Twisted Wonderland: The Phantom Bride
Project Overview
Disney: Twisted Wonderland is a Japanese mobile gacha game that asks one question: what if the Disney villains were actually hot anime high school boys? Yes, I'm serious. The game released in English a few months ago with Japanese audio only, and only the main story is fully voiced. No events are voiced, and this project seeks to produce an English dub for one of these unvoiced events: The Phantom Bride.
Event Summary: Ghosts have taken over campus! Why?! What do they want?!
Only to help the princess of a fallen land find the husband of her dreams. The headmage is unconcerned since finding a likely suitor at Night Raven College is, well...very unlikely. That is until the sight of Idia leaves the princess positively captivated. But is Idia the one who’s about to become love’s captive?!
Event Script:
This game has a large cast and requires a rather wide-array of accents, so to give this project the best possible chance of coming to life I'd really appreciate it if you'd share this casting call with others :)
Submission Requirements:
- No more than three takes
- High-quality audio submissions only; USB mics are fine, but please make sure your recording space doesn't echo and there isn't any background noise
- Please read the character descriptions and honour any accents that are asked for
- Please feel free to audition for more than one role, I am not against casting the same person for multiple roles if they're able to differentiate the characters enough
- The Japanese voice lines can easily by found on YouTube, feel free to use them as inspiration but you by no means need to try and copy them; make these boys your own!
- You do not need to divulge your Discord ID at the audition phase, but please be prepared to share it if you're successfully cast as I will be co-ordinating things via Discord
- Have fun!!
Deadline: 7th August 23:59 PDT
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Latest Updates
Hi everyone who has auditioned or who will be auditioning! I want to ensure maximum variety in my cast and as such I would like to hear some more auditions for certain characters. As such I have re-opened the casting call for certain characters and would like to invite you to try your hand at them :) And do please share this casting call around~
The deadline has been reached and auditions for Twisted Wonderland: The Phantom Bride are officially CLOSED!! I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for taking the time to audition for my project. I never in a million years thought I'd receive over 250 auditions when I set up this casting call! There has been such a stunning amount of talent on display and you should all be incredibly proud of yourselves. Over the next couple of days I will be finalising my cast and making the roles official. Selected cast will receive an invite to this project's Discord server. There are also a few extras in this event so I may message some of you who may not have been cast as one of the boys to see if you'd like to come on as a dastardly ghost or unnamed student. Thank you all once again and have a lovely day!! -
Let's Give Scarabia Some Love~
As the deadline fast approaches, I wanted to thank all you wonderful people for auditioning for this project and invite anyone interested to tackle the Scarabia boys! All the other characters have gotten a lot of love but poor Kalim and Jamil seem to have been left behind. I know their accents can be daunting but they don't need to be super authentic; as long as they sound 'exotic' I'm open to interpretations! Go wild and let's show Scarabia some love~ PS- and, of course, auditions for the rest of the bois are still most welcome, best of luck everyone!

North American or British accent preferred, but I'm open to interpretations.
Riddle is a second-year and the housewarden of Heartslabyul. Riddle is a serious-minded student who firmly upholds the rules written by the Queen of Hearts. While a top student, he is easily angered and just as strict with others as he is with himself.
(Ghosts have taken over the school, and Riddle has just heard the explanation for this unfortunate turn of events)
Now I see. Idia happens to be the perfect prince the Ghost Bride's been searching for. That's the general idea, yes?
(Riddle's strong sense of responsibility compels him to volunteer himself for the mission to dispatch the Phantom Bride)
Pardon me. It would be a dereliction of my duty to dispatch my vice housewarden while I sit on the sidelines. Allow me to join them, Headmage!
(Riddle's height is a sore point for him. Call him short at your absolute peril)
...... Are... Are you calling me SHORT?!

