Traitor Misc Characters
BeablyBoy for Phineas Bateman

Phineas is the disgruntled son of Ink Max. A polar opposite to that of his father, Phineas tends to constantly do things that make Ink Max label him off as a disgrace (Ink Max is already a shitty person as is so this is nothing out of the ordinary). Phineas tends to resonate better with his mother Ink Samantha and his twin sister Allisah, caring for them more than his psycopathic father. It also doesn't help that Phineas is gay, another thing Ink Max despises. Phineas has a british accent, a trait inherited from his father.
- english
- male young adult
- british
- animation
It’s not our fault we have a healthy relationship unlike you and mom.
Great. Thanks dad. Now my night’s ruined.
You’re losing to a black human teenage girl right now, you know. And I know for a fact every descriptive word I just gave that person does not sit right with you.