Project Overview
Ultimate Mecha
Inspired by Japanese anime, Ultimate Mecha is a brand-new animated show that uniquely blends Mecha action with Slice of Life storylines, creating a series that is at once pulse-pounding, heartwarming, and totally unlike anything you’ve seen before. The show centers on Xora, a powerful cyborg who wakes from a cryofreeze pod into the strange and dangerous city of Ion Zero. With missing memories and deadly androids hunting her down, Xora embarks on an epic quest to retrace her past and discover who she once was. With her new robot friend, Jett, by her side, she must learn to master her bionic powers, confront the dark secrets of her past, and become the ultimate hero that Ion Zero needs!
Everyone is more than welcome to join the ULTIMATE MECHA Discord server. This will be a community server where everyone can stay updated on casting calls as well as all the latest news on the launch of the upcoming Kickstarter this fall. With the support of all anime lovers we will be successful in brining this episodic pilot to life and ultimately making something incredible for everyone to watch.
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Jett has all the answers – mostly because he’s a Universal Knowledge Droid, a robot programmed to assist and educate the citizens of Ion Zero. He may not be equipped for battle, but as Xora’s closest friend in her new life, he’s got plenty of quippy jokes and nuggets of wisdom to share with her. Jett always looks on the bright side, and is there to cheer up and cheer on his new friend, even at her lowest moments.
- male adult
- male senior
- british
- cheeerful
- warm
- Jolly
Hey! Wait for me !
I am a UKD : universal knowledge droiD. I am a mechanical, fully functional information system designed to help the citizens of Ion Zero