

The voice actor you've been looking for!

Joined Nov 2022 0 Following0 Followers
About AlbertoJGarciaVA

Hello my name is Alberto J Garcia a 25 year old local voice actor from Texas. I am reaching out to try out for the roster if there are any openings at this time. 

I am reaching out to you in regards for consideration in your talent roster. 

My vocal range is masculine villains , young adults / adults running from 17-30 and demonic entities.

My special skills are singing both in and out of character, creature noises, 

My contact information is HalfBoiledRamen#7878 for discord thank you for your time in reading this email and I hope you have a fantastic day
Best Wishes


3.50  per line

What AlbertoJGarciaVA is looking for

Paid opportunities but not opposed to unpaid depending on project

  • @jshaberman

    Alberto was very quick to help out with my project and provided quality work in a short timeframe. Would absolutely recommend!