Preferably after a North American or British accent, but I'm open to other interpretations.
Ace is a first-year Heartslabyul student. He is a quick learner with an upbeat personality and a mischievous streak. If there's trouble afoot, he's usually had a hand in it.
(Ace and his comrades have just won a battle against some ghosts and one of them is celebrating, but the next wave is already coming)
Are you seriously stoppin' to gloat?! The next batch of ghosts is already rising up!
(This is actually one of the funniest and most ridiculous things Ace has ever witnessed)
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Did you see how awkward Deuce was?! Who goes dead silent as soon as they say their name?! That was pure gold!
(Ace is currently guilt-tripping his friend into essentially going on a suicide mission)
Oh, so you're just gonna abandon Trey? I see how it is.

Preferably a North American or British accent for this role, but I'm open to interpretations.
Deuce is a first-year Heartslabyul student. This former delinquent is an earnest young man who enrolled at Night Raven College with the singular aim of becoming a respectable mage. He tries as hard as he can in his schoolwork, but he can be slow on the uptake, and his grades suffer as a result.
(The headmage is currently trying to guilt-trip the students into following his whims, and is succeeding)
But it'd still be bad for us. My mom would cry if she saw me on the news like that.
(Other students are trying to rope Deuce into a rescue mission in which he must propose to the phantom bride)
Wait, me?! This kind of stuff isn't really my strong suit... I don't know the first thing about girls' feelings!
(Deuce has just been convinced to go on a near-impossible rescue mission)
You know what? You're right. Trey deserves to have his revenge. I'll be the guy to deliver it.

Cater should either have a Californian accent (think the male equivalent of a valley girl) or a British Essex accent.
Cater is a third-year Heartslabyul student who is casual, bubbly, and carefree. This expert room-reader is often called on to mediate between others. He's always on top of the latest trends, and has an exhaustive familiarity with social media in all its forms. Refers to himself as Cay-Cay.
(Cater explaining how he ended up turfed out of the school. Those dastardly ghosts)
Yeah, they kicked me out of the lab. They were all like, "Stay out of the family lounge!"
(Cater is trying to rope his underclassman, Deuce, into some nonsense)
What can I say? I'm in my element! Ooh, you should come with, Deucey. The more wingmen the merrier!
(Cater is getting competitive and declared that he will successfully propose to the Phantom Bride before anyone else)
Too bad you won't even get a turn, Lilia. Cay-Cay's gonna slay-slay!

North American or British accents preferred, but I'm open to interpretations.
Trey is a third-year and Heartslabyul's vice-housewarden. He is mild-mannered and acts as a parental figure for the dorm's students. He is frequently left to smooth things over when things get out of hand.
(Trey introduces himself to the Phantom Bride, thus starting his attempt at a proposal)
I'm Trey Clover. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Highness.
(The Phantom Bride, a princess, wants a suitor who will serenade her. She requests a hesitant Trey to sing for her)
I'm not exactly the best singer, but... Here goes.
Uhhh... (begins 'singing') Your... Your... Your...veil is... As bright as a freshly-bleached dishtowel... And your eyes, they're, um, like grapes... ~You' lively!~(Trey realises they've basically been stitched-up)
Not to state the obvious or anything... But we're a bunch of students at an all-boys school. Yet we were supposed to propose to royalty? Isn't this whole challenge completely out of our league?

Australian or American accent for Leona please.
Leona is a third-year, and the housewarden of Savanaclaw. While he has great magic powers, he doesn't like using much effort, and constantly appears lax and leisurely. This has caused him to be held back a year. He's the second prince of his home country and acts arrogantly toward everyone.
(The group are discussing ways to oust the ghosts and aren't having much success)
Then I guess violence is our only option.
(Leona is calling out to a ghost guard, demanding an audience with the princess so that he can propose)
Hey! Ghostie! I came all this way to see the lady, so get a move on and bring her out here.
(The ghost bride has deigned to give Leona a chance and this is his opening gambit)
You're talkin' to me, right? Okay, yeah, hey. I'm Leona Kingscholar. Go ahead and test me. I'm your guy, guaranteed.

