Voice Actors for Layton-esque Indie Visual Novel

Richard Gibson for Felix Gray

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Felix Gray
Role assigned to: Richard Gibson

Felix Gray is a ~35 year old British man who is charming and easy to approach. He came in to a substantial amount of wealth, but he did not come from it, so he doesn't sound too posh. He tries to be helpful when he can, and he has a friendly relationship with our detective despite only having just met him. He talks in more or less a regular speaking voice, though he does have some energy to him. Speaks in long-ish sentences.

Reference image

  • "Hope I wasn't interrupting anything. Lodging with the rest of us?"

    (First introduction; meeting a stranger)

  • "Ah! A journalist! Here looking for your next story?"

    (Bumping into someone in a hallway and finding out their identity. The other person seems somewhat hostile, but you're still being friendly regardless)

  • "I'd take it up with the man himself. Always best to hear these things from the horse's mouth."

    (You're insinuating the investigators should be looking elsewhere, all the while still being friendly. Almost jokingly)

Richard Gibson
Voice Actors for Layton-esque Indie Visual Novel

Thank you for the audition! I'll definitely look through some of your other auditions as well.

    Richard Gibson

    Cheers! Not many other auditions let me use my native accent so readily though! If you've any queries, be sure to let me know.


      Do you happen to have a Discord I could message you at?

        Richard Gibson

        Sure. You can reach me at HapHazred#3540, or at richard.n.12@hotmail.fr for email.

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