Van Rykan Productions Presents: Blood Noir

Van Rykan Productions Presents: Blood Noir

Project Overview

Hello! Van Rykan Productions is looking for voice talent for our upcoming audio drama, "Blood Noir"!

The premise?

A typical hard-boiled detective becomes embroiled in a mystery involving vampires and a mysterious ritual.

There are a LOT of roles. They are listed in the order they appear in the production, so MAKE SURE TO SCROLL. There are big roles and small.

Please audition in ABC format and do 2-3 takes, make them as different as possible! (ABC format means that you read all three lines in one take, then read them all again for the next take)

We're very excited: this our 4th show and our most ambitious project yet!

Please make sure there is minimal background noise/reverb in your audition. I need a good idea of what your setup sounds like!

Good luck! I can't wait to hear all of your beautiful voices!

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    Hello everyone!

    Gerald Van Rykan here, just wanted to update you all on the auditions for my upcoming audio drama, Blood Noir!

    We're closing the first round of auditions a little bit early, so that we can begin the second round.

    I'm in the process of messaging those people who I have cast. If you have been selected I will reach out.

    Thank you very much to everyone who has auditioned! I believe I have reviewed everyone's auditions and am super happy about the turnout for this project. You're all awesome.

    If you aren't selected, I assure you it's not personal :)

    Thank you all again, and be sure to watch out for Blood Noir when it hits podcasting services!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Aubrey

Has the most lines in the whole show. A Trans-Atlantic accent would be preferred.

  • [Choose something to narrate. Ie. A book excerpt, a monologue, whatever, just give it your best!]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sterling Marlowe
Role assigned to: KrisWentworth

Your typical hard-boiled detective. Stubborn, level-headed and oddly self aware. Gruff voice, New York accent.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • american (new york)
  • You see, in this city, it ain't just your run-of-the-mill crime that keeps a man like me busy.

  • [sounding tired] Let me guess…your husband’s missing, he was into some shady type stuff, the police won’t do anything.

  • So before he went missing, was he actin’ funny?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Evelyn Lemieux
cast offsite

Femme fatale, sultry voice, very Jessica Rabbit. She is impatient and somewhat entitled. Any accent.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • [in a smooth tone] Excuse me…you’re Sterling Marlowe, right?

  • Well…my name is Evelyn Lemieux

  • That’s a little rude…but it’s also correct…how did you know?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Badass vampire hunter, even tempered, calm and collected. British or Trans-Atlantic accent preferred.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • british
  • transatlantic
  • If I’m not supposed to tell him what’s really going on, why am I going to him?

  • Fine. Is there no one else in the city right now?

  • [nervously] Oh that Sterling. He loves to joke. It’s really important I speak to him.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SLeavens

Older man, vampire hunter. Voice is jovial and booming. Very boisterous man. Russian accent.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • generic russian
  • Mave…Why are you here?

  • Carlisle is dangerous. Any word from Henry?

  • Come inside before someone sees you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Door man (extra)
cast offsite

The door man at Sterling's apartment building. Be creative! Any accent.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Good evening miss. Awfully rainy to be out and about, doncha think?

  • Are you new to the building? I don’t recognize you

  • So you’re the one he told me was following him? He said not to let you in.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Ethyl works at a diner frequented by Sterling. Sassy older woman. I picture her with the voice of a woman who smokes a lot.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • [When asked how she is] [sounding bored] About the same as yesterday when you came in, Sterling. The usual?

  • I know that they’re some kinda company. I see their signs everywhere.

  • [quietly] I've heard that their owner is a real piece of work.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Old Man 1 (extra)
cast offsite

One of two old men sitting at the diner, talking about the newspaper. The audition is the whole role, so give it your best!

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • It’s nice down south any time of year.

  • I don’t know what “excangenated” means, but if someone’s going around stealing peoples’ blood, that’s a whole new low for this city.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Old man 2
cast offsite

One of two old men sitting at the diner, talking about the newspaper. The audition is the whole role, so give it your best!

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • I hear ya. Got half a mind to leave this dump. I hear it’s real nice down south this time of year.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A bouncer at The Velvet Note, a jazz club. Be creative!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • You on the list?

  • If you aint on the list, I can't let you in.

  • And how much is Mr. Green planning on spending?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Roy Aberdeen
cast offsite

Sleazy lawywer type. Very rude and arrogant. Also a vampire.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Uhhh…you know what? Sure. Girls, go ahead and get yourselves a fancy drink. I need a few minutes.

  • If you know who I am, you must know you’re not getting any information out of me without my own attorney present.

  • I know who you are, Marlowe. I’ve seen you at the courthouse. You’ve lost me quite a number of cases.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alley man
cast offsite

A suave man in a jazz club. The audition is the whole role, so do your best!

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Oh, I just can’t wait, darling. I need you now…I think you’ll be glad we didn’t wait…

  • I have a surprise for you. Absolutely. I just need you to close your eyes.