Australian or American accent for Jack please.
Jack is a first-year Savannaclaw student. He is a tough delinquent who strictly adheres to hierarchy of power and strives to increase his own strengths. Think an honourable jock with a strong moral compass.
(Jack has just been told he is to falsely propose to the ghost bride)
Scuse me?! Just what are you on about?!
(Jack doesn't agree with this plan to falsely propose to the ghost bride)
All I'm saying is this is basically a scam, and that ain't cool...y'know?
(The ghost bride is trying to gauge Jack's princely qualities by asking if he knows swordsmanship)
A sword? What good's a glorified metal stick when I can just punch—
(Ghost bride slaps him)

Australian or American accent for Ruggie please!
A second-year Savannaclaw student, Ruggie is essentially Leona's henchman. He is self-serving and aligns himself with power, but will not do something that doesn't directly benefit him.
(Other students are trying to recruit Ruggie to their cause)
Me, propose to a ghost? After Leona and Jack got captured trying to do it?
Absolutely not!Leona will find his way back on his own. No way I'm sticking my neck out for free.

Smooth-talking mafia voice please! Think New Jersey, Brooklyn, Italian American, typical mobster type accents.
Accent references: Ladd Russo and Claire Stanfield from Baccano, all good classic mafia films (eg: Goodfellas, Godfather), Michael Franzese
A second-year housewarden who runs his dorm- Octavinelle- in a manner similar to a 'benevolent' mafia don. He will grant any desire that a poor unfortunate soul may have, for the right price of course.
(Azul has just been informed of the situation regarding Idia's kidnapping)
Of all the times for Idia to choose to emerge from his cave. Hilariou—I mean, how unfortunate for him.
(The A-team of students have failed to successfully propose to the ghost bride. Azul volunteers to do the job right)
I, on the other hand, can offer you an Azul Ashengrotto guarantee: I'll get the Circle of Severance on her hand.
(Azul is unsuccessful in wooing the ghost bride and is utterly aghast)
I gave her a bouquet of roses and sang a clarion love song! Where did I go wrong?!

Deep, smooth-talking mafia voice please! Think New Jersey, Brooklyn, Italian American, typical mobster type accents.
Accent references: Ladd Russo and Claire Stanfield from Baccano, all good classic mafia films (eg: Goodfellas, Godfather), Michael Franzese
Very debonair, calm, collected, courteous, but able to inject an undercurrent of threat when needed. Perhaps think of him as Azul's consigliere, he is the vice-housewarden of Octavinelle after all.
He is the twin brother of Floyd Leech.
(Jade introduces himself to the ghost bride)
Jade Leech, at your service. Do be gentle with me.
(The ghost bride has incapacitated some of the students, and Jade finds this rather fascinating)
I've never heard of a ghost who could paralyse humans with a slap. Her power is apparently just as exorbitant as her obsession.
(Jade has just been slapped by the ghost bride)
That hurt, Your Highness!

Mafia voice please! Think New Jersey, Brooklyn, Italian American, typical mobster type accents.
Accent references: Ladd Russo and Claire Stanfield from Baccano, all good classic mafia films (eg: Goodfellas, Godfather), Michael Franzese
Floyd is Jade's twin brother, but is pretty much polar opposite personality-wise. He has a laid-back, lazy way of speaking a lot of the time. Floyd is prone to violent mood-swings that can happen in an instant: one minute he'll be on top of the world, the next minute he wants to burn that world down.
Floyd is a second-year Octavinelle student. Floyd has a varied emotional range and his actor needs to be able to convey childish glee, threatening to break someone's knee caps, and everything in between.
(Floyd is having a blast teasing Riddle over the other's small height)
Oh man, you can't reach the "You must be this tall" sign? Wanna stand on my tailfin? Might give you some extra height.
(Floyd is over the whole 'propose to the bride' plan and instead asks if he can 'squeeze' her- his favourite threat and absolutely not something you'd want to be on the receiving end of. Fed up, threatening tone)
This lady's been really gettin' on my nerves. Can I squeeze her?
(Floyd has just sabotaged his brother's near-successful proposal. He's acting childish and petulant)
Look, I just didn't like the idea of him sittin' pretty while I'm stuck in slapsville.

