feedback, please leave a comment on your audition and I will get to it as soon as I have a chance.

  • Give your comfortable and stretch vocal range. (Ex: "My comfortable range is G3-E5. On a good day, I can sing E3-A5." Here's a helpful chart to help you get the note names correct: https://sublimelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Full-piano-keyboard-correlated-with-musical-notes.jpg )

  • Sing a fast musical theatre song that shows off your voice. (Ex: "You Can't Stop the Beat" from Hairspray)

  • Sing a slow musical theatre song that shows off your voice. (Ex: "I'm Not That Girl" from Wicked)


Please refer to this document for details of how to audition: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GZYSEBbD6Op5qWmbE6cCGOZw7qK_wXlh-XMoY-wGRZ8/edit?usp=sharing

We are looking for digital artists, storyboarders, animatic creators, and animators. I know the document is long and complicated, but please be sure to read everything for the role you're auditioning for to make sure you completely understand your assignment. Information on how to submit is at the bottom of the document. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer

Please refer to this document for details of how to audition: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZPnYmx4jlqbXHXjW8l0PNbqOBcjcbhVSfvT7bJsqrVE/edit?usp=sharing

We are looking for composers, transcribers, and lyricists. I know the document is long and complicated, but please be sure to read everything for the role you're auditioning for to make sure you completely understand your assignment. Information on how to submit is at the bottom of the document. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

  • Say something you think would fit


Public Submissions

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