Project Overview

TITLE: “Uncorrupted”

SEASON: First Season

EPISODES: 8 Episodes



Noelle Simmons and Nicholas Hale were two people that fate loved to play tricks on. With both of them never receiving love as teenagers, it makes sense that they were drawn to each other. One wanting to get closer and the other waiting for her to make her first move. But fate deals them a harsh blow, causing the two to separate for over 7 years. What happens when these two lost souls meet again in the big city? With Nicholas being in a position of power, will Noelle even have a chance? Or will Nicholas let fate pass him by again? Will Noelle be safe in the City, where secrets, lies, drugs, power and murder run rampant? Or will fate once again teach our two characters another cruel lesson? Find out more in “Uncorrupted”.


  • MIC QUALITY: Please make sure your mic quality is fine! I’ve been editing videos for over 10 years now so I can try and help with background noise but some mics are unfixable so please make sure you have a decent mic!

  • ACTING: This is an unpaid project so I'm not looking for you to stress yourself out over the acting. However, this story means a lot to me and whoever gets these roles will be in charge of bringing their characters to life! Use the description to get a feeling of the characters and voice them as you would imagine them in real life! You can play around with the lines and repeat them if needed. Ad-libbing and going off script is fine as well if you think it's needed.

  • MEET DEADLINES ON TIME: Please respect the deadlines I give. There will be multiple deadline options for you to choose from so I can assure that we get this series done. All episode scripts are written and ready to go so it will be on you to cooperate with me to make this series a success! 

  • GOOD COMMUNICATION: I prefer to speak through discord as it's much easier to communicate but if you'd rather use email then that’s fine too! If you are casted, please just specify that you’d like to communicate through email instead! If you have any questions for me, don’t be afraid to ask! But please understand that if I don’t respond right away, it’s probably because I'm busy and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


  • Audition for whoever you’d like!

  • This show will have lots of warnings for things like drugs, alcohol, intimate scenes, murder, and violence so be prepared for that when auditioning.

  • There is a good amount of swearing so if you’re not comfortable with that, this may not be the show for you!

  • If you do not want to submit your audition here, you can also audition by sending me voice lines to my discord: miaisfine

Have fun auditioning!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 23 

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1-8

  • DESCRIPTION: Noelle grew up in a rich household. Her parents did not care to have her as a daughter, so they barely paid her any attention. They had her homeschooled from when she was a child but when her nanny saw how lonely she was getting, she begged her parents to let her attend actual highschool. That is where Noelle blossomed into who she is today. Noelle is kind, smart, naive and clumsy but because of her tough upbringing, she has a very strong backbone and will defend herself if needed.

  • “Did I say first love? [NOELLE laughs awkwardly] I guess I meant my first crush. He was a junior and I was a freshman at this point, so I bet he never really looked at me that way.”

  • [in a loving tone] “Okay, stop, we’re not doing this. I have always liked you for who you are. Just because you covered yourself in tattoos, grew a beard and got sassier does not take away how I feel about you and does not change the person you are.”

  • [scared/shocked] “Listen… I don’t know who you are but this isn’t ‘love’. It's an obsession. This is wrong.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 26

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1-8

  • DESCRIPTION: Nicholas (Nick) has always been “the popular guy”. Even though he had issues with his parents, his childhood wasn’t that terrible. His parents were wealthy, he was handsome so he had many flings and he was also the captain of the basketball team in high school. He lived a pretty okay life until tragedy struck his family in his senior year. After going through what he went through, Nicholas couldn’t take his parents anymore and he decides to move to the big city all on his own. He makes a name for himself, becomes the scary leader of a big gang and opens a nightclub that is more successful than anyone could have ever imagined. Nicholas is funny, rough, fearless, intimidating and flirty.

  • “[NICHOLAS laughs] I mean, it’s not really a secret, everyone knows me around here. Gangs are not illegal, you know. It’s what we do that could get us in trouble.”

  • [insecure/sad delivery]“I mean… look at me. I’m the leader of a gang that specializes in selling drugs and alcohol, I’ve done things that would keep others up at night and I’m not the greatest person around. I’m far from being the “good guy”.

  • [angry/panicked delivery] “Yes, Noelle is very important to me and yes I'm being impulsive but if any one of you were kidnapped and possibly trapped inside his lab, I'd risk everything to save you all as well. So do not fucking start with me, or else i’m going to say things you do not want to hear.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 26

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 2-8

  • DESCRIPTION: Adam grew up in a wealthy family. Just like his father, Adam’s business skills were top notch. Since he loved gaming so much, he decided to open his own gaming company and because of his natural talent, it was a success. He recruited Noelle as an employee and fell head over heels for her. But Adam, just like everyone else in this story, has secrets of his own. Adam is smart, stern, obsessive, crazy, and mean.

  • [angrily] "Am I running an elementary school or something? Did I hire a bunch of amateurs?”

  • [jokingly] “Crazy about you? Yeah, you have no idea.”

  • [in a crazy tone]“No, you’re wrong. Nicholas Hale can’t give you what I can give you, Noelle. I’m ready to give you everything you could ever want. Isn’t that what real love is?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 23

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1-8

  • DESCRIPTION: Paige is your average hype girl. She’s beautiful and talented but she also cares for her best friends more than anything in the world. Her beauty has allowed her to grow into a top model. But what Paige didn’t know was that the model world wasn’t as bright as she thought it would be. Paige is kind, silly, airheaded and loving.

  • “[PAIGE groans in annoyance] Ugh, Noelle! Listen. I know this may not be your scene and all but you’ve finally broken free from your strict ass parents! It’s time to let loose for once! You always had your nose stuffed in a book, it’s time to let your hair down and have some real fun.”

