Trash Cats: Paranormal Investigations

Project Overview

Trash Cats: Paranormal Investigations is an animated pilot for a potential series being produced as a senior project at Georgia Southern University.

After being fired for their unspeakable acts at a minimum-wage pizza job, a group of four roommates are left jobless with an apartment to pay rent.

When browsing an online forum in search of a new career path, the four stumbles upon a seemingly satirical post looking for paranormal investigators.

However, irony quickly shifts into sincerity when these non-believers are plunged into a world of ghosts, demons, and entities of all types lurking just around every corner.

From possessions to hauntings, there is rarely a dull moment when these under-amateur paranormal investigators are involved.

We are currently looking to hire voices to play some of the various characters in the Trash Cats world. Chosen actors are to report to an online script recording via Discord or Zoom at the chosen date (TBD). MOST of the positions being offered are paid positions, where the selected actors will be financially compensated after the recording period. The director will reach out to whomever is selected at the end of the selected time period. Selected voices must sign an actor's agreement specifying what is required for the project. You must be 18 years or older in order to be considered for a role.

For more information, please feel free to reach out to us via CastingCallClub's DM feature (@TrashCatsProject).

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Latest Updates

  • Submissions Closed

    Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all of the submissions and enthusiasm! Due to the overwhelmingly amount of support, we've opted to close submissions earlier than anticipated. My producer and I enjoyed listening to each and every one of your submissions and we just couldn't be more thankful for what came out from this. You are all so very talented and we wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors!
    If you're interested in staying up to date with this project, please feel free to follow our Instagram @Trashcats.project

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Kelsey Painter Voice

Truth be told, it’s really difficult to understand why it is exactly that Alice has stuck around with the gang for as long as she has. Maybe old habits die hard, but it seems like Alice has died inside a bit already. Alice is an edgy and moody possum that never seems to agree with much of anything that her friends do or say. However, contrary to what the rest of her squad believes, Alice really seems to have a grasp on reality, offering very reasonable advice when it’s needed. Deep down in that piercing, scolding look, there’s most likely a caring and loving connection that Alice has with her roommates that never fail to drag her into one situation after another. After all, if she was completely miserable, she would have moved out by now… right?

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • deadpan
  • depressed
  • female young adult
  • dead
Other info:
  • adobe audition
  • audacity
  • discord
  • Great, so I'm the only one that cares that rent is due in a week?

  • And draw something in this book. Like a... stick man. Or something.

  • Well put, Lenny. Well put.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: BManTheGoofBall

If you were to look at a list of all of the times that the Trash Cats got in trouble, this skunk is probably not too far from the source. Saturn can simply be described as very, very… very chill. Probably much more than he needs to be. Saturn’s “go with the flow” attitude has caused the group to see all sorts of mischief and mayhem due to the fact that “he felt like it.” Saturn’s approach on situations weighs heavily on feeling rather than logic or reason, which isn’t too terrible a lot of times. Sometimes his input provides valuable insight to the group, but many times it acts as a vehicle to drive them deeper into the mess that they are already in. At the end of the day, Saturn has finally found a friend group that he can vibe with, and that’s really all that matters, brah.

  • english
Voice description:
  • smooth
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • Beast Boy
  • gravelly
  • animation/character
Other info:
  • audacity
  • adobe audition
  • discord
  • Hm? Oh, I've been researching this box of mysteries. It still remains super mysterious brah.

  • And complete my "I am not a robot" test! Prove your humanity, brah! Prove it!

  • Hey man, we can like, totally take that junk off your hands.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Nikko Abanilla

This fool-hearted fox is just an absolute delight to be around! Lenny can be described as a frantic and hyper personality that constantly finds the good in everything and everyone. That’s probably why he’s able to look past the dysfunctionality that is his friend group, and act as the social glue that keeps them all together. Lenny’s optimism is simply admirable, but it also leads to some calamity. Sometimes, situations aren’t as smiling through it and shaking it off. Sometimes, there isn’t a perfect solution to a problem and people get hurt. This makes Lenny cry. It’s rare to see him get upset, but when he does, you better believe that his friends will be there to cheer him up and ultimately obliterate whatever the reason was for his sadness.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • happy
  • animation/character
  • excited
  • sponge bob
Other info:
  • discord
  • adobe audition
  • audacity
  • Come on guys! Lets look at the bright side!

  • Hey Levi? I think you were wrong when you said "ghosts aren't real."

  • I dunno guys... isn't that kind of like scamming?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Anthony Ziello

Mr. Yorkshire is the man that the Trash Cats are hired by in order to rid get rid of his ghost issue. Mr. Yorkshire is an older English man that is pretty well off. He owns a mansion that prides himself with statues in glamorous poses. When the ghost incident happened, that didn't stop him from being regal and treating everyone as beneath him.

  • english
Voice description:
  • deep
  • male adult
  • aristocratic british
  • animation/character
  • british
  • Pops
Other info:
  • discord
  • adobe audition
  • audacity
  • What sort of flim-flammery is this?

  • Well, go ahead now! Make haste and be rid of this foul beast!

  • Do feel free to come back any time now! Good morrow!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kelsey Painter Voice


Sqweezy, the Trash Cats' ex-boss, is an angry little rat. The Trash Cats destroyed his pizza parlor and he'll probably never forgive them for that. He's described as having a brooklyn accent.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • brooklyn
  • gravelly
  • high pitched
  • animation/character
Other info:
  • discord
  • adobe audition
  • audacity
  • Get out! I never wanna see your faces again!

  • I don't think any amount of therapy can erase what I saw!

  • Get out! Go!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Man
Role assigned to: LivSmith


The mysterious man is... well... mysterious. Hes a strange ferret man that urged the Trash Cats not to go down the life of ghost hunting... which they of course ignored.

  • english
Voice description:
  • wise
  • old
  • Gandalf
  • animation/character
  • male adult
Other info:
  • adobe audition
  • audacity
  • discord
  • Please, for the love of all that is good on this hallowed earth.

  • It'll ruin you! Ruin you!

  • No more morality. No more mortality.


Public Submissions

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