Arabic/Middle Eastern/Exotic/Somewhat Foreign accent for Kalim please!
Kalim is a second-year student and the housewarden of Scarabia. He was born into a wealthy family, he is very laid-back and generous. He is a ray of sunshine in a school largely populated by self-serving students.
(Kalim explains what he was doing before the ghosts kicked out of the school)
We were in the auditorium when some ghosts came out of nowhere and chased us out. We were in the middle of studying together, too!
(Kalim is concerned when Idia's brother says he'll rescue him without anyone's help)
Hey, wait. You can't possibly think you can do this alone—
(Ever the optimist, Kalim puts forward his idea on how to resolve their issue)
What if we try talking things out with the bride? We could even do it over a dinner party! Maybe she'll let Idia go if we just explain the issue.

Arabic/Middle Eastern/Exotic/Somewhat Foreign accent for Jamil please!
Jamil is a second-year student and the vice-housewarden of Scarabia. Jamil's ancestors have served Kalim's family generation after generation, so he's been dragged around by the careless Kalim since they were young and is tasked with keeping him safe at all times.
(The students are trying to convince Jamil to join them in taking down the ghost bride)
No. I'm not going, and neither is Kalim. There would be consequences for my entire family if he were exposed to any danger.
If I went on my own, I guarantee Kalim would go, "Ooh, that sounds fun!" and tag along.
I'm afraid you'll have to clean up your mess yourselves.

STRONG PREFERENCE for Vil to have a Mid Atlantic accent. Elegant, refined, regal, confident voice.
Vil is a third-year student and the housewarden of Pomfiore. He expends a lot of time and energy to being the 'fairest of them all'. He's a famous actor and model as well as being an NRC student. But don't let his beauty fool you; he has an unparalleled knowledge of poisons and is an incredibly powerful mage. He's a devotee of the Fair Queen and you will bow down to him.
NOTE: Vil serenades the ghost bride at one point, so his actor must at least be able to carry a tune (you don't need to be a pro singer, don't worry)
(Some foolish students have the nerve to suggest they will beat Vil when it comes to giving the perfect proposal)
Please. You're all a bunch of unwashed, overripened vegetables.
(Vil is a professional actor, and right now he is in full-on 'prince mode')
I could serenade you forever. That's the least I could do for someone whose love I seek.
(The ghost bride slaps Vil, marring his perfect model face)
I don't believe this! Have you ANY inkling how valuable my face is?!

The actor for Epel needs to be able to slip from a relatively soft-spoken and 'proper' American accent into an incredibly thick southern accent. Note that while his accent drastically flips, his pitch doesn't change all that much (so please don't suddenly become deep and gruff when switching into southern).
Epel is a first-year Pomfiore student. He is so beautiful and dainty that he is often mistaken for a girl, a fact that he absolutely cannot stand. To his immense disappointment, Epel was assigned to the beauty-obsessed Pomfiore dorm as opposed to the dorm he truly wanted: the rough and tough dorm of Savannaclaw. He grew up in an incredibly rural area and has an incredibly thick, borderline incomprehensible, southern American accent. However since coming to Night Raven College he has been told to suppress his accent, so he often comes across as soft-spoken. Nevertheless, his real accent is wont to slip out at moments of heightened emotion.
(Epel, much to the surprise of everyone, has shown up astride a horse in order to propose to the ghost bride. He doesn't understand their confusion. Neutral American accent)
What do you mean? Aren't princes supposed to arrive on horseback?
(Epel is determined to succeed on his mission and his true accent slips out before he quickly corrects it)
By golly, I'll show ya dependable—ah, I mean, I can do this too!
(The ghosts mistook Epel for a princess, and Epel now intends to throw down. Full southern accent)
They called me weak and frail. Well, I'm not gonna take that lying down! I'll make 'em regret it!