  • [in an understanding tone] “Don’t apologize, Ellie. I know how much your work means to you and I know you aren’t ignoring me on purpose. I’m not upset. I just have to live with it and keep pushing forward.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 26

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1-8

  • DESCRIPTION: Dean is like a frat boy in a grown man's body. But with how smart he is on his feet, he managed to land himself a role as Nicholas’ right hand man in The Demons. Dean has been in love with Caterina since the moment he laid eyes on her but she only has eyes for someone else. Dean is goofy, unpredictable, intimidating and caring.

  • [in a drunken tone] “You see… I was supposed to… I was about to get promoted today. I’m always treated like… like the rug under his feet. But… today… today I was gonna become something more.”

  • [in an annoyed tone] “No Caterina, that's not what I meant. God, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. Are you so obsessed with him that you can’t see anybody else?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 26

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1-8

  • DESCRIPTION: Caterina is Nicholas’ assistant. She fell for him the moment he saved her at a bar and ever since then, she vowed to stay by his side. Even though he’s never shown her any real signs of love, she has deluded herself into thinking the two of them will be together someday. Caterina is smart, confident, protective, loyal and mean.

  • [in a confident tone] “I know he doesn’t like me yet, I’m not blind dumbass. But that’s why I'm playing the long game. All of the girls he’s been with, he’s never really shown real interest in outside of sex. But for the past 5 years, I've been the only woman he’s confided in and protected. He’s gonna open his eyes one day, I have faith.”

  • [in a sad tone] So, all this time… you’ve been seeing someone else when you look at me?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 25

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1-8

  • DESCRIPTION: Octavia is Adam’s assistant. She’s been following him for as long as she could remember. Octavia is also a character full of many secrets. Octavia is strong, smart, independent, calculative and strict.

  • stern] “Sir, the Demons have started a raid on the place. They’ve already killed the guards outside. What should we do?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 16

  • APPEARANCES: Episode 1, 4, 8

  • DESCRIPTION: Cassie was always known as “the other Hale”. Cassie and her brother were the more popular kids in school, due to their unavoidable charm and attractive appearance. Cassie was Noelle’s best friend, and got her out of the toughest of problems. Cassie was funny, smart, charismatic and pretty.

  • [excited] “That’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with being fashionably late. Anyways, are you girls ready to experience your first ever highschool party?”

  • [confident tone] “Don’t touch him… for now. I’ll get my revenge another day. He is my brother, after all. The game is just beginning.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 25

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1,5,6,8

  • DESCRIPTION: Kayden is a member of The Demons. He’s very loyal to Nicholas and vows to follow him wherever. Kayden is mean, flirty, dependable and smart.

  • [scared] “Hell no! I’m not getting my head cut off! The moment he sees that picture, he’s going to flip out.”

  • [teasingly] “I may have 1 brain cell but at least I can keep a woman. Unlike someone else who runs away the moment she sees another girl.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 25

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1,5,6,8

  • DESCRIPTION: RIVER is a member of The Demons. Nicholas found her when she was living on the streets. He took her in and helped her become who she is today. River is a part of the LGBTQ community. She is kind, funny, intimidating and smart.

  • [confused] “Isn’t that… the boss's girl?”

  • “I wouldn’t trust him, Caterina. He has 1 brain cell.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 23

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 6, 8

  • DESCRIPTION: Ethan is Noelle’s ex. He is mentioned a lot in the story and is one of the people who has shaped Noelle’s life. He only has two appearances but he is a very important character.

  • [jokingly] “So… as a thanks for my advice… How about letting me in the gang?”

  • “We now have access to all of Adam’s recipes and his clients. We also managed to collect all of the intel he gathered on The Demons. Any further instructions?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: 42

  • APPEARANCES: Episode 4

  • DESCRIPTION: Laura is Noelle’s nanny. She appears multiple times in flashbacks but only speaks in one episode. She is also another character that has shaped Noelle’s life.

  • “Ugh, yes, she’s been in the kitchen all day doing god knows what. You can come in and find her yourself, I have laundry to do.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: ??

  • APPEARANCES: Episode 1

  • DESCRIPTION: Ricky is an employee that works at Paige’s family’s community club. Him and Nicholas get into an altercation in a flashback in episode 1.

  • “Get off of me man!”

  • “All I did was ask him if he was the brother of the girl who died in that big car crash a month ago.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: ??

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1

  • DESCRIPTION: Max is an extra that appears at the end of episode 1. Nicholas is seen trying to get information out of him. He has a good few lines of dialogue.

  • [max laughs] Who is this guy? Another hound dog? I told you guys that I wont talk no matter how hard you try to convince me.

  • [scared] Please… no! I’ll tell you everything, I’m sorry!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: ??

  • APPEARANCES: Episode 5

  • DESCRIPTION: Aaron is Paige’s sleazy boss. He is not a good person and Nicholas takes care of him in episode 5. He’s only seen at the end of the episode but his impact on Paige’s life is permanent. 

  • ”Excuse me? Who the hell are you? What are you doing in here?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


  • AGE: ???

  • APPEARANCES: Episodes 1-8

  • DESCRIPTION: These are random roles scattered throughout the series to help certain dialogues move along. They are very important to those scenes!

  • [DOCTOR] "He'll be fine after some well needed rest and medicine. Don't hesitate to call me if the pain persists, okay?"

  • [EMPLOYEE] "It's a tradition for us to eat a big lunch on the days the boss isn't here. You didn't know that?"


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