Traitor Misc Characters

Project Overview

Traitor is a web-series developed by Charmer Animations. It focuses on a group of rebels fighting against a government of ink creatures hellbent on taking over the world. The characters listed here are the remaining major roles that have yet to be filled. Please be aware this will be a LONG-TERM PROJECT.


  • Please list your Discord ID in the audition description.

  • You are open to audition for more than one role. Please make them sound different please.

  • A good quality mic is recommended.

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Latest Updates

  • Two New Roles!

    Hello everyone! Thank you for auditioning! A few updates!

    For starters, I've added two new character listings. You're more than welcome to audition for them. (Mike & Alice Andrel)

    Next, Despite the deadline being February 10th, I do plan on extending it a bit longer after the 10th. HOWEVER: I will be casting 2/3 characters the 10th that already have auditions as a couple of the ones featured in this casting call appear in the first episode, which is being worked on right now.

    If you have any questions, please DM me on Discord (charmermemerds)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ink Samantha
Role assigned to: Mags

Ink Samantha is the villainous wife of series villain Ink Max. Created by him during the 1920s, she tends to be bratty, almost childlike in some cases. A heavy narcissist, she constantly boasts her money and status towards others, under the idea that fame determines if someone is right or wrong. Due to not being properly created, she has hard time understanding the most basic of concepts, making her a prime manipulation victim from Ink Max. Having been forcibly molded into a traditonal housewife by him, she manages the house, cooks and cleans, and has been practically become an object Ink Max uses (do with that what you will) on the often. Despite these disgusting feats her husband has forced upon her without her piecing things together, Samantha retains a rather caring personality for her children, Phineas and Allisah, comforting them in during episodes following Ink Max's abusive moments and helping them any way she possibly can. This friendliness can be even shown off at times towards the heroes when she's forced to not engage in combat. She has a mixture of a Southern accent and an Italian accent.

  • english
Voice description:
  • transatlantic
  • female adult
  • brooklyn italian
  • animation
  • [only saying this to satisfy Ink Max] Phineas T. Hound! I want to let you know that your father and I are in the healthiest relationship there is! You should listen to your father because he’s only trying to help you out!

  • I went and got Max a Rolls Royce watch for Christmas. It's a Bovet 1822!

  • You little shit! I’ll make sure you end up in a padded cell for this!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Connor Templeton
Role assigned to: Diogo Neves

The father of series protagonist, Katelyn Templeton, Connor is the man indirectly responsible for the series of events leading to the series' storyline. A former mechanical engineer who worked directly with the CIA on developing a superhuman soldier army, he unintentionally released Ink Max from his would-be eternal prison, allowing him to create The Ink Authority and kidnap Kate among several others. By 2039, when Traitor takes place, he heavily regrets his actions. He's disgruntled and solemn, not wanting to be forgiven by his daughter for what he did as he knows she probably won't forgive him so easily.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • male adult
  • american
  • I told you you wouldn't believe me! Because it sounds batshit crazy, feels batshit crazy, and is batshit crazy. Anyone normal wouldn’t believe it and call it off as a bad dream. But I know the truth. It’s not. And it never will be..even if I want it to be. I’ve seen and done things I regret doing.

  • He went poking in things that should’ve been left untouched. He dug up things that people disregarded for decades. He used the occult to make his desires come true.

  • I'll find her..I'll bring her home!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rose Templeton
Role assigned to: Lanna Rose

Rose Templeton is the wife of Connor Templeton and the mother of Katelyn Templeton. Rose is a kind soul, normally resorting to kindness and help rather than violence like her daughter. The compassionate and warm personality Rose holds is somewhat transmitted into Kate but not by a lot. Despite this happy demeanor, Rose remains nihilistic when Connor promises he'll bring Kate home from Ink Max's grasp. Only reason she retains this type of thought is due to her not fully understanding how Ink Max or The Ink as a whole works aside from potential rebirths and so forth. Therefore, she believes Kate is gone forever and she'll never return.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • animation
  • Oh! Jake! I didn't hear you come in!

  • Connor..for the love of-..Kate's been gone for *20 years*. You constantly thinking of ways to save her isn't helping it Connor. You need to learn to get over it..

  • Kate?! KATE! YOU'RE ALIVE! [starts sobbing] Y-you're..alive..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Phineas Bateman
Role assigned to: BeablyBoy

Phineas is the disgruntled son of Ink Max. A polar opposite to that of his father, Phineas tends to constantly do things that make Ink Max label him off as a disgrace (Ink Max is already a shitty person as is so this is nothing out of the ordinary). Phineas tends to resonate better with his mother Ink Samantha and his twin sister Allisah, caring for them more than his psycopathic father. It also doesn't help that Phineas is gay, another thing Ink Max despises. Phineas has a british accent, a trait inherited from his father.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • british
  • animation
  • It’s not our fault we have a healthy relationship unlike you and mom.

  • Great. Thanks dad. Now my night’s ruined.

  • You’re losing to a black human teenage girl right now, you know. And I know for a fact every descriptive word I just gave that person does not sit right with you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Allisah Bateman
Role assigned to: Mags

Allisah is the daughter of Ink Max. Similar to her twin brother, Phineas, Allisah resents their father. Being queer like her brother, Allisah has a tendency to hide this fact better than Phineas. Unfortunately having the most traits from her father, Allisah tends to lash out angrily at times, getting in arguements with both Ink Max and Phineas. She has an american accent.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american
  • animation

  • Phineas, you've gotta at least hide the fact you're gay.

  • I'll get this faxed tomorrow.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alice Andrel
cast offsite

Alice is the twin sister of Micheal Andrel, the boyfriend of series protagonist, Katelyn Templeton. Coming from The U.K. like her brother and parents, Alice retains her British accent much like her brother. Unlike her brother, she's more collected and quiet, going more on listening to others rather than talking. Despite the straining conditions of their curent setting, both siblings deeply care for one another. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • british
  • animation
  • I missed you, Mikey!!

  • They tried turning me into a G.S.U. once! It was awful! I escaped at an inch of my life!

  • You're..bleeding..from your chin..

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mike Andrel
Role assigned to: J Ros

Mike is the boyfriend of series protagonist Katelyn Templeton. A more level-headed guy, Mike has a more aloof personality. He deeply cares for his friends and family. He goes out of his way to make sure evryone's alright and safe before anything. In the first episode, he, like Kate, is in his corrupted toon form. He later breaks away from said form in the 2nd episode. He, like his sister, has a British accent. Refer to David Tennant's 10th Doctor for reference.

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • animation
  • male young adult
  • Yeah..uhh..look: We kinda..tried looting your body before we realized you were still alive. Sorry.

  • Look at me! I'm all muscle!

  • See, there's the thing. I'm Mike, but beyond that, I - I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? Am I an old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor, a liar, a nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.


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