Voice Actors for Layton-esque Indie Visual Novel

Project Overview
Hello! I am the writer, programmer, and primary illustrator on an (almost complete!) indie murder mystery Visual Novel with a Professor Layton-esque visual style. I've decided to try and acquire some limited voice acting so that my readers can get a sense for how I want the characters in the story to sound.
- The setting and nearly all the characters are in/from England, so I'm looking for folks who have either native British accents, or can do a good impression.
- Each character listing includes an image of the character you will be auditioning to play.
- Time period is ~1930s (Think Agatha Christie's Poirot on the BBC)
- Dialog is very conversational and grounded
The project itself is a passion one designed to provide backstory for original characters I've created, and its release will likely be limited to platforms like Twitter and itch.io. For this reason, my budget is incredibly limited, as I currently have no intention of charging for it (at most, there'll be a tip jar). If I do find a voice that fits perfectly (especially for Gatz or Ilia), I would like to compensate you in some capacity, either financially or artistically, as this project needs those roles filled for voice acting as a whole to be viable.
I'm also more than happy to provide line direction or talk about roles further via Discord (linkakami#1197)/Twitter (Cloverlimit) DM (text/voice okay as well).
I'm listening to every audition and also going back to your pages to hear your others in case they are closer to what I'm looking for! I really appreciate everyone who takes an interest in the project, even if you aren't a perfect match.
My goal is to release this sometime in January. The coding is nearly done; most of the hold-up is currently on some of the art assets.
- If selected for the part, there may be a short period before I am able to supply you with your final lines. The entire script is ~32k words, so I'm still in the process of deciding which lines are important enough to warrant voice acting.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to hear your auditions soon!
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Latest Updates
Hello to anyone who has been following this project! It was released a little over a week ago after a full year of writing, recording, illustrating, and coding! You can download and read it for free on the itch.io page: https://linkakami.itch.io/murder-at-hens-roost Thank you for taking the time to look into this project, and hopefully I'll get a chance to listen to you all again in some future endeavor!
Update #2
Hi everyone! I've begun combing through auditions more closely now since the bulk of them have likely been submitted. I'm happy to say that 2/5 roles have been cast to some terrific actors! Gatz and Ilia will probably be the last roles I select for, and if I find enough justification, I might open one or two lines for side characters. The role of Felix Gray is also still open for the moment, so if you can do a decent British accent with cadence, by all means apply for that one as well! And I leave you today with a WIP shot from in game to give you more of a feel for what the finished product will look like: https://twitter.com/cloverlimit/status/1449446544256561153 Thank you all again so much for your submissions. Even if you didn't have the sound I had in mind, I went back and listened to many of your auditions for other projects just to hear your range. Who knows--maybe I'll tap you for a different project one day! -Linkakami/Cloverlimit -
Auditions and plans for next steps
It's already been a week and I'm absolutely floored with how many amazing folks have taken time to toss their hat in the ring for this project! It's exciting every time an audition comes in and you never know what you'll hear when you click that play button... I imagine at this point that the number of auditions will steadily decline, so I figured I'd lay out my plan going forward: Probably after the first full week of October I'll begin reaching out to the two or three top auditions for each part to talk with them more about the project, the role they applied for, and see if with some feedback we can capture the right sound and cadence for the character in question. At that point, if you feel we'll be able to work well together, I'll select the best match and close out that particular character. There are also technically three or four minor characters who we could give a line or two to, so even if you don't get selected for the final role, I might still have a place you can contribute! Thank you all again so much for your auditions so far, and hopefully I'll be reaching out to some of you soon! :)
Ilia is a tomboyish 19 year old British girl from London with a somewhat Estuary accent. She is an amateur journalist looking for a big story. She's sassy, energetic, flirty, and easily annoyed with people, so she has a lot of range.
She is the deuteragonist (co-protag) and has the second most lines of any character. Her voice isn't shrill, but it definitely isn't deep. She is down to earth, so she doesn't sound posh (RP accent is too formal for her).
"Ilia Baker, junior future star journalist for The Thread, at your service!"
(Ilia introducing herself, full of pep)
"Still don't see what that has to do with you being at Sir Ashton's gala."
(Skeptical, not feeling like her question was answered adequately)
"You do realize you're suspected for murder, right?"