French accent for Rook please! Rook uses a lot of French words so some familiarity with the language might be a plus.
Rook is a third-year student and the vice-housewarden of Pomfiore. He is a lover of all things beautiful. He can find the beauty in anything, and is especially taken with Vil and Epel. Rook is also an avid hunter and adores hunting and cornering all kinds of 'prey' (including fellow students).
(Rook is offering his heartfelt proposal to the ghost bride)
Mon trésor, I implore you to allow me to be your eternally devoted love.
(Vil has been slapped by the ghost bride and Rook is devestated that such beauty has been marred)
It breaks my heart! His fair features being blemished is a tragedy of epic proportions.
(Rook has decided to fight the ghosts and his hunter's spirit cannot wait to engage this new quarry)
Heh heh heh... I've long wondered how one would hunt a ghost! You have no bodies, but would you solidify if I used magic on you?

Idia's younger brother. He loves his big brother very much and desperately wishes to save him from the ghost bride that kidnapped him. Usually he's fun, bright, and curious, but he won't stand for anyone insulting Idia. He specialises in technomantic magic (the mixing of magic with technology).
(Ortho has just burst into the headmage's office to inform him of the tragedy that has befallen his brother)
(Ortho truly believes this... and is literally the only person in the world who likely does)
Yep, Idia's clearly the coolest guy around. Curse that ghost and her discerning taste!
(Ortho engages his in-built tech to find a way to save his brother when no one else offered to help him)
Running simulation of Idia Shroud rescue mission. Priority: Shortest time to achieve objective. Simulation completed successfully. Commencing live operation.

British accent for Malleus please!
Malleus is a third-year student and the housewarden of Diasomnia. He is a fae prince and heir to the Briar Valley throne. He is one of the most powerful mages in the world, a fact that makes other students wary or jealous of him (or both).
NOTE: Malleus plays a minor role in the main story of this event, but he does play a rather prominent role in one of the side-stories. If we decide to voice these as well, there will be more lines for the chosen actor.
(Malleus is addressing one of his retainers, Silver, who says he cannot help the others due to his needing to guard Malleus)
I don't mind being on my own, you know.
(Malleus is lamenting that he cannot partake in the rescue effort due to a potential diplomatic incident occurring)
My retainers were imprisoned because of me, and it troubles me that there is nothing I can do to free them.
(Riddle thinks that Malleus has some other angle other than being totally sincere, he seeks to allay the other's fears)
Come, do not bristle so. Did I not just say I was worried over nothing?

British accent for Lilia please!
Lilia is a third-year student and the vice-housewarden of Diasomnia. Despite his cute looks, Lilia is actually centuries old and is a decorated war general who has seen a lot in his time (although the students outside of Diasomnia just believe him to be eccentric and aren't aware of his true age). He is now retired and is Malleus' supervisor. In his retirement he is embracing his more playful side and is fascinated by modern things such as video games and social media.
(The students are discussing ways to expel the ghost bride and her retainers)
Young Sam is quite the authority on all that's creepy and crawly, you know. What if we sought his expertise?
(The group has concluded that proposing to the ghost bride is their best bet and Lilia very much approves)
Ah! You're suggesting someone steal her affections! Khee hee hee. Stealing a bride sounds delightfully dramatic and intriguing.
(Lilia's proposal to the ghost bride was unsuccessful because she deemed him to be too cute)
She told me I was too cute by half. Oh, the vicissitudes of being as cute as a button... *sniffle*

