Project Overview
ULTIMATE MECHA Inspired by Japanese anime, Ultimate Mecha is a brand-new animated show that uniquely blends Mecha action with Slice of Life storylines, creating a series that is at once pulse-pounding, heartwarming, and totally unlike anything you’ve seen before. The show centers on Xora, a powerful cyborg who wakes from a cryofreeze pod into the strange and dangerous city of Ion Zero. With missing memories and deadly androids hunting her down, Xora embarks on an epic quest to retrace her past and discover who she once was. With her new robot friend, Jett, by her side, she must learn to master her bionic powers, confront the dark secrets of her past, and become the ultimate hero that Ion Zero needs!
We are finally excited to announce that the team at ULTIMATE MECHA is now looking to cast voice talent for 2 very exciting roles. All talent who are cast will be paid the Indie Standard rate of 4$ USD per line even if the crowdfunding goal is not reached. There will be a wide variety of upcoming roles in the future that we will be casting for, From Supporting all the way to additional voices.
ULTIMATE MECHA!! a sci fi Japanese inspired 11 min anime episode that my team and I are currently preparing to produce. We are currently casting for 2 major characters in the anime which I will have all the audition info in the document below. We will be launching a big kickstarter for the project in September and we just currently now have our discord server up with all the casting calls, concept art, and all kinds of hype for the project. I highly encourage anyone auditioning or interested in the project to join the Discord server and stay updated.
Everyone is more than welcome to join the ULTIMATE MECHA Discord server. This will be a community server where everyone can stay updated on casting calls as well as all the latest news on the launch of the upcoming Kickstarter this fall. With the support of all anime lovers we will be successful in brining this episodic pilot to life and ultimately making something incredible for everyone to watch
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Some call him a brat, some call him a thief, but Zane prefers the term “professional troublemaker.” Goofy, energetic, and reckless, this 13-year-old tech genius can often be found soaring above the streets of Ion Zero on his home-made hoverboard, dodging authority and getting out of trouble with ease and speed. Zane is the kind of delinquent who’s always up for an adventure.
- male teen
- open
- Inmature
- energetic
- Excited
Watch out geezer!
Aghhh! I-I can’t! I can't control it!! Help me!!
Woah!! a Presence – Sensing Safeguarding device and a Quasi-static Clamping control. No way!!