Titanborn : Demo Development : Minecraft MMORPG Server
Project Overview
Titanborn is an MMORPG that has changed the game of Minecraft storytelling. Through in house made models, and custom mechanics such as mob systems, dungeons, and spell casting, Titanborn presents a never before seen experience.
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The current king of our main city in the world of Athendria, Camerune. This character should sound like an old man, this is one of our more semi-permanent positions as the king is used as an important character throughout the early game of our story.
- english
- male senior
- Titanborn
- Old Man
- leader
- any
- Minecraft
- Medieval
- Server
- video game
- Deep Voice
- King
(Surprised) I don’t believe it, not only did this foreigner destroy the Shrine of Lyath, but they also killed the most dangerous creature in the plains!
(Announcement to a crowd) And now, the moment you all have been waiting for; our latest abomination in capture and our most deadly. The Undead Knight of Camerune!
(Condescending/Sarcastic) Oh, and it looks like our little gladiator has made it out alive. Let’s ramp up the difficulty, shall we?
This is our first main antagonist that we are presenting to the player. We are looking for a voice that matches a sinister tone. For context, this character's race has been tortured and hunted by the race the player is, so we're looking for strong emotions within this character's lines. This character should sound like a sort of barbarian/viking, a strong brutish voice.
Please be advised that this character speaks two different languages, one that is entirely made up, and the other is basic English, please try your best to pronounce the made-up language while staying in character.
- english
- male young adult
- male adult
- any
- antagonist
- Minecraft
- Server
- video game
- evil
- Deep Voice
- Monster
- discord
(Questioning) Jo kannum? Kannum Titus?
(Strife, anger) You’re a…a Titan! Have you come back to eradicate us for good? Were we not shamed enough by your people? I don’t care if my life gets taken, I will do as General Freya has commanded.
(Anger, brutish) Your silence tells me all I need to know. I will avenge my fallen brethren.
Captain Froster is our knight captain that is a minor role in our story. They intercept the player after leaving the shrine with a group of knights. After racially profiling the player, accusing them of being a sort of terrorist, the player is thrown into the prison below Camerune. This character is meant to be almost conceited in a way and demanding of respect, very egotistical.
Please be aware that this character speaks two languages. One of them is basic English, and the other is a made up language that we have created. Please try your best to pronounce the lines while staying in character.
- english
- any
- discord
- female young adult
- male young adult
- Egotistical
- female adult
- male adult
- video game
- pompous
- Royal
- Minecraft
- voice actor
- Server
- Knight
(Demanding, threatening) Jo’a di, ri larus.
(Sarcastic) Yeah, and I’m Camar. Who really are you?
(Strong-willed, threatening) Your silence tells me all I need to know. You now have two choices, I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.
Kylus is a minor character, this is one of the fellow prisoners in the prison that the player meets. We're looking for a male voice actor for this character that can portray Kylus to be a scheming sort of person. Think nerdy know-it-all with a quick temper/short fuse.
- english
- Server
- male young adult
- video game
- nerdy
- male adult
- male teen
- any
- Naive
- Minecraft
- Prisoner
(Angered) Scoundrels, they don’t understand the difference between a peasant and a thief. However, looking at your complexion, you don’t seem to be from here.
(Rambling) Indeed, I too have met the infamous Captain Froster–being the reason I’m down here–but my seizure was, in legal terms…well…illegal.
(Surprised) I understand now, you’re a Titan, is that it? You describe the vision my ancestors proclaimed and prophesied, what are you doing here?
At Titanborn, we are constantly creating models using Block Bench for our game and using various programs like photoshop, illustrator, and after effects to make our game as visually appealing as possible! As we continue to grow our project we are constantly looking for new talent to recruit! If you believe that you fit into one of these categories, please apply so we can create the best game that we can!
- english
- block bench
- blender
- adobe after effects
- adobe photoshop
*Say something you think would fit*
To do the type of work that we do, we rely heavily on creating models to be ported in game and also animating them! We're constantly looking for Animators and Modellers to help us create scenes in game as well as in our teasers/trailers!
- english
- block bench
- adobe premiere pro
- blender
- adobe after effects
*Say something you think would fit*