(Annoyed with a suspect who isn't cooperating)
Gatz is a 22 year old American male with no accent. His role is as the detective in this murder mystery. He is an intelligent, non-energetic character who talks more in his head than out loud. While not monotone, he tends to not be very emotional, being more concerned with getting information than reacting to it. He's more emotive in his thoughts.
Talks more like a real person than an anime character, but his voice isn't too deep. Most of his sentences are short.
His personality is most comparable to a of Kyon (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu). He tends to get pulled into situations more than he seeks them out.
"Fine. We'll figure it out later. Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice."
(Reluctantly accepting a rooming situation)
"Ms. Kettering, did you happen to notice anything suspicious last night? Anything strange or out of place?"
(Calmly questioning a suspect)
"It's as big as a museum! Old Man, just what kind of connections do you have?!"
(Internal monologue--shock)
Felix Gray is a ~35 year old British man who is charming and easy to approach. He came in to a substantial amount of wealth, but he did not come from it, so he doesn't sound too posh. He tries to be helpful when he can, and he has a friendly relationship with our detective despite only having just met him. He talks in more or less a regular speaking voice, though he does have some energy to him. Speaks in long-ish sentences.
"Hope I wasn't interrupting anything. Lodging with the rest of us?"
(First introduction; meeting a stranger)
"Ah! A journalist! Here looking for your next story?"
(Bumping into someone in a hallway and finding out their identity. The other person seems somewhat hostile, but you're still being friendly regardless)
"I'd take it up with the man himself. Always best to hear these things from the horse's mouth."
(You're insinuating the investigators should be looking elsewhere, all the while still being friendly. Almost jokingly)
Dorothea is a 28 year old British woman who comes from money, so she's a bit posh. She's used to getting whatever it is she wants (men, control of situations) and finds it cute when people think they have a choice. A fashionista, she looks down on the female lead for dressing like a boy. While her accent is more upper class, she has plenty of range when she talks--be it flirty, angry or taunting those she dislikes. She thinks she's better than most people, and has a chip on her shoulder for a few of the characters. She can sometimes have a bit of a temper.
"The quiet American--you must be an endangered species."
(Subdued surprise at encountering someone who isn't as annoying as they anticipated)
"Return to the dirt with your weeds, worm."
(You've just declined an olive branch and are saying this before storming off)
"Hearing you agree with me almost makes me want to change my mind."
(Annoyed to hear someone you dislike seconds your motion)
Mr. Healey is a middle-aged British man who doesn't care for people. He runs an automobile manufacturing company and is generally nasty to everyone he talks to, thinking they're stupid or should know better. He often sounds annoyed, and will lash out when angry or feeling insulted. Because of his general snarl, his voice is a little more high pitched. He has a tendency to refer to people as "boy" or "girl" at the end of his sentences in a condescending manner, and he dislikes women. He is unhelpful and unlikable.
"Tell it to a doctor. Are you here to bring me my lunch?"
(You don't care what someone just told you; you're only interested in if they're here to serve you)
"Tabloids, the lot of you! Always looking for your next institution to libel."
(Angry that you're being questioned. You bare a grudge against journalists)
"Empty threats from an empty head."
(Parting shot as you leave an interview and aren't impressed)
Sir Ashton Norwell is an older English gentleman in his 70s. While wealthy, is he still down to earth and kind, though he can be serious when he needs to be. He sounds less old than he does experienced and composed. The British accent for him doesn't need to be strong; a general imitation will likely carry you far.
He won't have many lines, but it would be nice to have someone on standby for anything that needs to be voiced.
"Is that everyone, inspector?"
"I assure you that I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of these letters."
"So, this is it then, is it?"
Inspector Higgs is a middle-aged police inspector from the English countryside. He's a snarky and playful character even when taking part in a murder investigation. He has a strong accent that sounds more on the cockney side--definitely more working class.
For all intents and purposes, if you can do a good Inspector Japp impression, you'll have more or less nailed the vibe. There won't be many lines for this character, and they'll likely be short ones at that.
"Alright then, let’s have a look at that crime scene."
Aw-roit then, less 'af a look at that croy-m scene.
"Gamblin’. Racked up quite a lot of debt, looks like."
Racked up kwoit a lo'a debt, looks loyk.
"Kitchen'll be locked for good measure, just in case our murderer gets any ideas."
Kitchen'll be locked up f'good measure, just in case ah muhduhruh gets any oideas.
Public Submissions