British accent for Silver, please!
Silver is a second year Diasomnia student. He is one of Malleus' bodyguards and does his duty with the dedication and honour of a loyal knight. Though normally taciturn and composed, he can be naive at times and struggles with narcolepsy.
NOTE: Silver plays a minor role in the main story of this event, but he does play a rather prominent role in one of the side-stories. If we decide to voice these as well, there will be more lines for the chosen actor.
(Silver declines to help the other students rescue Idia from the ghost bride. Note: he cuts himself off from saying 'father')
I can't. Now that Fa—er, Lilia and Sebek are absent, I'm the only one left to guard Malleus.
(Silver is politely rebuffing his Lord)
I'm sure Lilia would share my view were he here, sire.
(Epel is trying to tame a dangerous horse and Silver worries for his safety)
Hey, don't go so close! You'll get hurt! Stop! If you approach it from the front—

British accent for Sebek please!
Sebek is a first-year student. He is extremely loud, hot-blooded, and prideful. He is half-fae and half-human but despite this, he massively looks down on humans. He greatly admires Malleus and was overjoyed when he was admitted into Night Raven College and was assigned to Diasomnia so that he could be closer to him.
(Sebek is about to throw down against a bunch of ghosts)
How DARE you take such an aggressive tone with Lilia. If you refuse to learn your place, I'll send you packing!
(The students are arguing over who will be the most successful when proposing to the ghost bride)
Heh. Malleus possesses a singular beauty. If he were here, he'd be selected as a matter of course! THE REST OF YOU ARE BUT SPECKS OF DUST ON HIS IMMACULATE BOOTS!
(Sebek is aghast that Lilia was rejected by the ghost bride)
For Lilia of all people to receive the slap of rejection... HOW?! YOU'RE EVEN CUTER THAN THE GHOST HERSELF!

British accent preferred for Crowley but I'm open to other interpretations.
Crowley is the headmage of Night Raven College. He constantly likes to remind others of how endlessly 'kind' he is. He is often content to leave things to the students and is not above 'gently' blackmailing them into doing things that would ultimately be for the school's (and his) benefit. With a flair for melodrama and constantly wearing a mask, he is shrouded in mystery.
(The students of Ramshackle Dorm have just been kicked out of their dorm by a load of ghosts. They appeal to the headmage to help them)
I'm afraid I can't be bothered—ahem!—I mean, though I sympathise with your plight, we shouldn't bother them. After all, she is searching for a groom she'll never find.
(Ortho has decided the only way to rescue his brother is to nuke the school)
STOOOP! Were you truly about to vaporise our historic building?! I forbid you from firing that beam!
(All of the students have refused to help rescue Idia, so the headmage decides to guilt them into reconsidering [low-key threatening blackmail] by pretending to be a news reporter 'exposing' the students' selfishness)
"Is it true that ghosts took over your campus? Give us an honest answer!"
"Oh, by the way, this is going to be in tomorrow morning's edition. Here, let's get a picture for the article!"

I'm open to accent interpretations for Sam, go wild!
Sam is a staff member at Night Raven College. He's known within the school as the owner of the school shop: Mr. S's Mystery Shop. He is a cheerful entrepreneur. He often has all manner of wares IN STOCK and his 'friends on the other side' always keep him well-informed of school goings on.
(The headmage and the students show up at Sam's shop in the hopes that he may have some items or some wisdom to help them out with the ghost situation)
Well, if it isn't the headmage with a merry band of imps in tow! What brings you to my humble store today? I kid, I kid. I already know. You're dealing with the Ghost Bride, aren't ya?
(The students wonder how Sam is already aware of exactly what they're seeking)
Neh heh heh. My friends in the shadows keep me well-informed. It is quite the conundrum, though. Ghosts are beings who are trapped in this world because of powerful, lingering attachments.
(One of the students believes Sam's solution to dealing with the ghost bride- a severance ring- is pretty messed-up)
Hey, I'm just the supplier. You imps are the ones with the demand.
Extra Line (Sam's catchphrase):
Public Submissions