  • [frightened] I…know who you are…oh damn.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Carlisle Sinclaire
Role assigned to: Steve Jones Voices

The big bad guy. Evil vampire crimeboss. speaks very elegantly and has a temper.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Such an attitude. Henry, my name is Carlisle Sinclaire. But I believe you know that. Do you know why you’re here?

  • That’s okay Henry. I can talk enough for both of us. You’re here right now because you’ve been putting your nose where it doesn’t belong. Haven’t you?

  • My boys found you in the archives of this very building. You ran. Almost got away too. I’m impressed, Henry. Very. Impressed. My security is pretty tight.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Henry Lemieux
cast offsite

Vampire Hunter and Evelyn's husband.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Henry: [weakly and in pain] Get bent.

  • Don’t you dare touch her.

  • [angrily] You aint gonna do nothin’ to her. I swear to god if you so much as breathe in her direction-

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Goldman
cast offsite

Old Jewish man, cantankerous, but not a bad person. Just grumpy.

Voice description:
  • male senior
  • jewish/yiddish
  • [loudly] Hey Gumshoe! Are ya investigating the disappearances around here lately?

  • Yeah, buncha people went missing around here, over the course of a month or two. Whole neighborhood’s shaken up about it. Yeah, buncha people went missing around here, over the course of a month or two. Whole neighborhood’s shaken up about it. Turn on screen reader support To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash

  • A bunch of ‘em, so I’ve heard, were junkies. Hopped up on that needle garbage. Good riddance.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Goldman
Role assigned to: GraceTaylor

Sweet old Jewish lady, very kind but yells at her husband a lot when he's being a grumpy old man.

Voice description:
  • female senior
  • jewish
  • [In a motherly fashion] Would you like a cup of tea dear?

  • Arthur! Don’t be rude! Mr. Marlowe is our guest because he needs a place to stake out for a case! He’s not bothering us!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Librarian. Real intellectual type. Very smart, slightly awkward.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • [surprised] Miss Mave! I didn’t know you were coming.

  • Well I’m sure I can take a look. Is this…uhhh…company business?

  • Let’s see here…The gem certainly doesn’t look fake…made of metal…hang on, let me find…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Carlisle's secretary. Sweet woman, mousy in nature.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Word came in from Fink and Seymour. Aberdeen is dead.

  • They didn’t know sir. He was found in an alley next to the building.

  • I’ll let the boys know, sir. Also. I think you should know…there’s some detective poking around here lately.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice on the Line
cast offsite

A scary voice that threatens Sterling over the phone.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Hello Marlowe. Not sleeping well?

  • [threateningly] You don’t need to know. Important thing is that I know you.

  • I sent a friend of mine to visit you. He wants to have a little chat.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Older woman, does make-up and disguises for the vampire hunters. Sassy old lady. Quick with a quip.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • [kindly voice] Hello Mave, dear. [business-like tone] And this is the guy I’m fixing up? Well I’ll be, not much to work with.

  • Don’t you take that tone of voice with me, young man.

  • Now you sit there, sonny, lean your head back. I’m going to get to work.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of Carlisle's goons. Use a big city accent (New York, Chicago, whatever)

  • Can’t believe the boss is making us guard this guy for a whole ‘nother day. We could be doing other stuff.

  • It’s the middle of the day, the boss is up in his Penthouse, sleepin’.

  • Well I’m gettin’ tired of it. I’ve had to go to Vincenzo’s three times now because this guy in here is hungry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of Carlisle's goons. Use a big city accent (New York, Chicago, whatever)

  • Don’t talk like that too loud. You know how good the boss’ hearing is. And he could be anywhere.

  • Yeah probably, but don’t risk it.

  • You can’t leave. If the boss finds out...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Security guard for Carlisle Sinclaire. Any voice or accent will be fine.

  • Benjamin Thompson…hmmm..yep, looks like you…did you just renew your license? This looks pretty fresh.

  • I see. That must have been a real pain in the neck.

  • I’ll just need to give Mr. Armand a call, see if he’s available. You’re a bit early.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of Carlisle's goons. Use a big city accent (New York, Chicago, whatever)

  • Boss man says it’s important to lay low right now.

  • Strigoi’s a loose cannon. Boss’ll deal with him soon.

  • [sniffing] Yeah…someone’s down here…two someones.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of Carlisle's goons. Use a big city accent (New York, Chicago, whatever)

  • We could take the stairs, boss.

  • Dunno boss. Found him like this.

  • Right, boss.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sean O'Laughlin

Carlisle's most deadly enforcer. giant, scary vampire. Talks in the third person. Russian Accent required

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • russian
  • Strigoi must feed. Your little blood bags and drug addicts do not satisfy Strigoi.

  • And the only reason Strigoi has not killed you yet is because you pay Strigoi very much money.

  • [nervously] Yes…master. Strigoi forget himself.Strigoi will do as master asks.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of Carlisle's goons. Use a big city accent (New York, Chicago, whatever)

  • Master, I have updates.

  • We have had familiars scouring the city during the day, and your children searching at night. No sign of them.

  • [nervously] Well, Master, we did not want you to be out of the loop.


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